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The Void

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Everything posted by The Void

  1. Couldn't a Jagen be like New Mystery Jeorge though? He wasn't terrible.
  2. Dark Dragon Jagen isn't a bad unit like Wendy or Lyre. Don't be afraid to keep him around past the earlygame. And if you want, you can buff him up with stat boosters.
  3. Come to think of it, Shining Force does have men who ride pegasi. Did somebody at IS mix the pegasus with the unicorn, hence the "only women can ride them" retcon (which goes against the Pegasus Knights who are men in Mystery of the Emblem)?
  4. I thought about a remake of Genealogy of the Holy War having Pair Up. And you know? That might not be too bad for that, especially with the map design. But only if enemies can also use it.
  5. I'll go with New Mystery of the Emblem. It's really not Sacred Stones. Or Dark Dragon and the Sword of Light.
  6. You think noblemen and women in our world never had veteran knights who fought on foot with bows?
  7. So what's the problem with the Jagen character being a Sniper?
  8. You know that a knight doesn't have ride a horse, right?
  9. A Sniper can't be a veteran knight?
  10. I support dismounting coming back. I also support mounts being buyable.
  11. He's also strong enough without his tome's defense.
  12. I don't support skills being able to be moved between characters.
  13. Is it worse than something like Nino being able to use a Fire tome while Canas (who is a scholar) can't?
  14. Honestly, I really am down with what Anouleth said about getting rid of Jagen characters. I'm sure a game could be made that you could get by even on the Lunatic modes (if there are any) if there wasn't any sort of Jagen character.
  15. How can you consider Jagen a bad unit in any game featuring him. In Dark Dragon he's a better unit than Draug, Hardin's band of losers, Dolph, all of the Archer/Snipers, Matthis, Midia, etc. The enemies aren't all that strong. He's mounted. Etc.
  16. I'm down with that, but can we get rid of units like Donnel as well? It's not like their growths rate are really that big of a deal with how inflated the growths have gotten through the series.
  17. I say that the Deadlords and the morphs in Blazing Sword's last chapter were both created using methods tied to dragons. Loptyr and Grima are both Earth Dragons, and Nergal did look into dragons and methods tied to them.
  18. Not every character has to be good at everything.
  19. You could also try decreasing part of a unit's stats every time they fight within a phase. Like if say, Ike were to block a way into a throne room and fought several enemies on the Enemy Phase, then Ike's dodge, etc, would decrease to a point as he kept fighting enemies.
  20. Of all the FE games, Genealogy of the Holy War is the only FE game where weapon ranks can only be raised by promoting. Now, are you against a future FE bringing back fixed weapon ranks? Especially if there were Arms Scrolls here and there?
  21. Speaking of Morgan, I don't approve of how Lucina's supports are so similar. You'd think that with how Lucina is the only 2nd Gen character who is always available, and how Chrom has only 5 options among the playable women, that all of Lucina's sibling supports could have been their own thing.
  22. Eh, I guess that could happen if we get a FE where all or at least a large chunk of the playable characters are actual enlisted or drafted members of a military. And I guess it might be easier from a design standpoint.
  23. FEs characters are dressed in a way that is stylized. They are not based around what soldiers in our world actually dress or groom like, let alone "practicality". Hence so many women not wearing pants or cutting their hair.
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