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Green Poet

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Everything posted by Green Poet

  1. also as a general note - please try to keep the post count lower. I think a lot of the arguments and cases that were made today were partially due to misunderstandings created by the inability of every player to read every post. we're on page 35 right now, which is pretty ridiculous - there are tons of quality SF games that lasted several day phases, and don't even reach 35 pages. a lot of the playerlist is busy for more of the day than they are not, and have expressed that they simply will not be able to hunt scum effectively with as much fluff as we've seen, given the fewer hours they can dedicate to the game. arguments can be productive, conditionally. spam... not so much.
  2. :shrug: okay, so I'm soon to be dead. phase isn't over yet so right now the best thing I can do is talk about d2. -everyone, don't forget to check blitz's claim.he probably did not lie, but it's worth keeping an eye out for regardless. -of all the people on my wagon, imo HM was the scummiest. could be i'm biased but it felt like my posts were constantly ignored/misrepped in order to pursue my lynch. if I were vig and not dead I'd be shooting him tonight. -compared to HM, ryker at least explained that he didn't feel as though my role was necessarily a town role, and even though I disagree on that, I do agree with kirsche that his #634 makes sense from his pov. -I don't think people should be fully clearing refa just off of my townflip alone. obviously I trust you all to look at flip interactions, but the amount of people going "yeah, I like this gp lynch because it'll make me sure what I think of refa" right now is worrying, it should not make anyone completely sure. -yoloswag should actually post stuff when he can. so far he's just dropped into the thread intermittently and tried to motion to people to wagon rainbow, which isn't terribly contributory -same goes for irony. irony, you should give your opinion on what happened this phase, what you learned from my lynch, what you think about those who were on my wagon, and when they got on it. so far you've passed under the radar and a lot of people are glossing over your play largely by virtue of you being new, which should discontinue. ok, that's all that comes to mind. good luck town, and my apologies to those who feel like they deserve one.
  3. votals (not guaranteed to be accurate) Green Poet (5): SB, Hober Mallow, Kirsche, Elemina, Ryker Rainbow (2): yedi, YOLOSWAG Ryker (1): Spinal ​Elemina (4): Rainbow, Refa, GP, Blitz No Lynch (1): Irony Not voting: None
  4. trying to lynch me today is an antitown play. I shouldn't even have to explain this. if you think I'm scum, acquire the proof by testing my role.
  5. giving up a possible townie to verify whether or not my claim is fake is more than worth it to anyone who actually thinks I'm scum. if I'm lying, you get a scum lynch d2 at the expense of one ML. the risk/reward here is superior to any other solution. the only people who should want to stop my role from being tested are scum, and the person who would be lynched by my role, if they're town.
  6. gotcha. I have been playing poorly, yeah, particularly in reading inattentively and missing things like blitz's page one claim. this game hasn't been one of my better performances. but in terms of using this governor-ish role, my choice was fine. you can't introduce the role before it's necessary to claim, or you'll have no use for it due to the lynch not being set on an NL course, and you'll just get nightkilled. these conditions today (I could be lynched, and there are still multiple hours left in the phase) are the best setup for claiming it and asking the thread to roll with it.
  7. nope. do you actually want an answer to this or are you just upset with me? I fail to see how an honest answer to this is relevant to your scumhunting efforts
  8. as stated by the rules, we can NL indefinitely without penalty. (note that in many SF games, NL past d1 results in universal loss.) so, we are expressly told that town is not punished for NLing in this game. why would the rules state this, and then give mafia a role that actively punishes NLs? that would be bastard, and this game is not bastard.
  9. only like 3.5 hours left in phase so I'll just do the stuff now I'm something like a governor (official role name is muckraker). if the lynch threshold is not met, I can direct the lynch. obviously this is not a scum role. so, I think it is valuable for me to use this role to lynch the slot who has the next highest number of votes (or some other method). obviously, if said person does not die, lynch me tomorrow etc. etc. inb4foiled by lynchproof according to this game's rules, we need 7 to lynch at deadline. I'm claiming now because I'm not confident we could arrive at this sum even if we played organically, plus I think I have enough people voting me that it's just more productive to state this instead of trying to repeat "I'm not scum." also, the chances that I'd even have a chance to use this role on d2+ are slim, due to generally having more content to work with from then on, so I think it's fine if I do this and am subsequently NK'd n1. so, votes?
  10. truly incredible timing who's still here
  11. ugh, this is going nowhere. ok, rkyer, read my latest post real quick. we seem to have posted at more or less the same time and you may not have seen it before voting me. let me know if it doesn't change your mind (I don't really expect it to but :shrug: we'll see) and I'll propose a new solution. need to get this out of the way before EST people start heading to bed.
