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Everything posted by Malexis

  1. ...That just might be the avatar. ... :P
  2. Hi Doom.


    *Five seconds later*


  3. Hrm...Fire Emblem boring you? Well, GOODBYE...but seriously, I never thought you would stop debating Fire Emblem...Heehee, I guess there's a first time for everything! Bye Tiiiiiinooooo. ^_^ (btw, no, you probably don't know me. :D)
  4. 1. No that picture is absolutely stupid. 2. This is a funny topic, mainly page 1. I love Esau so much.
  5. Oh, damn. Uh, I'll edit this post later with it, not suckified.
  6. *Giggle*I actually did type a serious response to this, but... *giggle*
  7. Boo, Thunderman, And Sirius.

  8. does not want a stupid status.

    1. Parrhesia


      Well, as long as you have a status, I can comment blandly here! Hah!

  9. Might sound like a stupid question, but why are Nestling and Hikarusa so high? Not trying to debate for now, just curious.
  10. You aren't getting what I am saying: Blacken was mainly attacked before he did anything to deserve it, regardless of whether he liked it. Are you really going to deny how some people reacted to FESS's arrival?...Also what kind of math are you using?
  11. Not newer posters. Posters who are barely known at all...and there are a few of them above Shaun, there. Especially banned users, and inactive ones. In my opinion he should at least go up above Des. Little bit of both, actually. Based on listening to the people who work on it discuss is, I assume he does, but am not related to it in anyway, and so only really know what the other SE workers tell me. Mmm...okay, so I was wrong about his pinned topics, that's right. But what about his unpinned topics? How many of them are useful and contributive? At least more so than Matthew O'Connell--a spammer--, Cymbeline--a lurker--, Toa Lord Sothe--a spammer--and so on. Hmm...well, Blacken. Sure, he ended up being banned, but before he could really do much, a lot of people were practically begging him to. Don't forget, there were a lot of things with elitism and xenophobia...Jyosua himself made quite a few topics on it.
  12. Giggle. You're funny.Okay, let's start off with, dude's got seniority, like, out the shoes. He's one of the senior members around here, and not a total idiot like most of said seniors (though any of the total idiots are gone I guess). Sure, kind of a shallow reason, but putting him below guys who are barely human beings in your eyes? Haha, no. Then there's, see, Shaun is generally an active and fun guy. He has a life, yeah, but he still contributes a lot more than some of the people up there. I think he should be near Fireman and Red Fox; he helps with SE about as much as them, right? Next of all, how many topics of his are stickied? How many of those topics are serious/important topics? Right. Go count, deary. I'll wait. In the meantime, I may as well add this: Shaun has proven time and time again to be a flexible guy. I don't mean to bring this up, as most of us either don't remember or have happily abandoned these times, but when FESS first came to Serenes Forest, he was among the few to not display utter xenophobia, and rarely even confronted some members who really bothered him. Why? He was trying to be hospitable. He's a useful member, a good member, and above all else, a good person.
  13. So, TLS and Matt at mid? I guess they should be happy. Although there was probably a time both would have been higher, they are banned spammers. :D (Not debating, just observing.) ... Wait, Raven at mid-tier? What the heck? Do I even have to go in detail why that's wrong?
  14. http://s68060.gridse...ki100x50_03.png I just used a random picture I found, because I like this pairing. Deal with it. ^_^
  15. Ahhhhhhn~! It's you! I don't know why I remember you but I dooo! And you're a Global Moderator! Heehee. *glomp*

  16. Is incorrect. But made a nice reference.
  17. Does not realize that I will one day beat up both celestial beings for fun.
  18. Does not realize that before long I will make all people (who are Canadian anyway) hate life.
  19. Is correct. My hair. It itches a lot.
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