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Everything posted by Elli

  1. Femu 10 Lissa 9 Maribelle 10 Sumia 10 Olivia 10 Cordelia 12 Cherche 11 Sully 10 Panne 10 Miriel 10 Nowi 10 Tharja 10 Anna 10 Lucina 9 Cynthia 10 Noire 10 Severa 11 Kjelle 10 FeMorgan 10 Nah 9 Say'ri 10 Flavia 10 Emmeryn 10 Philia 10 Aversa 9
  2. MaMu 11 Chrom 9 Vaike 8 Frederick 10 Stahl 11 Virion 11 Gaius 10 Lon'qu 10 Ricken 10 Kellam 9 Donnel 10 Gregor 10 Libra 10 Henry 11 Owain 10 Inigo 10 Gerome 10 Laurent 10 Yarne 10 MaMorgan 10 Brady 10 Basilio 10 Yen'fay 10 Gangrel 10 Walhart 10 Priam 10 Validar 10
  3. Yes she should be at 11 please copy the post of the person above you here is the correct Hp of the units so far Femu 10 Lissa 9 Maribelle 10 Sumia 10 Olivia 10 Cordelia 11 Cherche 11 Sully 10 Panne 10 Miriel 10 Nowi 10 Tharja 10 Anna 10 Lucina 9 Cynthia 10 Noire 10 Severa 11 Kjelle 10 FeMorgan 10 Nah 10 Say'ri 10 Flavia 10 Emmeryn 10 Philia 10 Aversa 9
  4. Its okay its my bad for making it in the wrong forum in the first place, But I agree Fred needs some love! So go show it to him in the games forums
  5. Ana might want to check out the games forums I remade it there this one I'm waiting to be deleted
  6. MaMu 10 Chrom 9 Vaike 9 Frederick 10 Stahl 11 Virion 11 Gaius 10 Lon'qu 10 Ricken 10 Kellam 9 Donnel 10 Gregor 10 Libra 10 Henry 11 Owain 10 Inigo 10 Gerome 10 Laurent 10 Yarne 10 MaMorgan 10 Brady 10 Basilio 10 Yen'fay 10 Gangrel 10 Walhart 10 Priam 10 Validar 10 Henryx1 Vaike-1
  7. You can hurtx2 one character instead of healing & hurting 2 different units but you cannot healx2 any of the units
  8. Femu 10 Lissa 10 Maribelle 10 Sumia 10 Olivia 10 Cordelia 10 Cherche 11 Sully 10 Panne 10 Miriel 10 Nowi 10 Tharja 10 Anna 10 Lucina 9 Cynthia 10 Noire 10 Severa 11 Kjelle 10 FeMorgan 10 Nah 10 Say'ri 10 Flavia 10 Emmeryn 10 Philia 10 Aversa 9 Healing Cherche & hurting Aversa
  9. The Rules Are ---------------- You may post every 3 hours You can healx1 & hurtx1 or hurtx2 to a single character but you cannot healx2 Copy & paste the names of the person who posted above you into your comments adding & taking away the hp Minimum Hp is 0 if a character reaches 0 they are dead max Hp is 100 This is now Kingdom hearts then after this I will be doing a Tales of one If anyone has ideas for other Hurt/Heals feel free to PM with them for future games --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character deaths so far
  10. The Rules are ------------------ You may post every 3 hours You can heal+1 & hurt-1 to 2 different characters or hurt-2 to a single character but you cannot heal+2 Maximum hp all characters may reach is 100 unless I say otherwise Copy & paste the names of the person who posted above you into your comments as you play adding & taking away the hp Minimum Hp is 0, 0 means dead! if anyone has ideas for future Hurt/Heal games feel free to mention them or PM me at the moment I will be using this one for Tales games ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. its okay I'm already going to remake this in the games forums along with a female one (Since I know I am doing it in the right forums this time) so if anyone wants to play it check out the games forums.
  12. Yeah, I looked but I didnt notice the tiny writing underneath saying forum games & I looked like 5 times lol... Actually can a moderater just close or delete this topic instead it would be hard to continue on this one at this point I might just remake this one as well in the games forums, sorry for causing any trouble
  13. Well I will make a female version already then in the CORRECT forums and wait for this one to be moved, just hope I dont get any hate for it... And I didnt realise Far from the forest was for forum games I must have missed it somehow, I know I do need glasses...
  14. Sigh, all I wanted was to do something fun with you guys & it turns out I put it in the wrong forum & you guys seem to hate it anyways... I'm sorry
  15. Oh theres a forum for games? My bad well could a moderater please move it there thanks! um what forum is for games anyways?
  16. Hey don't have to be so mean, I just thought it would be fun to play with everyone on here....
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