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Green Poet

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Everything posted by Green Poet

  1. That was pretty early on in d1 before people really started getting on Miche's case for being inactive, so I wouldn't say that
  2. hmm I'd assumed that it would make no sense for both a scum lawyer and an insane cop to exist in the same setup but... maybe they do? can anyone with EM experience testify to the chances of this?
  3. ignore this actually, bad assumption to make
  4. There aren't any direct cop cc's so I'm more inclined to believe that if ARP is telling the truth that he's sane, still no guarantees though. yolo being lawyered by a buddy is a more complicated issue to think about. If Gaius is telling the truth, it could mean yolo was lawyer'd by scumbuddy!lawyer because there were no other targets for him (by virtue of only 2 mafia left). But there's arguably a higher payoff to lawyer a townie, so as to avoid the unfortunate possibility of a scum lawyer target getting voyeur'd, and to potentially score two mislynches on a town lawyer target as well as the townie that investigated them, the next day. If Gaius is lying, he's probably just a lyncher with yolo as his target. I do want to go through with this though, since if we lynch yolo and he does flip scum, it means > lawyer!scumbuddy exists > ARP must be sane > Trump is the last mafia.
  5. ##Vote: Trump Even without sanity guarantee I think Trump is likely to be scum based on what my post yesterday so I'm ok with this
  6. so one of my townreads flipped scum and one of my scumreads flipped town wow i'm playing badly this game Going through Michelaar's wagon: Town should not propose to negotiate with cult either. You stated at the beginning of the game that all itp should be lynched on declaration; why are you okay with AF directly opposing this policy? Given the policy you've set, shouldn't you have voted AF over Michelaar upon seeing her proposal? ARP's reasons for voting Michelaar seem ok and were explained over the course of multiple posts so no issues there I guess? Also it seems Michelaar is a guy and his last post was pointing out ARP mistakenly calling him "she" (at first I'd instead read this as a correction). I feel like ARP would be less likely to make this mistake, and Michelaar would be less likely to point it out, if they were scumbuddies? Gaius still didn't end up taking a firm stance on anything by d1 end. Also Prims/Yolo/Gaius' Michelaar votes were placed early on and just stayed on him till lynch so... not as sure what to make of those.
  7. I assume you think Trump would be scum because of how sure he was of scum!AF? But why does town!AF lead to scum!random player?
  8. I mean... if you don't want to humor me that's fine, either way I'm not going to dedicate time explaining why I'm not scum to you. Michelaar needs to explain this post, why she thinks she's "dead" and why she edited it. I think A Random Player's posts are ok, and clarifying the rules has been helpful. Gaius isn't taking any firm stances on things, which isn't inherently scummy but something I'd like to see change. Ken reads very similarly to how he did as town last game. Also after a reread it seems I got Trump and yolo confused in an earlier post, I think I said something about Trump encouraging activity because of the setup numbers but that was actually said by yolo
  9. hmm well I hadn't played for like several months before ace attorney so it's likely I missed some such games. Could you name some of these aggressive town games you played?
  10. Do we universally lose if we don't lynch or does it just NL? If it's the former and you're willing to vote Michelaar then you and I can hammer now. I would rather not though for reasons stated somewhere above
  11. Sorry for spamposts and sorry if I've come off as rude, slightly tilted by the way this game has gone so far esp. since I probably can't be on for phase end .-.
  12. I'm starting to believe neither AF or Michelaar are scum... AF's replies have been good (will go into depth if people care) and Michelaar is actually not scumhunting at all to the point that if she had scumbuddies they'd be feeding her lines right now. Would be willing to lynch Via or Trump but neither has a wagon atm so rip
  13. Why? How so? I don't have a problem with your case on me as they're valid criticisms and I understand it, but tell me why you think what you do about everyone else.
  14. Trump's response to Arctic is pretty loaded imo. He could also stand to be a bit kinder but that's not really relevant to the game... Basically you're saying "yeah, I don't have a problem with these three refutations you made, but they don't actually make you not-scum." But it's worded in such way as if to discourage AF from replying, which is bad given how you were just encouraging more people to post given how inactives will screw us with this setup's numbers. What? AF isn't even voting you. This is just trying to intimidate AF from casing you, probably from refuting what you're saying as well. What you're actually saying is "You should be voting me instead of Gaius, except if you actually vote me then the joke's on you because I just predicted you'd OMGUS." Your deconstruction of AF isn't bad but it's set up in such an oppressive way that if she's actually town, you're doing nothing but digging your own grave and not letting her help you out of it.
  15. It takes 6 to hammer and Michelaar only has four votes. Not sure why Michelaar thinks she's "dead. That edit is also pretty suspicious though - why is no one at all talking about it?? Also, Michelaar isn't scumhunting despite my trying a couple times to ask her thoughts on any of the game's events so far, so :| Reading over the thread again I think Via could be scum. He's been more certain of his reads and in his general posting much more than I remember in any town!Via game, where he'd insist that his D1 reads weak or gutreads because "it's D1 and that's how he always plays," etc. Not referencing self-meta at all, and taking active steps to, say, call out yolo multiple times for lurking, is unlike what I expect from town!Via on D1. This wording is odd... calling the lynch our "collective weapon" makes it seem like it's a carry-over from a different, more technical discussion. Referring to it as "their lynch" instead of "our lynch" is a bit funny as well but not a real scumtell... idk. Overall the construction of this response is scummy and doesn't refute what Mars is saying anyway - the fact that the town's primary method of winning is through lynching scum doesn't negate the fact that lining up poor lynches is still bad for town.
  16. Well, thoughts on 20XX's proposals / policy lynching itps / Arctic's vote and unvote / people's reactions to each of the above? You aren't saying very much so it's no surprise people are pressuring you :|
  17. So now that there are leads, who do you think is scum?
  18. I truthfully don't, so could you elaborate? You don't have to reference the previous game(s) that brought about this policy if it would be upsetting.
  19. Arctic posted after Ken's three proposals, to the second of which many of us expressed our agreeing and disagreeing opinions. There was material to judge and case people on. Placing a random vote despite this availability was Arctic's own call.
  20. oh rip LG did have an rvs vote actually ^^; Hmm, I still don't find that his doing nothing else in rvs is scummy/incriminating though
  21. With Ken/20XX's three proposals out in the open to discuss and judge people's reactions to, a random vote isn't really warranted anymore. At the time of your writing, LG had no posts at all. It's a stretch to consider that as active lurking when it's the beginning of the game. ##Unvote ##Vote: Arctic Fox
  22. What about the playerlist gives you the feeling that LG is scum?
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