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Everything posted by Malexis

  1. Silly Freohr, lol, I've only encountered 2 or 3 men who are critical in height and will absolutely be turned off by a short girl. Being short isn't bad at all, but you should probably try to resist that desire to sleep as late as possible and go to bed earlier. And... Well don't lay off the caffeine; coffee is great; just drink less maybe?
  2. This is probably the first topic I've made in uhh...A long time, so talk to me ;-;
  3. Aww, thanks! A friend made it for me~ I love it XD.

  4. If you have to ask, you really haven't played any of the games, have you? EDIT: In other news, Enjolras's post sums it all up so it's okay.
  5. Yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.
  6. Uh, well, I've never had anything against it. I'm a woman, but I was taught that it was a sin... Dunno, didn't seem like God could actually hold it against anyone. My grandfather taught me that, too. I think some religious people are just infinitely more ignorant than other religious people.
  7. Yes! This topic is insta-win. Now everyone post and love it D: <
  8. All I got was "long and hard". I giggled through the rest.
  9. Most medium sized critters and bugs. But above all else, lemons
  10. Oh! So sorry to disrespect you! Convoluted it is. ^_^
  11. I find that once again the words have been ripped out of my innocent little throat and shoved into Death's monitor...
  12. If you guys don't find this weird... You're probably all weird. I wouldn't brag. V.V
  13. yey comments make me feel loved

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ReformBlade


      ^ Giving you a place to comment, that's what!

    3. Malexis


      Yeah! SlaveBlade's right!! :D

    4. Fayt Zelpher

      Fayt Zelpher

      @ERL: She's been awesome. That's reason enough, I think.

  14. Somebody I know used to think the Pope was the Anti-Christ. Second cousin, or somesuch.
  15. Well you have some great stories for the grandkids someday!
  16. liek, i once met dis gui naemd matt oconnell, he was really insane and stuff and did drugs and fot people for lulz and stuff
  17. I found it worth the few seconds of effort, however. The second half I couldn't really mess with as well. *expects to be warned for this*
  18. *Gasp* Thank you! Haha.

  19. No, stupid comments in this thread = stupid comments.Sarcasm = Witty humor.
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