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Everything posted by Shengar

  1. Your luck on RNG not only depends on what skills the enemies have, but also your growth. If your avatar got DEF screwed and Mag screwed, you better reset if you didn't want to stuck and/or become RNG slave on chapter 2.
  2. I want an elite mercernary class that wield crossbow and swords, but never find the right name for it. So, Narwhal Rider basically rides on a magic-floating narwhal? That sounds pretty OP, literally flying unit without weakness.
  3. I still get rivalry feeling from Pearl/Barry to be honest, although not as much as I did from Green and Silver. It is shame that Cheren despite his resolve and motivation he didn't exactly feels like rival and instead like other trainer who just happened to crossed our path. N have this motivation too, but maybe because he changed his team everytime we fight him, I rather treat him as an anti-hero antagonist than a rival.
  4. And Libra having mistaking his own son as a woman seems also hilarious.
  5. They could take example from Game Freak's GTS for sharing platform between player. Actually, with recent technology and 3DS architecture, it shouldn't be that hard for IS to implement player sharing network in their games.
  6. Apparently, creating children with exact opposite of their father's trait could resulting in a more interesting support conversation. We could take Maribelle and Brady as one example of that, where Maribell is really courteous attitude make a contrast and hilarious combination with Brady's yankee attitude. Well, there are of course children that really look different at first galnce, only we can found similarity later in their support conversation with their parent. The former is easier and funnier to write, while the latter need more effort to make it interesting and not boring.
  7. That shape is common as it is. Its like, we said if Star Destroyer identical to slice of pizza which obviously is, and feels like it a discovery of the century. You could found that shape on other series I might say.
  8. Damnit, I got ninja'd before I can use that as my avatar.
  9. I like collecting figures from series I know, but I think I skip this one since, well, I'm rarely even use Tharja in game whatsoever Considering the popularity, We might see Lucina and other several female character (perhaps male character like Chrom would get too) in the future. Oh god I want Lucina nendoroid/figma right now
  10. Map Editor, now that really is something O__o That alone would add almos 20 hours or more of gameplay to the game Not only that, as it also give a lot of freedom for player to create a challenge of their and shared it to their This is actually awesome mode of "multiplayer" for FE
  11. Happy birthday, I almost pissed myself when I see this thread title but never actually saw your barrack event but I realise that here wasn't yet 24 June I thought his trait leaking out and began to affect me Lets see: -Surge on Mag and Def, you just enlisted yourself to be used ofr the next chapter - EXP +21, even more reason to deploy you -Glass sword, well I guess Martin could use this
  12. Having a bit little taste on Path of Radiance, I wish they keep Awakening music and unit aesthetic style (except female one that is blatantly stupid like pantless Great Knight). For now, I hope for better writing.
  13. If I remember, there are only two throwing swords, Amatsu and Ragnell. Both of them are special swords, so yeah, I agree that there should be like throwing dagger or something similar. We have Hand Axe so why not throwing dagger?
  14. Its terrible from moral perspective, and I agree with that. But morally terrible character with well written background is better overall because we know how come they behave like that than morally terrible character by saying "hey I'm a terrible character because the writer says so!"
  15. How much BEXP I receive for each chapter actually? From what you imply by saying to me not there is no useless unit thanks to BEXP, I expect it to be a lot.
  16. His conversation with Walhart revealed that he is no less better than him. But like all other promising premises, it got ignored entirely. Seriously, why should he invade Valm when he able to defend the coast with relative ease?
  17. I term of writing, possibly. I observed that he is the one who have so many little touches and backstory revealed in support conversations with other.
  18. So promoting is best done at the start of Valm where promoted enemy appeared right? Since I got extra piece of second seals (which makes me really in tight financial situation), I wonder if I should use it to reclass Fred to Knight/Cavalier or use it on other/better unit?
  19. What's the good units? Since there is no free battle here, I don't want screw myself and wasting time experimenting on hopeless unit. If there is any.
  20. We really need more news so we can get a better how the game ended up as. This new is important for me because it like a ray of light piercing clouds of shadow, but apparently it not enough to wholly brighten the day. Will it feature already existing characters? Or a whole new one? Damn, the new is too few to make a coherent prediction >__> Ah, one thing I hope that the game followed IS direction of design to make a fair difficulty. Atlus game (the older one though) tend to relly on cheating AI to make their game difficult.
  21. So, after tasted Awakening as my first Fire Emblem, I decided to delve deeper into FE series by playing more of its game. I choose Path of Radiance to have that honor mainlly because I don't have to drastically adjust my eyes to get used on dated graphis (though I will play GBA games later). Is there anything for me I should know before play the game? Any tips and/or suggestion?
  22. Yep, time travel could be actually pretty good stuf when it handled correctly (like everything does). Like, if I could take an example outside of game, Stein's Gate focus on how butterfly effect could horribly alter the shape of the world. In Awakening case however, they done it pretty bad. It like the time travel plot is an excuse for child character to fight beside their parent. This make my mind numbingly painful from imagining many thing out of that. They should handle parent/child things with better and careful thought.
  23. Try to have separate perspective on things, that save a lot of headache. I mean, if I like psychopathic child murderer soldier because he suffered many mental breakdown as a child soldier with many well written reason to justify his state, does that make approve of child murdering/child soldier? Nope. As Constable Reggie said, Awakening have so much potential but it seems the writer deliberately missed them out. I found that many of the interesting support conversations are the ones that reveal small detail but significant enough to add depth to their personality. Like Frederick habit of starting fire and his hate on wild animal meat comes from his childhood trauma or how Kellam got his "trait" because he is so selfish that his entire family begin to ignore him (his father or mother must be a former potent dark mage to put such strong hex). Many Male unit have this little touch on their support conversation, which makes them generally better and preferably, easier to defend than the females. Many female unit lack this touch, makes me harder to defend my choice. What to argue when there is nothing worth explaining?
  24. Ahh, this shed many light on how they game would look like. Would they use already existing character or create a whole new cast of characters for the game? Can't get enough hype for this. SMT usually dealt with post apocalypse modern world. Sometimes the technology or aesthethic taste revert back to older era pre-apocalypse. I don't know how they will dealt this time. Probably IS and Atlus would make a middle ground/mixed bags between the two. SMT Demon have something like Eligor who ride hell horse, while at the same time, there is Hell Rider who pretty much Ghost Rider with more magic power. And Guns? Who the hell need guns when you can beat demon out of the crap with bare hand?Seriously SMT is really a mixed bags. One characterhave guns as their weapon with another character wield spears beside them. Atlus have pretty strong fanbase in NA, and IS with Awakening pretty much have the best momentum to release another worldwide game. They SHOULD release it worldwide because Atlus/SMT already ensure quality for some people that enough for them to buy it. SMT x FE itself already got me preparing to buy a Wii U unit, and perhaps it will be the only game I'll ever have for this console.
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