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Everything posted by Shengar

  1. He don't need a whole package of army. He could have a handful Plegian assassins or Plegian royal seal or something Plegian related to prove his blufff. Walhart must know Excellus dealing with Plegian, but he don't exactly know if Plegian is the one who gave ship to alliance for them to go to Valm. Well, all of that I'm saying is speculation, so no need to get too worked up on it. Indeed without official source, all of this is just purely opinion and speculation. All of this actually fills a hole in my imagination of why the future children could already grown up when Grima arise, while in current timeline only Lucina just born. Speculating is fun
  2. I don't own Xbox360 though I want to play it very badly
  3. No except if Excellus have prove like Plegian royal seal or something. But even in chapter 12, the one who repel Valmese army is both Ylisse and Regna Ferox alliance. Of course Plegian later led ships for alliance army to use. Politics could be dirty at a times, though I believe there is almost no real politics in Awakening. Just in our discussion. If Aversa always keep up the conditon of Valm continent, she should have the premonition. Afterall, some of the gems are located there and one of them is clearly belonged to the Conqueror himself. Well, the point I'm making is how Lucina's time travel have domino/butterfly effect to speed things up, which include the Say'ri survival.
  4. But what if Excellus know that the throne still have king to sit on it? We don't know how long exactly Validar become king of Plegia, so things are very blurry here for me to make further speculation. Excellus could probably said that he have the Plegia Army on his back, so that if Yen'fay actually rebelled, not only Say'ri would be killed, but his action is inevitably futile.
  5. Tea and Bread-and-butter doesn't keep me away from getting hungry I guess I can't be a gentleman
  6. Ture, but again Aversa's offer couldn't be done except Plegia's throne is empty. When Gangrel is finally disposed in original timeline, Yen'fay probably already started out a rebellion against Walhart and Sayri is already dead. Ecellus is indeed would pull a blackmail even when he didn't have connection with Aversa, but his own resources probably wouldn't enough to persuade Yen'fay to surrender. The blackmail still happened probably, but the it importance to keep the southern dynast below Walhart's boots drastically lowered.
  7. Maybe the former. If the latter turned out to be true, then maybe Aversa gave him resources who enabled him to persuade and blackmail the southern dynast.
  8. Nope nope nope The plot is not bad. It just almost like.....non-existent at a first glance Dark Souls executed it story by mean of organic gameplay where you must piece all of the puzzle together. Souls series might posed challenge to understand its story for those who expected it to commit traditional storytelling. They didn't choke down on your throat history about a ruined kingdom with wooden dialogue. The NPCs just talk what they deemed need to be said. Every item have meaningful description that add something more to its world. The wonder f discovery and speculating is just another enjoyment you can have from Souls Series. There is even a "guide" for Demon's Souls story. You could take a look here: http://www.gamefaqs.com/ps3/954345-demons-souls/faqs/62697 It doesn't really that hard actually, if you patience enough to learn from mistake and observe enemies before you sink sword to their throat. Careless action would cost fatal, that's for sure, but again if you are careful, you'll probably just fine. If you have PS3, I recommend Demon's Souls because that is one of the most prized PS3 exclusive has to offer for Action RPG fan.
  9. I think Excellus got himself quite big deal in tis timeline. I'll imagine it like this: Emmeryn becomes martyr -> Gangrel quickly disposed -> Validar becomes king -> Ordering Excellus to become Walhart lackey -> Excellus managed to convice Yen'fay to surrender -> Say'ri Does not die. In other word, Excellus in the original timeline probably went to Valm when Say'ri already dead, or perhaps he didn't even went to Valm at all. If I'm not taking it wrong, the sacrifice Yen'fay probably mean his own dignity.
  10. Say'ri dies in the future because Yen'fay lack of resolve to make deal with Walhart. He decided to fight against him but get curbstomped anyway, maybe because he suffered emotional damage from the loss of his sister. I expect the crushing of Yen'fay's noble house and Sayri's death mean the southern dynast would join Walhart's campaign even without Excellus blackmail. That mean both Plegian and Valm Warm lasted longer in the original timeline. Ah, that kinda explained the age of the child character I supposed.
  11. If "Marth" is really Figma figure and not Max Factory one like Tharja, then I suppose the price would be around 3000-4000 yen or so. Lesser detail, have joints that might be off point for someone but you can freely pose it and much more affordable. That's pretty standard for a 1/7 figure actually
  12. Next time we would see someone arguing "Why don't Dark Fliers ride Giant Bats?"
  13. That really exceedingly hilarious line I've ever read. Should be the best thing ever said in FF series. But I choose this over that
  14. Imagine if that level of detail went to Lucina's outfit
  15. And, how exactly fatally wounded Chrom in early Emmeryn's assassination affected any things?
  16. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeanne_d%27Arc_%28video_game%29 I've heard from friend of mine that this is indeed a hidden historical SRPG out there.
  17. Walhart probably would hunt down the Grimleal though, considering his ideology. Grimleal would be a treat to his "godless" rule. That poses me a question: What happened to Walhart in the original timeline?
  18. Bump because this is practically the best boss music ever. ==== The best music Pokemon has to offer This one is remix, but pretty awesome nonetheless From Demon's Souls, a heart wrenching music for a heart wrenching boss fight
  19. So, should I buy the original PS1 classic or the remake? I'm split between this. How much the difference actually?
  20. Shengar

    Wii U

    Both Vita and Wii U have the same core problem: Games My Vita collecting dust right now because it hardly have any games that caught my attention (P4G turned to bored the shit out of me) Wii U probably wouldn't see the increase of sale until the release of SSB 4. But IMO, Nintendo need more exclusive games if they want to save their own console from nigh destruction against PS4 that only $50 but have more games in it arsenal. I would buy it too in the future just only for SMTxFE
  21. It's what we called MAGIC. Seriously though, this is a limitation/fucklogic that created via the gameplay. Try to come up with something to explain them might create a whole new level of fucklogic/hole or alter the gameplay, like they remove handaxe/javelin and the only 1-2 range lance/axe avaible is Bolt Axe and Shockstick because the developer decided that magically re-appearing thrown weapon is silly.
  22. Refresh four.....Isn't that too OP? Maybe three units for balance sake, or 1-2 dance range like Dragon Boner have said.
  23. That's good, even better in my opinion because of the SPD. But the challenge might be come in this chapter. Just imagine, you've got decent set of enemies, crit the Mercenary on player phase and two enemies got Dual Strike to death. When your avatar leveled up, only one of his stat raised. I supposed we have to reset if that happen, right?
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