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Fire Emblem Fan

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Everything posted by Fire Emblem Fan

  1. Lady 10 Imca 25 Vashyron 10 Bruno Delinger 6 Flynn Scifo 22 Heihachi Mishima 27 Zonvolt 14
  2. I use all of the characters I listed equally (except for Bowser, I use him more than anyone). But if you're seriously going to "order" like that... SSB64: Fox and Link. SSBM: Bowser, Fox, and Roy. SSBB: Bowser, Fox, and Marth. SSB3DS/Wii U: Bowser, Fox, and Roy.
  3. Hey, would you mind making a Brom badge for me? Ya know, Brom from Fire Emblem :3 ^I guess that'd be the best pic to use, and I guess the background would be similar as well lol. As for text, having it just say "Member" like the ones here on Serenes Forest is fine.
  4. I've always thought that none of the FE games would really work as a film, but I have also always thought that they could all be fantastic anime-esque series (especially 6, 7, and 8)!
  5. SSB64: Fox and Link. Everyone but Pikachu (literally everyone, Captain Falcon more than the rest) as secondaries. SSBM: Bowser, Fox, Link, Roy, Peach, Captain Falcon, Ice Climbers. Falco, Young Link, Sheik, and Marth as secondaries. SSBB: Bowser, Fox, Link, Marth, Peach, Captain Falcon, Ice Climbers, King Dedede, Lucas, Zero Suit Samus, Wolf, and Charizard. Falco, Toon Link, Sheik, Ike, Squirtle, Lucario, and Snake as secondaries. SSB3DS/Wii U: Bowser, Fox, Link, Roy, Peach, Captain Falcon, King Dedede, Lucas, Zero Suit Samus, Charizard, Greninja, and Pac-Man. Falco, Toon Link, Sheik, Marth, Ike, Lucario, Lucina, Robin, Duck Hunt, Shulk, Little Mac, and Mii Fighters as secondaries. I've also always used Yoshi a lot, but not quite as much as any of the others listed, so I guess he could be called a secondary. ...so basically, I use 80% of the cast.
  6. Lugh is awesome :3 So anyway, how about we do Fighters next, and while we do Fighters have everyone vote between Oswin and Gatrie? And once that's finished, move on to Cavaliers?
  7. Cavaliers sounds fun, too. We wouldn't HAVE to do knights eventually, we don't HAVE to do any class. Having everyone just vote between Oswin and Gatrie would be a good idea for it, though. I'll throw in my vote for Oswin right now if that's what we do. The very first game we did was "The Ultimate Awakening Character" and it took a looong time, I think doing one for every game in the series would take way too long, and eventually wear thin and get tedious.
  8. Lady 10 Imca 26 Vashyron 10 Bruno Delinger 7 Rikiya Busuyiama 0 Flynn Scifo 23 Heihachi Mishima 28 Zonvolt 14
  9. Merric 14 Linde 6 Ellerean 6 Asvel 8 Homeros 4 Lugh 6 Fighters sounds fine. If we do fighters, would we also include pirates? I mean there really aren't many pirates in the series, this'd be the only place they'd fit in lol.
  10. Seliph>Julia>Julius Leif>Altena Nanna>Delmud Lana>Lester Lakche>Ulster Corpul>Leen Ced>Fee Arthur>Teeny Faval>Patty
  11. Merric 11 Linde 8 Sonia 7 Ellerean 7 Asvel 8 Homeros 10 Lugh 12 Soren 2
  12. Lady 10 Imca 25 Vashyron 10 Bruno Delinger 10 Rikiya Busuyiama 6 Flynn Scifo 22 Alisa Boskonovitch 0 Heihachi Mishima 29 Zonvolt 14
