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Everything posted by Malexis

  1. Lives in the same state as my bestest friend.
  2. Heehee! Has gotten more funny now! Heeheehee
  3. lol Little Al is so immature. It seems like he has a fetish for randomly shooting his mouth off about nothing. ^_^ Asks rhetorical questions.
  4. gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg.
  5. Sonic! :o I always liked his awesome spiky head. ^_^
  6. Sure there is. Hating anything is relatively cruel, especially when it is unfounded.I'm a bisexual, and I am highly offended by your ignorant posts. Obviously you don't care if it offends someone, so I will ignore that I am personally insulted, and instead focus on that you are insulting an entire group of people /and/ comparing such a simple (legal, for the most part,) type of relationship to pedophilia. But, I'm unable to think of a reply to such ill-informed and opinionated posts.
  7. We may not have, because I was partially active on-and-off for a while. Then, I was gone for quite a while, and just today decided to come back. If we haven't, well, it's nice to meet you! You can call me Alexis, Lexie, or Your Holy, Mighty Empress! ^_^
  8. Phoenix, deary, don't you ever think about how you might really offend people? I know you have a right to your opinion, but it's quite hurtful, and quite clumsy/stupid/etc, to just say something so blunt and cruel.
  9. Even though I have no idea who exactly you insulted, I am inclined to say "This."
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