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Everything posted by Elli

  1. Hello Hero, Thanks , I hope you have a good first day in your 2nd year at college
  2. Unfortunately I am still sick (feeling worse than yesterday) I need to get better in 2 days lol cause my family want to go out on the weekend XD
  3. FeMU 12 Lissa 6 Maribelle 10 Cherche 16 Sully 9 Panne 6 Nowi 12 Anna 10 Cynthia 15 Noire 9 Kjelle 10 FeMorgan 10 Nah 7 Say'ri 10 Flavia 8 Emmeryn 12
  4. Wow things sure changed since I was gone so many deaths...
  5. Well I guess I should go to sleep now..(Its 1:30 am) you are all just waking up & now I'm going to sleep XD Have a good day everyone!
  6. Aww thanks... *Hugs* back and good morning Hero :)
  7. Impressive.. me?? Thats a first XD And yes I LOVE hugs!!!
  8. Also forgot to say Good Morning Crizix! :)
  9. Aww, its okay Crizix its the thought that counts! And I am literaly the only person who posts on this board whos time is different to everyone else XD gotta love being the odd one.
  10. Well I was home schooled, I left after I finished yr 10
  11. Eww school, I'm glad those days are over for me... Well have fun at school!
  12. Nope but they would have a major lead in hp this game ends with the last person alive making them the victor
  13. I'm assuming its day time for all you guys now since its night here... So how is everyone today?
  14. Well that ends Chrom and Lucina now
  15. Femu 12 Lissa 7 Maribelle 10 Sumia 8 Cordelia 4 Cherche 16 Sully 10 Panne 8 Nowi 12 Anna 10 Lucina 1 Cynthia 14 Noire 10 Severa 15 Kjelle 11 FeMorgan 11 Nah 7 Say'ri 10 Flavia 10 Emmeryn 10 Phila 3 Cherche+1 Kjelle-1
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