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Everything posted by Nintendan

  1. The ultimate skin will most likely go to Skarner or Evelynn, possibly Xerath. Though I'm hoping Morello really was trolling us with the 4th letter A as Recall. My boy Kha'Zix needs a new skin doe. Also hit Dia V a few days ago! Rumble pretty much carried me through Plat 1. Win lane, roam, win game. Severely underestimated champ.
  2. Finally got Gold today :D My aim for this season is high Plat. I went on a really good win streak mainly consisting of Elise Jungle and Thresh support. Fucking love them.
  3. I bought Rumble yesterday :D His ulti has got to be one of the funnest to use in the game. I just love dropping it down in a team fight. After buying him, I went to play him. Went top against a GP. Won the lane pretty nicely after level 4. I got 2 or 3 kills in laning, but not overly fed. Unfortunately, our bot lane fed a Varus. He was 6/0 pretty early on. When it came to mid-late game and we were team fighting, we won every fight simply because Rumble's ultimate easily turns them around. Our first one was at the banana bush by our blue. Fucking perfect spot for Rumble to fight. We demolished them. Once you get Liandry and Rylai's your ulti just deals so fucking much. I'm glad they changed it to stronger DoT rather and getting rid of the burst. If you can force a fight in a position where you can get loads of them, you basically win it. Another game, the enemy Baron'd. We tried to deny it but we were too late. They got the buff but we went in anyway. I caged the exit with my ulti while still catching some people who were escaping from the pit. We proceed to go 4-0 and eventually 5-0 when our Ryze chases down the straggler.
  4. They have already nerfed Thresh and to be honest I wouldn't be surprised if he got nerfed again. The thing is you can nerf Thresh all you want. The most important thing about is what his kit does. You can't nerf that he can pull team mates across over walls. You can't nerf that he can hook and pull enemies towards himself. His kit is just so fucking OP it doesn't matter. Only thing I could see that may hurt him are the damage/poke in his E (won't be relevant late game), the scaling on the souls he collects or the slow on The Box. Still won't stop him from carrying bot hard because his kit is, as said already, fucking mental.
  5. Yeah, it's a bit of a piss take. They never really update anything. Whenever I can't login, I check the server status. I've never seen them change it at all. Maybe once. That's it :/ I see a crap ton of people posting about login issues on the forums, yet it takes days for a single post from Riot :/ They really need to step it up. If they can deal with NA and KR servers so fast, why can't we get ours fixed in a similar amount of time? **** riot
  6. I love the guy. I bought him previously but sucked with him in laning so I refunded him :P But yesterday I got him in ARAM (F2P) and jesus that ulti is so strong. When someone initiates and everyone just jumps into the fight, his ulti turns around almost any team fight into your favour. I also laned him on my smurf after that game. Absolutely amazing. All you need is Liandry's and Rylai's and his ulti does so much fucking damage. If you know where and when to position it, you can win pretty much any team fight. Gonna have to rebuy him soon... once I bother to get some damn AP runes T_T
  7. xD What did you find there? I found a shiny Wooper there once, but failed to catch it. My sister also found a shiny Psyduck. Still failed :S
  8. Wii U and PS4. My dad and me have always loved Nintendo, so we already have a Wii U. Though, I haven't turned on the power for months (literally) since there's nothing to play. Gotta make sure I get the 30p Super Metroid though :P I originally gamed on the Xbox 360 and the Wii. The WIi was mainly because, again, I love Nintendo exclusives. The Xbox was my console of choice mainly because of Halo 3, which drew me into it. I could have switched to PS3, but first I played Halo 3 for some years. Fuckin' loved that game. Second, a LOT of my friends were already playing on the system and 3rd I prefered how easy it was to do stuff on there. I didn't really want to switch from the Xbox 360's interface to the PS3s. But now, the PS4 looks a lot more promising to me than the XboxOne. A lot of my friends are already beginning to leave Xbox behind because of how disappointing the console is. The reason I'm taking two consoles is because, while it has improved, I see Nintendo's online services to be complete shit compared to PSN and Xbox Live. Those two allow users to send messages, talk, invite friends etc. all off their menus, which can be used wherever you are (playing a game, watching a movie etc.) With Nintendo, you have to use the ingame friends list etc. It doesn't feel like a good console to game online with. I still MUST have a Wii U because dat smash bros, dat metroid, dat zelda.
  9. Agreed. Nintendo always seem to fuck up their launches by having no strong games. However, they're gonna need some third-party support as well, otherwise this'll become the Gamecube 2. Sony has some decent exclusives. I know there's some pretty big fans of them out there. As you said they also gave very good 3rd-party support. There really is a lack of innovation as well :l Microsoft just had Kinect do some stuff that you can do with a remote. Sony has some cool features but nothing mind blowing. The only one I see innovating (or at least the most innovative) is Nintendo. It's not a lot, but the tablet does change how you play some games. They did it with the Wii. Skyward Sword had some brilliant motion controls. I'm sure they can put the tablet to use just like SS put the remote to use. And while they are at least trying to change up how you game, there's not a lot of third party support. I don't wanna see Ninty (who imo is changing gaming the most) die out because they failed to get third party support.
