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Everything posted by Pitbuller26

  1. Seeing as how people still don't know. Wildheart doesn't lower experience gain, it uses the exact same formula as a normal shifted laguz. So there's no particular reason to take Wildheart off of Volug unless you're trying to free up some capacity.
  2. I'm also a tourney goer, been at it since November of 08. Pitbull the Socal Lucario main I am. Also speaking of SK92, he beat Larry at 2GG last Saturday 2-0 but didn't place top 5 however.
  3. Don't worry too much about the Knight Ring. In my opinion, the Knight Ring isn't worth the effort if you're trying to train Lachesis at the start, however it is easy to get if you plant Lachesis in a corner somewhere but that'd be a waste of Charisma.
  4. And I refuse to talk about Mist and Rolf because I don't like the opening post.
  5. Nobody does it because AideenxMidir is simply better for the fact Pursuit is given to Lester for free meaning you can give the ring to someone else who can use it better, and Lester actually has a skill growth.
  6. Joshua then Nephenee. Ctrl+f Joshua not found on the first page. What is this nonsense?
  7. All that means nothing when Lester ain't doubling consistently. After experimenting so many times, AideenxMidir is the only pairing I do for her.
  8. Best: Levin x Fury Worst: Micaiah x Sothe. This one is just gross and I have a high tolerance level.
  9. Well you know Levin isn't really Levin in the 2nd Gen...
  10. Hates: Abel- Why the hell would you pick Est of all women? Palla had her eyes and you dumbass. Est- Thanks for the sword now go get some Gatorade for everyone on the frontlines. Elice- At first I liked her but New Mystery turned her into a secret bitch. In short she'll be nice to you face and talk all sorts of crap behind your back in this case, it's Marth. Cuan and Ethlin: I hate their decision rather than them. What part of their minds did they think it was all right to take their 3 year old daughter with them through a desert? Lachesis- She misplaced her nephew, Aless. Kicker: She shows no remorse about it at all. Eltoshan- Jamka was able to see through lies and was able to think for himself. You did the opposite of what he did and died horribly for it. Diadora- You don't have good genes except having major Narga. Thanks for making Julia a magic beast and Celice having a resistance growth. Daisy- The worst character in FE history and not likable either. Marty- Sheep. That is all. Eda- Why are you here again? Xavier- Too many reasons to list. Wolt- I hate his stats. If they remake FE6 please fix his base stats. Clarine- Girl, get over yourself. Cath- Bitch, stop stealing my treasure. I don't care about your sob story when you're stealing my treasure. Sophia- Interesting character with interesting stats. Did I say interesting stats? I meant why the hell are you so weak if you're half-Mamkute? Lyn- Nothing to like about you, thank God history forgets you exist. Florina- Everything about her pisses me off. Erk- Pull the stick out of your ass. Rath- Who are you and why should I like you? Raven- Something about him pisses me off to no end. Jaffar- You killed Leila and broke the nice guy, Matthew. Innes- You suck and you can't back up your cockiness. Marisa- Dull like those dull blades you used to sleep with. Saleh- Something about you I just don't like. Ike- I hate his RD self. Boring and spotlight stealer. Just fight and don't talk. Lethe- She was a bitch that could fight in PoR and nice but can't fight in RD. I can't like her. Zihark- Why are you so boring? Lyre- Why are you fighting? Just stay at the camp and service the guys. Kyza- Why are you fighting? Just stay at the camp and service the guys. Likes: Frey- Badass with a nice goatee and continues to remain one. Merric- The original wind mage with the staple overpowered wind tome. Ogma- How can you not like him? Catria and Palla- I don't need words to describe why I like these two. (PallaxFrey, CatriaxCain forever!!!) Nagi- The new mysterious character that's not boring and strong. Sigurd-no need for words. Ayra- Excellent character, warrior, and mother with good genes. She knows how to wield a sword with deadly effect. Levin- Holsety in more way than one. Sylvia- I just have a soft spot in my heart for her. Tiltyu- She was the most cheery character in the first gen only to find out her fate was a killer. Brigid- This girl does not quit. She takes on an army of pirates single handed with nothing but a steel bow and manages take most of them out. Not to mention Her transformation... Lakche/Skasaha- They inherited their mother's everything meaning their good by osmosis. Sety- Named after Sety and is able to use Holsety. Likable character too. Almost perfect. Evayle- Learning who she really is increased my respect for her by so much. Fin- This guy goes the extra mile. Taking care of 2 kids while constantly on the move. Most guys would not have been able to do that. Fergus- Likable sarcastic guy that's impossible to hate. Dean- No words. Fir- I just like her. Gonzales- Sure he's ugly but he's probably the nicest person in FE6 and can handle himself in a fight and he gets props for being a brigand. Miledy- This dragon lady is good and sensible when it comes to her actions. She takes her duty seriously and I have a lot of respect for her. Bartre- The only guy I like in FE7. Joshua- The hat, the stats, the status, the everything. Nephenee- Soldieress that doesn't disappoint. A personality that's interesting. Brom- Country folk are the most fun and interesting characters. Mordecai- Gentle giant. Haar- Nonchalant about most things. Seems like time flows at it's own pace when he's around. Micaiah- A lord that doesn't follow the tradition formula, I like her much more than Ike. Edward- He's the new Swordmaster kid that's cheery.