  13. How long has Arthur just been dangling there? Seems like he should have been K.O.'ed a long time ago lol.
  14. Well in all fairness, she has been lasting longer than the vast majority of other characters on the list. She made it onto the final ten! And you and I and others have been doing what we can and giving her +plus votes. Although she should definitely be lasting longer than some other characters that still remain, like Soren, and Linde, and Homeros, and... Merric 10 Linde 9 Sonia 11 Ellerean 9 Arthur 3 Asvel 11 Homeros 11 Lugh 7 Lilina 5 Soren 4
  15. Flynn is going to win, calling it now. Lady 10 Imca 26 Vashyron 10 Bruno Delinger 10 Rikiya Busuyiama 9 Flynn Scifo 20 Alisa Boskonovitch 4 Heihachi Mishima 29 Zonvolt 14
  16. Lady 10 Juri Han 2 Imca 27 Vashyron 10 Bruno Delinger 10 Rikiya Busuyiama 10 Flynn Scifo 18 Alisa Boskonovitch 7 Heihachi Mishima 30 Zonvolt 14
  17. Merric 13 Linde 12 Sonia 11 Ellerean 8 Arthur 6 Asvel 11 Homeros 12 Lugh 7 Lilina 8 Soren 7 Katarina 3
  18. Lady 10 Juri Han 6 Imca 30 Vashyron 10 Bruno Delinger 10 Rikiya Busuyiama 10 Genghis Bahn III 0 Flynn Scifo 16 Alisa Boskonovitch 8 Heihachi Mishima 28 Zonvolt 14
  19. Merric 12 Linde 11 Sonia 10 Norma 1 Ellerean 9 Arthur 8 Asvel 14 Homeros 11 Lugh 11 Lilina 11 Lute 3 Saleh 6 Soren 7 Katarina 5
  20. Well like I exactly said in my final point in my last post, nothing makes any pair less viable. And yes, I would say Hector was shipped with Florina by the game itself, just look at the scene where they first meet. Love confessions weren't a thing until Awakening. Point invalid. Hector's entire game summary: Hector helps Lyn because Eliwood. The end. All convo they have outside supports is just friend-friend. The end. "How is it not romantic?" Well you like to say "that's subjective!" so...that's subjective. Also the exact words are necessary, everything you say "how is this romantic exactly?" is completely invalidated unless you actually give the exact words they say. You can't say "this isn't romantic" and then change what they say and say "the exact words aren't needed." That's subjective :) You keep saying it has ALL bearing against other pairings. Now that it isn't convenient to your argument, it isn't valid anymore? M'kay... And? Just because she cries around one person and not around another..."it shouldn't have any bearing on how implied certain pairs are in the series." As you so like to say. Well again...I. Didn't. Say. That. In fact, I said the exact opposite. Again. Which you keep ignoring. I'll say it again: Like I said in my last post, nothing makes any pairing more valid or less valid than another pairing. Rath/Lyn is just as likely as Hector/Lyn. Which I've said multiple times, which you keep ignoring. And ignoring. And ignoring. How am I going to tell you? Because it's true. Lords get special treatment, and any pairing involving two lords is likely to get that special treatment. This isn't just FE, this is gaming in general. Plus this is really one of the only FE games where the lords aren't related in some way. Because they're totally going to show Chrom marrying Lucina in the opening of Awakening and Lucina holding a baby. Really? 'Cause you keep acting (and kinda stating with your own words) like they invalidate it. Oh boy, Uther isn't mentioned! Doesn't meant they don't comfort Hector. And...when does Farina join, again? Yes as a romantic pairing. And that second part once again falls exactly in line with the "Lyn and Hector are just friends" line of reasoning... They get the same kind of buildup as Hector/Lyn. To say they don't have much interaction is once again because Hector and Lyn are both lord characters. Very few non-lord characters get much in the game outside supports. You keep using that word...subjective. I'm not sure it means what you think it means. Everything you've said (literally everything) is also incredibly subjective (as is everything I've said) yet you don't seem to get it. All of that is, once again, only through supports. And, once again, any man you pair her with will show some lovin'. Just because they don't all show it the same way doesn't mean it isn't there. What? No, I'm not talking about I.S., I'm talking about the original dude who made the games. He had originally wanted Azel to have been turned into a statue, Tiltyu die, and then in the third part of the game that never made it in they'd both be resurrected and reunited with Arthur and Teeny. That's what I read, anyway. Um...no it doesn't. It really doesn't. Like I (repeatedly) said, the lords get more screentime. So that kind of argument is invalid. And aren't you the one who keeps saying "that shouldn't invalidate" and "that shouldn't affect how implied" why is that argument suddenly favorable to you? You keep seeming to say they do work the same, at least that's how I'm interpreting your words. When it comes to Lyn, I'd say so. Everything he says screams "I'm attracted to you" and the same with her. ("That's subjective!" Yes it is, how I interpret it is highly subjective.) Yeah, literally everything said there screamed "friend-friend" to me, so. I play around with my friends all the time. I guess I'm supposed to be in love with all of my friends...since I play around with them. Huh? No I wasn't. I was just saying I had just finished the game again, so the text is clear in my mind. And before you even argue "Yes you were!" just note that I am dyslexic. The way I worded myself seemed completely fine to me. The way you normal people word things is weird to me, in fact the majority of what you're saying seems very weirdly worded to me. That is just not true. Every pairing has a love-line from someone. How explicit it is is most definitely debatable, but every pairing has at least one love line. Even if only one of the characters shows the affection, it's there. It seems to me like you're saying exactly what I was saying...? Note that I never once said you said "every parent character." Sorry, but I still find it so ludicrously unlikely that I.S. would not use the only option for Rath and instead go with a random villager/person.
  21. :3 Lady 10 Juri Han 9 Imca 30 Vashyron 10 Bruno Delinger 10 Rikiya Busuyiama 10 Genghis Bahn III 5 Flynn Scifo 16 Alisa Boskonovitch 8 Heihachi Mishima 26 Zonvolt 14
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