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Fire Emblem Fan

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Everything posted by Fire Emblem Fan

  1. Yeah I'd agree, I think everyone can safely assume Wolf will be back. I really do think Isaac and King K. Rool will be added as well, I really do, especially if it's supposed to be fanservice. If I had my way, Lyn would be one of those "several characters" added.
  2. Roy for sure is the best, at least I'd say so. I'd honestly say Ike is the worst, but not by much. I always have fun with Robin, and Marth was my main FE character until Roy was brought back. As for Lucina, well she's pretty much just Marth, I honestly can never tell the tipper-difference.
  3. Going based solely on design and what little we know of their personalities so far, I'd have to say Kaze, Nishiki, Flannel, and Crimson are my favorites. Sakura ranks way up there, too, as does Leo(n).
  4. They're bases, growths, and EXP gains are all fine, they aren't any worse than the vast majority of other characters in their game, they're perfectly viable characters to use should you want to use them :3 and who needs Ryan when you have Castor?
  5. I don't remember where, but I remember hearing that there was apparently room for seven DLC characters? Including the ones we already got. I dunno if that's true and I could be remembering wrong, though. If it is true, then that means there's room for three more characters, so two-to-four makes sense.
  6. Nope, because they aren't the best, I said I was healing the best :P
  7. I wonder how many more he means by "several." Like...four? Five? Maybe even seven? And if they're going to be more fanservice-y, then is it safe to assume that Wolf, Isaac, King K. Rool, and Daisy all have a good shot? I do see those four brought up a LOT so they'd definitely fit the bill.
  8. Jeorge 10 Ryan 4 Briggid 12 Faval 7 Klein 12 Igrene 7 Rebecca 5 Wil 7 Louise 4 Innes 17 Leonardo 6 False.
  9. Luigi 28 Bowser 27 Pit 19 Marth 30 Roy 8 Ness 13 Lucas 14 Fox 15 Shulk 12 Young Link 10
  10. Jeorge 9 Ryan 8 Briggid 13 Faval 9 Wolt 1 Klein 12 Igrene 6 Rebecca 7 Wil 7 Louise 6 Innes 17 Leonardo 6
  11. Luigi 29 Bowser 25 Pit 21 Marth 30 Roy 10 Ness 15 Lucas 14 Fox 18 Shulk 15 Young Link 11
  12. Bad storms, tornado watches, might lose power, so here are my votes... Jeorge 8 Ryan 8 Briggid 12 Faval 10 Tanya 4 Wolt 5 Klein 12 Igrene 6 Rebecca 8 Wil 8 Louise 8 Innes 17 Leonardo 5 EDIT: No tornadoes, no loss of power, all good over here thank goodness.
  13. Bad storms, tornado watches, might lose power, so here are my votes... Luigi 27 Bowser 27 Pit 21 Marth 30 Roy 12 Ness 17 Lucas 12 Fox 21 Shulk 19 Young Link 17 EDIT: No tornadoes, no loss of power, all good over here thank goodness.
  14. Jeorge 8 Ryan 9 Briggid 12 Faval 11 Tanya 8 Wolt 7 Klein 11 Igrene 8 Rebecca 10 Wil 9 Louise 10 Innes 18 Leonardo 8
  15. Now that it's officially the new day, I can place my votes :3 Luigi 27 Bowser 27 Yoshi 4 Pit 21 Lucario 4 Marth 30 Roy 17 Ness 19 Lucas 10 Fox 21 Shulk 21 Young Link 17
  16. EDIT: It was no problem to update the list for you :P no worries :3 Updated list: Luigi 27 Bowser 25 Yoshi 4 Pit 21 Lucario 4 Marth 30 Roy 17 Ness 22 Lucas 10 Fox 21 Shulk 23 Young Link 17
  17. My character is so close...I know I probably shouldn't get my hopes up, they always end up being dashed, but...I'm really hoping. I don't think any of my characters have ever come so close in a contest like this.
  18. Jeorge 11 Ryan 10 Briggid 13 Faval 12 Tanya 11 Wolt 10 Klein 11 Igrene 8 Rebecca 11 Wil 12 Louise 10 Innes 18 Leonardo 8
  19. Luigi 28 Bowser 30 Yoshi 7 Kirby 0 Pit 21 Lucario 9 Marth 29 Roy 19 Ness 22 Lucas 8 Fox 26 Shulk 21 Young Link 20
  20. Jeorge 12 Ryan 12 Briggid 12 Faval 13 Tanya 11 Wolt 8 Klein 11 Igrene 8 Rebecca 11 Wil 13 Louise 10 Innes 19 Leonardo 10 Norne 8
  21. Luigi 29 Bowser 30 Yoshi 11 Kirby 3 Pit 21 Lucario 12 Marth 30 Roy 22 Ness 22 Lucas 8 Fox 25 Shulk 22 Young Link 20
  22. For the most part, I like them both equally. I usually alternate between them in each playthrough, but I suppose if I really had to pick one, I'd go with Draug due to his better speed.
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