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Fire Emblem Fan

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Everything posted by Fire Emblem Fan

  1. I'd be down with a lord with a build more like Brom, or some other build that isn't the "norm."
  2. For me personally, I rank best to worst like this: Florina>Farina>Fiora
  3. The story... After Chapter 11, kinda went downhill, felt rushed. And Emmeryn shouldn't have become playable, she should have stayed dead.
  4. I think the way Ninian looks is about 16-18, and Eliwood is like 17 so I think it's all right. As for Nino and Jaffar... I've no opinion lol.
  5. I'd agree, Chrom seemed like a combination of Marth and Ike to me, which I didn't like. A more flawed hero would be good.
  6. Indeed, although I prefer Brom to Gatrie. The one who can double for me is the one I'm training on that particular playthrough, if you put enough work in they can both double and be awesome.
  7. Rebecca is awesome. She's one of my favorite bow users in the entire series, behind like only Shinon. I generally use whichever one I'm not trying to train as a backup, in case I need him to finish off an enemy that could potentially kill someone next turn.
  8. Well I just notice that bow users aren't really that popular, so I put Rebecca with them. I personally think she's the best bow user of FE7. I try to alternate between Kent and Sain for each playthrough I feel the same sometimes lol
  9. I'd say play 7 next, it's my personal favorite.
  10. Stahl is pretty awesome too, so... That would be acceptable! An older, fatter Stahl with a family.
  11. Well I guess I'll stop using it then lol That is sadly true... But I guess that's the price they pay for how much butt they kick!
  12. Well, it (the Wiki) had never let me down before... But *shrugs* Saaaaaame here!
  13. I need to do that... YES! ANOTHER YES! Are you positive? On the Fire Emblem Wiki, it lists him as required. Is he really THAT durable? Yeah I'm gonna try Mordecai in my next playthrough and see how it goes.
  14. I'm pretty sure Brom is required for the Endgame? I could be wrong, though, I don't remember for 100% certainty. I thought both he and Nephenee were required. I buy more beorc things because I always bring royal laguz into the Endgame, and they can stay transformed indefinitely, so I had never thought it necessary to buy things for the other laguz. But all this stuff is seriously making me want to try out Mordecai.
  15. I don't think the money from the DB carries over? And I usually spend the money from the CRKs on extra weaponry for later on. Doesn't he have the same number of levels Mordecai had, though? Unless I'm remembering wrong... You have to take into account BEXP Sometimes I think I buy too many beorc weapons... But whenever I think "I have enough" I run out, and whenever I think "I need some more" I get too many. Balancing isn't a strong point of mine, unfortunately. I use whoever is my favorite of those I'm allowed to use in whatever chapter it happens to be I don't remember any chapters where you're forced to use Mordecai? Except maybe his joining chapter?
  16. If I have the funds That might be my problem, when I have Nealuchi and Mordecai I usually try to use them both if I try at all. Yeah, that pretty much is always the case.
  17. Eh... Maybe I'll try him sometime. *Shrugs* Just not a big fan of non-royal laguz.
  18. It usually poses a problem for me, the laguz always end up dying on me when they're untransformed. Deaths are a no-no in my playthroughs.
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