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Green Poet

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Everything posted by Green Poet

  1. Mm, I see. Yeah, I remember you were pretty single-minded in setting precedents for behavior in AAM. I don't have a complaint re: you establishing your thought process for later reference, it's more the possibility of people taking advantage of your defaulting to lynching all itp claims that concerns me
  2. Not sure I understand the reasoning behind this suggestion. The only inherently antitown itp roles I see on the list are cult leader, werewolf, anarchist, and SK. So only a fourth of the possible itps...? It seems a few of these itp role pms also list win conditions that involve directing the lynch on particular players, so announcing right now that you'll do X in response to a certain claim just opens up the possibility of an itp gaming your policy lynch. As a disclaimer I'm familiar with like almost none of these roles, so... this is just what came to mind upon reading your proposals
  3. today's episode thoughhh asdlnsaf;asefsna ;-;
  4. I still seem to have a tendency of auto-clearing anyone I'm neighbored with... this is like the third NOC game I've been given OC with scum and wasn't able to realize it on my own? sigh JB played pretty well towards the end, the PoE post that assumed acceptance of BPV!JB was pretty townie-looking. If all the role clears hadn't narrowed it down to between JB or Refa at the last two days, you probably would've won. Toren had an exceptionally fortunate N1 vig (that Komaeda avatar lol). I do wish he'd posted more afterwards though, since the comments he did make were good.
  5. I think we should proceed with this lynch. I'm very sorry if you are actually town, but you've had many chances to confide in me that you didn't take, all the way up to when you submitted your N2 action.
  6. I don't buy it, personally. For town!Dragon to be true... You'd have had to, on your own, decide to tell me you had no night actions (as opposed to a much safer/protown response of "I'd rather not tell you now" or "I do have a night action but I don't want to fullclaim to you") and still not reveal your action to me after you had cleared me as town. You say that a discussion on SK!Toren prompted you to make that action, but all I had said on the topic was "What do you think about the possibility of SK!Toren"? But hooking Toren confirms nothing about the possibility of an SK. Toren claimed an uncontested shot on flipped scum, which means that we know for certain that he at least can shoot. But regardless of if Toren is a 1-shot vig, unlimited shot vig, or unlimited shot SK, hooking him on N2 will stop him from taking any shots, and we will still see one flip from the N2 mafia factional kill. It gives town no information. tl;dr I don't expect this much reckless gambiting from a player's first NOC game/second game overall, and the justifications don't check out.
  7. But you told me that you had no night actions...?
  8. Actually nvm just iso'd Riptor and his most recent post says he'll be away from the game for about another day.
  9. It's not a confirmed town role, though I feel that Riptor would not willingly allow Proto to continue "posting" during D2 if he were scum. That said, Riptor has done nothing this phase so far so idk. Maybe Proto does have something to say but it accurately incriminates scum so we haven't heard it yet. Well, your role is not exclusively town-aligned either. Distributing OC messages to town doesn't necessitate that you are town, as we can see by the precedent of Dragon being neighbored with me.
  10. If we assume now that Dragon is scum... imo Riptor, Gaius, and Toren are clear off of roles. Other than myself, that leaves Via, Kirsche, Refa, and JB. Of these four, I think Refa is the most likely to be town.
  11. It could only be worse for us to give someone who's potentially scum more time/flips/info to work with for their claim. There's nothing to gain in skipping JB's claim today.
  12. I'd entertain the thought of scum!Gaius more if it were *ylo but right now it makes zero sense for him to trade himself for Dragon.
  13. jk It just bothers me how Gaius said that Dragon hooked Toren, yet Toren claimed 1x vig after shooting SB? Like why would scum hook someone who just claimed to be out of shots...?
  14. Wait, never mind. I forgot Eury flipped town... Probably not thinking all too clearly. Just going to stop posting for a bit and go back to reading more.
  15. Umm, I think something's not quite right with the claims we've heard so far. Refa, do you think Elie said anything D2 to make him a good NK target?
  16. I imagined that, even with this being just her second (?) game, she would exercise at least enough discretion to not unnecessarily reveal that she had OC with me. So it didn't strike me as anything out of the ordinary.
  17. I feel like that was important to relay since it was the main independent read that Dragon's expressed to me. She later expressed being okay with voting Eury but that was like when her wagon had already reached L-2 or s/t.
  18. During N1 Dragon posted "I really want to watch Riptor during D2... do you think he will continue to vote Kirsche?" in neighbor chat. I feel like Kirsche the is likelier buddy, considering this?
  19. mfw thread visitor list goes from like seven people to just Via and me once Refa calls for massclaim
  20. for clarity - if we mislynch Dragon today, Gaius is guaranteed scum for tomorrow's lynch because town!Gaius' investigations would be guaranteed accurate
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