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Fire Emblem Fan

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Everything posted by Fire Emblem Fan

  1. They need to do this now lol... Just talk makes me excited.
  2. Maybe something similar to Sacred Stones. "Which path will you chose? Alm's or Celica's?"
  3. Yeah, and I also figured since Gaiden is the oldest game to not have a remake/update/sequel/prequel/sidequel it deserved some more recognition. I actually kinda don't want FE 4, 5, or 6 to be remade, I'd rather those ones just get translated and put on Virtual Console (4 and 5) and eShop (6). I've always been a big fan of the battle animations and art style of the GBA games, I wouldn't want them to take the risk of ruining that. And I have no idea why, but there's something about the portraits in 4 I really like, I have no idea what but something.
  4. Just something I randomly thought of today while playing Awakening, but I kinda hope they remake Gaiden. On the 3DS. I personally haven't played Gaiden, but just like all the other Japan-only Fire Emblem games I've researched it to the best of my abilities. I think it'd be pretty neat if they incorporated some of Awakening's gameplay mechanics into it, it seems like it'd work really well since Gaiden uses a map system of sorts, and supports could help give characters more development. I personally thought Shadow Dragon on the DS was good, maybe not the best FE and definitely had some mistakes but still good, I think they could learn from those mistakes and really make a Gaiden remake on the 3DS work quite well.
  5. I believe it was the epilogue, I can't remember exactly.
  6. At the end. It happens in Grado. That was why Lyon did all he did, he foresaw it in the future and wanted to stop it, but turned out his actions caused it.
  7. Through some of the unlockable chapters you learn some interesting things about him. Don't want to give any spoilers...
  8. He just wanted to save his people, yeah he knew the risks but his intentions were all good, which is what makes it so tragic. I agree, I was sad when I had to fight him. Him and Nergal are the only two I've ever felt bad for.
  9. Lyon is my favorite main antagonist in the Fire Emblem series because of all the tragedy surrounding him, he's such a tragic character and I think it makes him a great character.
  10. I'd be down with a lord with a build more like Brom, or some other build that isn't the "norm."
  11. For me personally, I rank best to worst like this: Florina>Farina>Fiora
  12. The story... After Chapter 11, kinda went downhill, felt rushed. And Emmeryn shouldn't have become playable, she should have stayed dead.
  13. I think the way Ninian looks is about 16-18, and Eliwood is like 17 so I think it's all right. As for Nino and Jaffar... I've no opinion lol.
  14. I'd agree, Chrom seemed like a combination of Marth and Ike to me, which I didn't like. A more flawed hero would be good.
  15. Indeed, although I prefer Brom to Gatrie. The one who can double for me is the one I'm training on that particular playthrough, if you put enough work in they can both double and be awesome.
  16. Rebecca is awesome. She's one of my favorite bow users in the entire series, behind like only Shinon. I generally use whichever one I'm not trying to train as a backup, in case I need him to finish off an enemy that could potentially kill someone next turn.
  17. Well I just notice that bow users aren't really that popular, so I put Rebecca with them. I personally think she's the best bow user of FE7. I try to alternate between Kent and Sain for each playthrough I feel the same sometimes lol
  18. I'd say play 7 next, it's my personal favorite.
  19. Stahl is pretty awesome too, so... That would be acceptable! An older, fatter Stahl with a family.
  20. Well I guess I'll stop using it then lol That is sadly true... But I guess that's the price they pay for how much butt they kick!
  21. Well, it (the Wiki) had never let me down before... But *shrugs* Saaaaaame here!
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