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Fire Emblem Fan

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Everything posted by Fire Emblem Fan

  1. I guess I'll get my votes in for the day. I do think we should take out Takumi, though. Gordin 8 Jeorge 10 Tomas 8 Ryan 10 Paison 10 Leo 10 Jamka 8 Briggid 8 Faval 10 Tanya 10 Ronan 8 Wolt 12 Dorothy 8 Klein 10 Igrene 10 Rebecca 12 Wil 11 Louise 10 Neimi 10 Innes 10 Rolf 10 Shinon 9 Leonardo 10 Norne 11 Virion 8 Noire 10 Takumi 10
  2. I am really loving Roy. Seriously, he is awesome. He's better than Marth and Lucina. Seriously, get Roy! Lucas is great, too. I've always liked him more than Ness, and now I can keep using him without having to pop in Brawl! I didn't have enough money for Ryu, but I'm getting him as soon as I possible can!
  3. I think we should probably refrain from putting any archer in from FEif. That game hasn't even come out yet.
  4. Luigi 30 Bowser 26 Yoshi 15 Zelda 12 Ganondorf 3 Kirby 16 King Dedede 20 Pit 20 Lucario 20 Marth 30 Roy 27 Ness 20 Lucas 10 Fox 29 Falco 14 Shulk 28 Captain Falcon 2 Young Link 19 If the cap rule is changed and everyone is brought down to 25, then Bowser's vote goes to Lucas. If not, then this is my vote for the day.
  5. You know, if these leaks turn out to be true (which I'm thinking is most definitely the case), I'm really happy about this... *Spoiler-tagged*
  6. Honestly, I would say we should keep the archer contest between archers. As for new rules...they confuse me. I don't really think we need a rule change.
  7. So is the cap remaining at 30 (I think it should, or have everyone that has exceeded 25 be brought down to 25)?
  8. Reducing everyone by 5 really wouldn't do anything, it would still be the exact same situation...
  9. I think you should leave the vote cap at 30, or reduce everyone who's surpassed 25 down to 25. It won't really be fair to any character who hasn't reached 30 later in the game if we don't downvotes everyone to 25 now.
  10. Luigi 30 Peach 1 Bowser 25 Yoshi 15 Zelda 15 Ganondorf 8 Kirby 16 King Dedede 21 Pit 18 Lucario 19 Marth 30 Roy 27 Ness 19 Lucas 12 Fox 30 Falco 14 Shulk 28 Captain Falcon 6 Young Link 18
  11. Luigi 29 Peach 7 Bowser 26 Yoshi 15 Zelda 15 Ganondorf 12 Kirby 16 King Dedede 23 Mr. Game & Watch 0 Pit 17 Lucario 18 Marth 28 Roy 26 Ness 18 Lucas 14 Fox 29 Falco 15 Wolf 2 Shulk 27 Captain Falcon 8 Young Link 18
  12. Ehh...I'm not really sure, honestly. I mean, are there enough hunters and nomads for their own list? If not, then this would be the only one they could be a part of.
  13. Luigi 27 Peach 9 Bowser 25 Yoshi 15 Zelda 16 Ganondorf 16 Kirby 16 King Dedede 24 Samus 0 Mr. Game and Watch 6 Pit 16 Lucario 17 Donkey Kong 0 Marth 27 Roy 25 Ness 17 Lucas 14 Fox 29 Falco 15 Wolf 8 Shulk 25 Captain Falcon 9 Young Link 17
  14. Luigi 27 Peach 9 Bowser 22 Yoshi 15 Zelda 14 Ganondorf 15 Kirby 16 King Dedede 24 Samus 6 ROB 3 Mr. Game and Watch 9 Pit 15 Lucario 16 Donkey Kong 6 Marth 25 Roy 26 Ness 16 Lucas 13 Fox 30 Falco 17 Wolf 12 Shulk 24 Captain Falcon 10 Young Link 15 I like the first few Sonic games (the first three and CD), and I like Big the Cat (unpopular opinion, I know), but other than that...his games bored me. I've heard the GBA and DS ones are good, but I haven't played them, I suppose I should get around to doing that lol. As for Sonic in Smash Bros., he's not exactly one of my most-liked characters lol.
  15. I'll try to remember those codes. I probably won't be able to, but I'll try lol. Bowser is my favorite character in all of gaming, really. I love how fleshed out his character is in pretty much all the Mario RPG games, and in some of the more recent core Mario platformers he's even shown with some personality. I mean, in the Galaxy games, and in 64, he just wants cake lol. Taking over the Mushroom Kingdom is a massive bonus for him, of course, but in all of them he talks about cake! "You didn't invite me for cake!" "I want cake suited for my new planet-size!" etc. In terms of Smash Bros., I've always played as him even though he wasn't the best in Melee, he was improved in Brawl, and now he's just awesome in 3DS/Wii U. I'm really holding out hope that he'll go really far in this contest. In terms of my voting...I'll be nice and leave Young Link alone for now...if it saves Bowser lol. I've been voting characters that I like and/or am good with in Smash Bros., they way they are in their own series is secondary for me.
  16. I'd rather fight for Bowser, one of the most underrated Smash characters :3 I click that little button on the top of the postbox, with the "A" and the black arrow with the four colored boxes next to it?
  17. Luigi 25 Peach 10 Bowser 23 Yoshi 15 Zelda 14 Ganondorf 15 Kirby 16 King Dedede 24 Samus 8 ROB 9 Mr. Game and Watch 9 Pit 14 Lucario 16 Squirtle 6 Donkey Kong 9 Marth 24 Roy 25 Ness 15 Lucas 13 Fox 29 Falco 17 Wolf 14 Shulk 22 Captain Falcon 10 Young Link 13 EDIT: Had trouble getting the colors to work...
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