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Everything posted by Malexis

  1. SEXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Oh wait. Kai you have no idea what to do do you?
  2. Hmm are you short and purple with a white mohawk? I'll still do you.
  3. Thanks Kai~ Are you fat and blue? If so I will totally do you. Right now.
  4. Bide your time by riding the sexcopter. With me. Alone. With the lights off. And a horsewhip that's never touched a horse.
  5. Yeah he apparently does why ask such pointlessness.
  6. No, it was shipped in through a COPTER. GOD.
  7. What part of Sexcopter don't you bitches understand
  8. NEEDS MOAR SEX EDITEDITEDIT: This post has officially been approved of by Toa Lord Sothe, the sexiest Mexican, as of 9:18 PM EST, August 22nd, 2010.
  9. Hey! Lyle is a fine gentleman and stuff. ... Or not. Yeah, not. At all. Yeah he's who I meant.
  10. Pfft, you haven't even heard of his diphalia!
  11. Sorry, but it's best you get used to it now. After all, I was going to sell you when you turned 20 anyway. To a fat guy. A really fat guy. Who's perverted, and not gay. With fat friends.
  12. Be happy you didn't have one IRL to "talk" dirty to! ^_^
  13. You're still his slave. You entered the topic after the change. Now kneel before my slave.
  14. is feeling like laughing hysterically.

  15. 42. and no, I didn't read the first post
  16. They're not too pretty. I'll have to get rid of them. Eww! that one has /dirt/ on it! Slave, obliterate it with my bazooka! Thanks in advance <3

  17. =D

    *Hands Soul a piece of watermelon*

    ...Now what the freak are all these pickup trucks doing here?

  18. Hmm. Thank you, my favorite slave. *swings the barbed wire, wrapping you up from neck to toe*

    And now... the most important part...

    *carves watermelon* Want a piece?

  19. Humph! You shall be punished.

    I just need a watermelon and some pickup trucks.... and barbed wire.

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