  12. sure. a priority on self-preservation is a scumtell much more so than a towntell. scum getting lynched is pretty much always detrimental to their wincon, town getting mislynched is not as bad for town, and much more often has some meaningful silver linings, etc. I would only ever consider reflexive casing and self-preservation to be a towntell in the case of newb!town no lol, come on, that'd be cheating. I asked prims if he could link me the forum frequented by the people in this game who came from other sites, and I still haven't gotten a reply. that question doesn't have to do with the specifics of to do with this game, and it doesn't break any of the rules afaik. I'm sure boron would/will have words with me if this is not the case. I'm in the process of reading hellville mafia atm. would I be willing to thoroughly read several more games... tbh... that's actually a lot of work, so probably not... sorry. I can't argue re: ele being the next likeliest wagon and scum!me jumping on it, because it's actually true that he was. I looked back and checked and apparently on page 23 ele did have the second most votes, at 2. so... yeah, that's just a fact I don't have anything to say against. I think it's obvious that scum!me would have had a significantly easier time trying to move the HM or even the spinal wagon over flip flopping on ele, because I'd already had cases on them. but I understand that saying something like that means little because it didn't happen and can't be proven. saying "scum wouldn't do this" doesn't automatically invoke or become nulled by wifom. if you look at it in terms of objective gains and losses for the scumteam, town!ele is simply their worst mislynch. it is actively worse play towards their wincon to lynch town!ele over anyone else. like, if it's mylo and town mislynches, town knows they've lost. none of them are going to say "it's invalid because of wifom to believe that scum will make the game-winning nightkill. you can't presume to guess what they're doing," because it's just objectively good for them to do it and everyone realizes that. while mislynching ele will not lose scum this game right now nor will lynching not-ele cause them to win, what I'm trying to say is that I think you should reconsider what I'm saying about scum's motivation/lack thereof to mislynch him, rather than just dismissing it all as wifom because it ventures into the realm of daring to consider things from scum pov.
  13. Ryker, I think should get fully caught up rather than asking me about every post you find questionable as you read them. A lot of what I'm seeing you stop and ask about is answered by the course of the thread in later pages.
  14. That's just so much unnecessary effort on the part of scum!me to try and reverse everyone's thinking that I myself constructed of how Ele must be town based on role, for the reward of mislynching an effective VT. Why would scum do this?
  15. Seriously, think about it like this. Scum!GP baits Ele into claiming (truthfully) numbers informed. So this hypothetical scumteam now knows that Ele is now nothing but a VT. Why would scum!GP refocus and turn around what was effectively a null read on Ele and do anything to try to get him lynched? He is automatically now the worst mislynch for scum because scum!GP know he's VT. Literally anyone else is a better mislynch for scum!me to orchestrate. Why go for this lowest-value mislynch, on the person whose towniness I just corroborated by talking about how I was cleared as town in another game with his role?
  16. whoops, meant to say it like this.
  17. This is why it's beneficial. With three hostile, we can rule out a two-man scumteam + SK because of the ridiculous odds stacked against mafia. It really feels like you're just continually trying to find reasons as to how I could be scum each time I post something, Mallow :|
  18. When I finish reading Hellville and/or another game I'll have a better idea on Ele's alignment. Not sure why Mallow thinks I want to lynch him "because I think he's scum," I'm saying he's objectively the best lynch in terms of what role we stand to lose in the case of mislynch + the information we can confirm. I also said that the last few pages of talking with Ele haven't given me any insight towards his alignment because I can see someone pushing as frequently and as reactively as either alignment. "My read on Ele" isn't necessarily a scumread, but I know that I am not scum, I know that we seem to be two of the more popular lynches atm, and I think my slot is more valuable than claimed informed. @Boron, how do you feel about us using offsite meta? I think we should defer to your ruling since Spinal's opposed to the idea.
  19. Not sure who Ashemu is. Assuming that's another of Prims' aliases or something?
  20. Specifically I asked "could you link me some of the games that the players new to SF have played on other forums?" This was less than an hour ago, after the thought struck me that it'd be good to reference Elemina's current play with some of his previous games'. And no, I haven't received any such links yet.
  21. mm, it's not close to deadline yet but the conditions are good enough that I'll push for it. ##Vote: Elemina
  22. Er I misread this. I'm not talking about ongoing games, just ones that have already finished. Pretty sure discussing an ongoing game would be in violation of the rules.
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