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Fire Emblem Fan

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Everything posted by Fire Emblem Fan

  1. Ah. To be honest I never really used the mages in 9 and 10, except for Soren and Micaiah. They just didn't really seem as good as everyone else to me.
  2. I think my favorite mages would probably be like Lilina>Lugh>Hugh>Pent>the rest I don't care to rank lol. Who were you rooting for?
  3. Sorry, but the amount of times people have just been plain nasty to me on these boards has been astounding, I can't tell when people are joking anymore. Also, I was rooting for Lilina, and she lost a looong time ago...
  4. No, but people can dream. And also, you could at least try not to sound like a condescending a-hole.
  5. Well that was lame. Bord 10 Cord 10 Barst 10 Darros 10 Johalva 8 Havan 10 Othin 11 Marty 10 Dagda 10 Ward 10 Lott 10 Geese 10 Gonzales 8 Garrett 10 Bartre 11 Dorcas 8 Dart 9 Geitz 12 Hawkeye 10 Garcia 10 Ross 8 Dozla 8 Boyd 8 Largo 10 Nolan 10 Ymir 10 Dice 10 Jake 11 Vaike 10 Basilio 10
  6. C'mon, rally for Lugh! Anyway. I have no problem with adding Pirates and such. I don't think there are really enough of them for a list of their own, so putting them in with the Fighters seems...fitting, in a way.
  7. Lady 6 Imca 24 Vashyron 9 Bruno Delinger 3 Flynn Scifo 24 Heihachi Mishima 26 Zonvolt 14
  8. I'm not sure calling it when there are only three characters left really counts lol, especially when one of those three is way ahead of the rest. Merric 18 Asvel 5 Lugh 5 Let's not throw in Fates characters.
  9. Oh, so now everyone who listed 3 or more characters don't understand what a "main" is? You competitive people make me sick. I am ridiculously angry right now.
  10. 1. Ever play Kid Icarus: Uprising? 2. If so, opinion on the control scheme? 3. Least favorite FE character?
  11. Roy, for sure. Even with customs. Still Roy.
  12. I never thought about it resulting in a localization of 6 lol. I've been hoping for 6 to get localized through the Virtual Console for years now (literally). Now part of me wishes it HAD taken off! XD But...Mars...*shudders*
  13. Huh? I said "And any other male-Great Lord." That includes Hector and Ephraim lol.
  14. Yeah, the amount of content is one reason why I think a series would work better. And since they're all pretty much already in an anime-style (and anime is just cool)...I really want this to happen now lol. I actually watched those when I first got into the FE series. I'm kinda glad it never took off just because if it did, I feel like we'd all be calling Marth "Mars" now lol.
  15. I completely disagree with this. It is entirely possible for someone to main that many characters. It is entirely possible for someone to put forth effort into those characters and main them for competitive play, casual play, etc.
  16. Lady 10 Imca 25 Vashyron 10 Bruno Delinger 6 Flynn Scifo 22 Heihachi Mishima 27 Zonvolt 14
  17. I use all of the characters I listed equally (except for Bowser, I use him more than anyone). But if you're seriously going to "order" like that... SSB64: Fox and Link. SSBM: Bowser, Fox, and Roy. SSBB: Bowser, Fox, and Marth. SSB3DS/Wii U: Bowser, Fox, and Roy.
  18. Hey, would you mind making a Brom badge for me? Ya know, Brom from Fire Emblem :3 ^I guess that'd be the best pic to use, and I guess the background would be similar as well lol. As for text, having it just say "Member" like the ones here on Serenes Forest is fine.
  19. I've always thought that none of the FE games would really work as a film, but I have also always thought that they could all be fantastic anime-esque series (especially 6, 7, and 8)!
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