  11. Skill name should be Nuclear Fusion or Nebula or Zenith? I like Zenith as the name.
  12. SigurdxDiadora. Celice blame your mom for your lackluster speed. CuanxEthlin. MidirxAideen, not only the most useful but it's either Midir or Jamka, sorry Azel. LexAira. It's either Lex or Holyn. BeowulfxLachesisxFin add in Eltoshan in there somewhere. LevinxFury. More canon than CuanxEthlin ClaudexSylvia. Corple looks too much like Claude for it to be a coincidence. AzelxTiltyu. I can only see Tiltyu and Azel with each other maybe because they're mages and their kids are too. HolynxBrigid. Faval looks more like Holyn than Dew in my eyes even though Patty is a thief. Also Holyn's base love points with Brigid is 150 which is tied with Alec, Azel, and almost Midir. 3 of her lovers that have conversations in chapter 5. Not to mention how good the pairing is for the kids but everyone knows that.
  13. After reading this thread, I'm going "The Harolds".
  14. Then what the hell are you asking for? Do you want compromising pictures of Micaiah to prove she isn't all saintly? I'm surprised you can like Ike as he's nothing but cardboard with a sour expression 24/7.
  15. Ctrl+F Blood Pact not found. What is a king and commander to do if their citizens' lives are at stake? If they don't fight Daein people will die cumulatively, if they do fight their soldiers' lives will be lost. For the reasoning you provided above, you should hate Naesala too. About Micaiah's views on Laguz, she views them the same as Beorc. Her being a Daein citizen and always saying Laguz and not sub-human should've been a clear sign of her stance.
  16. Well not at all here. But other FE boards, I see people are still tight assed about opinions. That and baiting others into arguing over that opinion. Which is why I begin to attempt to troll them. [spoiler=The sad thing about this is that...]This is aimed at the FE10 GameFAQS boards. Not the wisest of choices I know.
  17. Wait, people don't usually give Celice the Elite Ring? News to me, what's next Leen/Laylea with no Leg ring?
  18. Hmm well that is true, Paola soloing Dracoknights when she joins is something I'll miss if they do nerf her a bit.
  19. What's wrong with Sirius being the best? I see nothing wrong...
  20. I guess its time for me to return, the FE info drought made me put other games first in terms of priority. I really hope they do away with the gaiden characters' requirements of sacrificing units though there still should be one character that requires a sacrifice to obtain, Nagi is my choice. I wonder if the priestesses will be weak as hell as they were in the original FE3.
  21. I got the final chapter and just quit it due to all the bs in that one part. Basically where Freege and you have to conquer it. Now it wouldn't be an issue if your units didn't suck(children of paired parents still aren't that good). Here's the part that made me quit. The army is full of Tron wielding charisma barons. Every single one of the generic enemies have charisma, meaning no amount of speed boost and charisma and leadership boost on your side will be enough the dodge.
  22. Pitbuller26


    You mean Hiyori? Well if she has Rangiku's(nearly half of her right side was slashed from her) plot armor then she'll survive.
  23. I really find it hard to believe that's all that scary. Yes, I rebelled. What you gonna do? Summon Doomtrain?
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