  10. D: This is actually pretty scary Thank fuck it sold well. Don't want this awesome franchise to end :(
  11. HAHA! That's amazing! Sad but true xD
  12. Same. I'm a little disappointed with the console. First it's the worst looking console I've seen. It's just a fat, black block. Additionally, it just doesn't feel like it's directed towards gamers at all. Sure, I'll say that the new Kinect functions are cool and all but... as a gamer I have no interest in watching ESPN or any of that other stuff. I want to see features that will enhance my gaming experience instead of features that let me stay on the couch and not have to bother reaching for the remote :/ Is this even a gaming console? I honestly don't know, but by the looks of it, this is some tv/media box... thing. I don't even know :l Edit: Huh? $900? Where did you get that information? Source pls On the topic of it's pricing, I have a feeling it's still going to be pretty high. Not only are you paying for the slab itself but you're also paying for the Kinect that no one will ever fucking use. As of now, I prefer the PS4, however I'm not hyped for them or anything. They are both quite underwhelming to be honest. They better show us something good at E3 that caters to us gamers.
  13. Pretty difficult for me to order these but here goes: 1) Super Mario RPG 2) Super Metroid 3) Super Mario All-Stars 4) Super Mario World 5) Donkey Kong Country
  14. He misses out on two strong skills, those being Galeforce and Armthrift. But it doesn't make him bad at all. Because of his rather limited class and skill pool, he's best used as a support. He's a pretty strong support since he gets both the Dual skills (Guard and Strike). Rightful King, while not really able to be used to it's fullest works nicely with Aether he gets too. It's also nice to have an infinite-durability weapon, it kinda sucks until when it becomes the Exalted Falchion and even then there are better weapons to use. 7/10
  15. lol Vaike is really annoying to me. He's just so... stoopid. He has such an annoying attitude. He's always saying how he's so strong but he's really clumsy. Moment I saw him, I was like "yep. He's a douche" and just instantly dismiss him from my team.
  16. I would've loved some kind of versus multiplayer. I don't care how unbalanced the game is, I just wanna beat the shit outta my friend's units. StreetPass teams just aren't the same ;_;
  17. I don't really see the point in the bias system tbh. I mean, if you think the until deserves a higher score then... give them a higher score. Otherwise, you'll just end up giving scores that aren't even your own. Instead you'd rate them and then randomly give a +1 or -1 to them. Just settle on one number that you think the unit is worthy of imo.
  18. 'of course'!? I've only completed SS and Awakening, though I plan to play through them all eventually.
  19. Impossibru D: Anyway, welcome to SF :D I'm also very new myself. Which games of FE have you played so far? I see SS as your favourite title (and username :D). Played any others?
  20. THAT IS WHAT I WANT YOU TO ACKNOWLEDGE! "wow, you guys rock!" Oh, you! I've never really tried any passive supports, apart from Sona (who I failed with). I tend to prefer much more aggressive ones since I feel like I can actually do something in lane. Thresh FTW. When I first started supporting, I got Blitz (this was like levels 10-15). People didn't really know how to play around him at the time and I ended up feeding my carry like every 9/10 games. That feeling when you hit a hook and the target gets instantly obliterated. That's that shit I DO like :D
  21. We'll definitely see Wind Waker HD there, but I'm more excited about the new one in development. I hope they show us t least a small bit of it.
  22. Unfortunately, I've only played Sacred Stones and Awakening but I'll post my favourites here anyway. In order, it would probably go: -Seth -Lucina -Ephraim Everything about Seth is awesome (except for that white pixel on his eyebrow that bugs me lol). There was so many epic moments in this game where I was amazed by how much of a badass he is. In particular, these parts are most memorable to me: I was thinking "SETH YOU BEAST" at that second piece of dialogue. Honestly, he's intelligent, loyal, willing and strong. Hands down my favourite FE character I've seen so far and one of my favourite fictional characters in general. Lucina is second because I really like how determined she is to fulfill her mission. She is very determined to save the future, but is very realistic about thins unlike some characters who are like "derp as long as we're together everything will go well!" This is especially apparent in this support conversation: When she said "Like if I'm dead" and 'Dry your tears, love. This is not good-bye' started playing, I was stunned. One of my favourite support conversations in the game. I also like the relationship she shares with Chrom, how she's very protective of him. There's loads of other parts that I could quote, but it all comes together for a very awesome person. And she is also my waifu Finally is Ephraim. In a sense, he is quite like Lucina. He is very determined to get things done but is pretty realistic about them and will do anything if it means peace for the rest of Magvel. He's extremely protective of others and will instantly rush to their aid (sometimes too often and fast). He has this very strong presence about him and does not fuck around even in the most desperate times like these: Damn, what a beast. Depsite his awesomeness, he also has some nice conversations with others too. I just makes him that much more lovable.
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