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Everything posted by Elli

  1. MaMu 12 Frederick 10 Stahl 11 Virion 12 Gaius 14 Lon'qu 14 Ricken 13 Kellam 9 Donnel 11 Gregor 10 Libra 11 Henry 9 Owain 7 Inigo 13 Gerome 10 Laurent 14 Yarne 4 MaMorgan 10 Brady 11 Basilio 10 Yen'fay 10 Gangrel 5 Walhart 11 Priam 9 Henry +1 Gangrel -1
  2. And so ends Chroms life...RIP
  3. Yeah wow did get pretty boring, well goodnight
  4. Something or someone must be on your mind a lot...
  5. Hmm I just remember I lvled up other peoples characters to 85 aswell so that would make 12 85s I lvled not including some characters I lvled halfway then deleted
  6. I had 10 85s before I quit and I actually got my name Shelie during playing word of warcraft which I got from playing Final Fantasy (I started off as Chelinka then remade another toon named Shelinka and then went to Chelie then I changed to Shelie after a server transfer and the name Chelie was taken and I have used that name ever since) The reason I ever changed to Shelinka in the first place cause that toon use to be called umm well I seem to have forgotten at this time but I do know everyone kept saying it reminded them of a brand of toilet paper....
  7. Nope no one I knew in real life played it besides my brother... so did you play that game?
  8. Well I know a girl named Natalie who lives 2 streets from me but I doubt they are the same person there is over 20 million people in Australia after all so I assume there would be heaps of Natalie's
  9. Haha 1 by 1 everyone is going to bed... then when its my bed time you will all be awake! well I can tell you about Australia the next time you are online if you like.
  10. Femu 12 Lissa 8 Maribelle 10 Sumia 8 Cordelia 5 Cherche 15 Sully 10 Panne 8 Nowi 12 Anna 11 Lucina 5 Cynthia 14 Noire 10 Severa 14 Kjelle 12 FeMorgan 11 Nah 7 Say'ri 10 Flavia 10 Emmeryn 10 Phila 3 Severa+1 Say'ri -1
  11. MaMu 12 Chrom 4 Frederick 9 Stahl 11 Virion 12 Gaius 14 Lon'qu 13 Ricken 12 Kellam 9 Donnel 11 Gregor 10 Libra 11 Henry 9 Owain 10 Inigo 13 Gerome 10 Laurent 14 Yarne 4 MaMorgan 10 Brady 11 Basilio 10 Yen'fay 10 Gangrel 6 Walhart 11 Priam 9 Henry+1 Chrom-1 I'm sorry Chrom I do like you & all but I am doing this for Ana...
  12. Well I guess the Australian girl is now all alone on this board ( Due to my time being so different to most people on here) Guess I could go play a game now... or continue to work on my poorly written fanfic..
  13. Wow you are online later than I was I was lastnight (3 Am I went to sleep around) Yeah I should be around if Im not sleeping. Thanks for talking with me too. Goodnight & Sweet dreams!
  14. Gosh thats not very nice, I could never be mean to anyone or make fun of others I always try to do the right thing. You are a very nice person even though I only know you on here I can see you have a nice heart.
  15. The only things I pretty much had growing up was games & Art, I became quite the gamer cause of it. Though there is plenty of games I have yet to play.
  16. I hope so.. Though its mainly those in real life I have a hard time trusting, after being hurt so many times..
  17. I myself dont trust many... I have had to many bad things happen with people who I have trusted...
  18. Yes... If I had friends I would have never been depressed Like I was but due to my nature it was hard for me to be around people though I wanted friends more than anything else...and the few friends I did make ended up they just used me instead, then wanted nothing to do with me, I was always known as the odd or weird one
  19. Well I kinda um got really angry at my brother & totally lost it and I ran outta the house I was tempted to let myself get run over by a car but instead I kicked a wooden plank so hard my foot swelled up really bad I was lucky to not have broken it. (its one way of releasing the anger & instead just sat there crying) I use to do self harm often (I stopped earlier this year)
  20. Haha yeah , though all these issues stemmed from my childhood accident with my fingers the trauma of it I ended up with ocd at 2 years old & was bullied at school cause of that and cause of my fingers My parents tell me before the accident I was a happy child & was always smiling after it I was scared to let anyone near me but my mother for years, then I was also bullied by my own cousins for being a girl (I never had any girl cousins then) girls were inferior
  21. Well my childhood I spent alot of time thinking about ways I could kill myself I hated myself & life so much...THANKFULLY I didn't (I can say I am happy I am scared of dying or that woulda ended diffierently) well there was one time.....but I regained my senses before I did anything stupid... When I get upset I literaly dont care what I do to myself I nearly even broke my foot once
  22. Thankyou even though I have had a terrible past, I am working on trying to be happy now I am only 22 so I got plenty of time (I been depressed since I was 13 I am emotionally unstable)
  23. I am sorry! I dont even wanna be talking about this! (most people when I ever talk about myself to ends up not talking to me again & stops being my friend..Yeah not many are interested know about my past and I dont blame them) Thaurassian at first then Frostmourne Alliance
  24. Lots of junk!!! Junk ftw! well my bully tried to kill me... but being home schooled wasnt easy either, I pretty much grew up with no friends. My life has been like a roller coaster! (Emotinaly) Now I am finally trying to smile when I go places (Even if its a fake one) I been told I have a beautiful smile too one Im usualy to afraid to show..
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