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Everything posted by Malexis

  1. No offense, mr. Mod, but I think we all understand that things were made worse by Revan's topic. Even though some of Hika's posts were actually rather logical. So, do you really need to restate it (beating a dead horse), in a topic apparently dedicated to him??? Also, cupcakes.
  2. It's a pretty girly movie~ x3. I love it! ^_^
  3. I could handle 192,344,578,122,364,589,890,753.
  4. Bye, random person who I have never heard of.
  5. *eats the waffles off the ground*

  6. As this topic goes on and on, it is beginning to sound... a lot... like a personal agenda. Given the examples the (very numerous) people who have been defending him have provided, it seems that the staff is either very biased or very flawed. I especially like mikethfc's example, because, I read that thread... and he's so right... . Don't get me wrong, though. I'm not by any means saying that the decision to ban Hikarusa was actually wrong... just that, if it was right, it seems he is one of the only things they've done right. EDIT: but if it's true that he only received 2 warns in the last 6 months (is it??), then a sudden perma-ban is pretty random...
  7. Oh. Lol! I forgot what I had my own location status set to! Heehee!

    *kills you suddenly*


  9. Pennsylvania.

  10. Ironically, after reading this entire topic, everything mentioned so far makes up my list.
  11. You can see your post-count because upgrading removed whatever Josh did to remove post-counts? Also @ Hika: Okay, sorry. You're right--you never said that. I was mistaken.
  12. I'm sorry, Phoenix, did I give you the impression I was targeting you specifically? I wasn't, deary. The truth is I was merely making a passing comment, at how not everyone has any idea who he even is, yet seem to form a biased opinion with little to no information. True though I was partially referring to you, thanks for clearing that up. EDIT: I may as well point this out as well, ladies and gentlemen. It's true, Hika was apparently intentionally attempting to offend. I mean, he claims to have not been intending offense, and it comes down to whether he is credible at all or not, which I do not know. Although, I should note this: If he wasn't trying to be offensive, but ended up insulting someone, it's not fair to warn or suspend him for that. Maybe a verbal warn and request/demand that he change the name and/or post causing problems. But I'll bet anything that, while someone reads over this topic, any number of things that Revan, Esau of Isaac, Jyosua, Phoenix, or any other member who posted in this topic, will probably offend them. What offends any one human is entirely subjective and will certainly be different from every single other individual. With some billion people in the world, it's easy to offend even groups of people by making what you think is a passing comment. --- I'm not at all asking you to undo the ban, only to slightly modify your argument for it. (though you don't have to argue at all if you don't want to)
  13. Hmm...I dunno. I'd be inclined to say both but the avatar makes me lean towards teddy bear. ^_^
  14. Heh you're cute! ^_^No, not really. I don't know Hikarusa in the least, so I can't defend him, nor do I know enough to hate him (unlike some of the morons here taking a side against him without knowing him! :P) On the other hand, I don't know any of the current staff in the least, so I can't just take their side and trust their judgment because for all I know they could be pretentious dirtbags, or saints. :o
  15. You missed the 'of' and Red Fox is cool.

    But it's a cute account... probably inspiring exactly what you wanted (whoever you are)

  16. Not quite. At least, his defenders are claiming differently. Hika wasn't exactly "Fishing for a response" so much as "walking the line." According to them and him, he was only testing his limits. Not anywhere near the same thing and if they are truthful, he probably should be brought back. EDIT: I don't mean to imply that walking the line is mature or a good thing to do, but maybe not worthy of a perma-ban.
  17. Actually, they look really great. The rules has been (as far as I can tell) revised quite a few times, but this is by far the most solid and thorough one yet. Good job, Josh and Vincent! (And whoever else contributed.) ^_^
  18. I dunno, but I'm the exact same way! ... It must be the peas' fault. :)
  19. Maybe so but even if they totally overlook his say (which I wouldn't blame them at all if they did) this post is even more useless than that one... EDIT: I'm trying to maintain neutrality here but I have a simple point to make: If your staff isn't impartial, you shouldn't say they are. An impartial staff is ideal, but if you lie about it when it already isn't, that makes it worse. though, I'm not trying to claim you aren't what you say, just sayin', if you happen to be lyin', you shouldn't... ...Uh, sorry if I'm out of line...
  20. Yeah, that's about it. He also had numerous warns in the past, as well as a few suspensions, which definitely earned him a long suspension, though maybe not this. That's the current argument. (I still have no opinion)
  21. ...I have no opinion on this silly thread. However, Matt (remember him?) did ask me to post this message. ...Please read it, Josh. Here goes... EDIT: Teehee, I can't believe I typoed silly as sully...
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