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Everything posted by IceBrand

  1. It's sad when Berserk comes out faster than HunterX Hunter.
  2. I bought the trilogy on Eshop today. This will be my first dividing into the series. Any advice to a newbie?
  3. I wish the series was the done seasonal instead of weekly but eh. Goku yet again leaves his kid to train. Father of the year.
  4. Here's some clips of the dub of part 1 and 2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lghg0-H1-CM
  5. When you create a character, do you normally match their personality with their design?
  6. Well at least you know there as perfect as you want them. I usually feel bad when I finish a design and start all over again.
  7. 20-30!!?? Wow. I usually do around 10 before I stop( then again my designs are pretty bland). I usually get my inspiration from music. Listen to certain songs gives me a design for characters.( listening to techno gives me a sc fi design. Country a more western look for settings and characters.
  8. How do you normally keep tab of a character and make sure everything is in order? For me I always keep this simple list when making a character: Name Age Sex Quick Bio Likes Dislikes How relevant will this character be? Importance to plot Importance to arc(s) How well is this?
  9. Well if it isn't battousai the manslayer! Seeing your avatar brings back good memories of that series.

    1. Jedi


      Haha, its one of my favorite manga.

    2. IceBrand


      I wish whatever studio that did the anime remakes it into HD and cut out all the filler(similar to DBZ Kai). Also, Shishio was like the best character in the series imo.

  10. I was curious and looked at one spoiler.....now I know who dies in the story. This is worst than Game Of thrones spoilers.
  11. Remember how he said doing Chrom's marriage line was awkward? Imagine how he will feel if he has to voice any of the characters in Fates?! Especially the face rubbing lines.
  12. Not at all. With how popular this series has been lately, I'm afraid the games might sell out to early.
  13. Just imagine how broken these teams will be! Also how will they match players? What if one teams has max stats units while the other might be half way in the game?
  14. So much information in one thread, where do I even begin to read?!?
  15. Does Wank Hill do this on purpose or does he legit think this way of Lucina?
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