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Fire Emblem Fan

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Everything posted by Fire Emblem Fan

  1. Wut? That was my first starter ever... I believe we've said the exact same thing
  2. Man... The last one. Can't believe it's already the last one.
  3. I'd rather have a sequel, like... This! Having Roy and Lyn fight together in a Binding Blade sequel would be awesome! And I bet the next game will be unrelated to Awakening, call it a hunch.
  4. Wow... All the posts are too much for me to read right now, so forgive me for that. All I'll say is that I am a Christian, and I believe the Bible is 100% fact. I believe that God created the universe and everything in it, and I believe that Christian scientists have given evidence against evolution. I have to add to that though that whatever they find is always going to be twisted or altered to make them look wrong, because that's how the world is (I have personally experienced this), but I will not argue about it (or anything else I've said), BUT I must also say that science has done loads of wonderful things (like proving the earth is round) and I am NOT saying I hate it or discard it, because I most certainly do not. I believe that the earth is only around 6-to-10 thousand years old. That is all. Thanks if you read what I said. Again, not gonna argue about any of it, I don't like arguing. Now farewell, have fun with the rest of this thread.
  5. Ah yeah, maybe. What about Lyn and Eliwood now? They say something about each other, can't remember exactly what though.
  6. I wouldn't be able to make a huge full list... But some of what I'd say: Assist Trophies: Lucina Eliwood Zelgius/Black Knight Items: Vulnerary Handaxe Stages and Music: No doubt some Awakening-themed stages and music will show up. Maybe a couple music tracks from other FE games, but mostly Awakening. Stickers and Trophies: All the ones from Brawl. Plus some miscellaneous from other FE games, I'm too lazy to think about which.
  7. I'm sorry, there is one I forgot... Second Generation Pokemon Trainer: I think it's likely that they'll add another PT to the mix, and since they started with Gen 1 (of course) then Gen 2 seems like the best next step! If I had to guess which Pokemon Gen 2 Trainer would use, I'd say Feraligatr, Quilava, and Chikorita.
  8. Wow, I thought there'd be more Crash and Spyro on the lists lol, those were my childhood.
  9. Awesome! Okay, here we go, here'd be my list: Chrom, Shulk, Zoroark, Takamaru, Mega Man, and Pac-Man, for the reasons already listed. Palutena: With the success of Kid Icarus: Uprising, Palutena has gained a lot of popularity, and with good reason. Play the game and you'll see why. I really doubt they're going to leave Pit all by himself to represent his series, not with the success of the revival of the series. Palutena and Medusa are the two most likely choices to represent KI along with Pit, but I think Palutena beats out Medusa by a small margin. Toon Zelda/Tetra: They were originally planned to be in Brawl, but were cut out. If they keep Toon Link (which I'm fairly certain they will due to Wind Waker HD coming out soon), then I'd be willing to bed they'd add her into Smash 4. King K. Rool: He's the main antagonist of the Donkey Kong series, he'll be put in eventually! Need I say more? Lyn: Okay, this one is probably less likely and a bit of a stretch. But hear me out, I think Lyn has got a chance! I really think that Fire Emblem will get four representatives in Smash 4, Awakening's success will help that I think, and I remember hearing somewhere that Sakurai is a fan of FE (not 100% certain on that?). Lyn was an Assist Trophy in Brawl, so in the Smash Bros. games she's obviously held in higher regard than the other two protagonists of her game, Eliwood and Hector. I think she makes the most sense to be that fourth representative (if FE really does get four), I think she'd beat out Lucina and Micaiah (the only other two whom I could see taking that fourth spot), Lucina because they'll most definitely add Chrom, and Micaiah because I think she'd be overshadowed by Ike (even if Ike didn't return).
  10. I've just noticed he's not as talked about as a bunch of others, he seemed disliked to me, I couldn't figure it out lol That's probably true, I usually don't take the effort with certain characters unless I really want to.
  11. Rules seem fine to me now that I understand them, although maybe people can change their pic for things like Gen 6 Pokemon since that hasn't been fully revealed or anything, or another game/series in that same boat.
  12. I never really thought about it before... Maybe? Seems plausible? *Shrugs*
  13. Hmm, one thing I thought of, but should we take into account Awakening's DLC? I mean, Roy says things like "For Lilina's sake" when he speaks, so would anything like that give any hints...?
  14. Boots can fix movement, and softening up characters with someone who may not need the EXP for Brom to finish off can give him some kills although he's always been strong enough to ORKO for me
  15. Ah... I feel kinda silly now. But thank you. So... We wait to guess or do we go now?
  16. The rules confused me a little bit is all. But I guess I don't need to understand them to guess lol
  17. Yeah I remembered that, but if she really is Eliwood's canonical wife then she'd be Roy's mom Ah really? I remember hearing somewhere that she (Lilina's mother) had died, though? Well, mistake on my part, then! Now I gotta think of what may have happened to her mom if she really was alive lol. But what about Rath? I don't know, I just think that if someone else was supposed to be Sue's mom then there'd be another pairing option for him. Since Lyn is his only option, it just speaks strongly to me. But I can't deny that a lot is shown for Lyn/Hector.
  18. Whoa... That's scary. I'd cry if there were no more FE games.
  19. I generally don't use armored units much, either, but there are exceptions. Obviously Brom is one, and then Oswin and Gilliam.
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