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Everything posted by Kinumi

  1. it just kinda sucks because i have literally taken a full year of a speech class and gotten personal praise from my instructor and the mayor's speechwriter (i.e. i know that, objectively, i am actually fairly decent at public speaking after i finish my inevitable mental breakdown beforehand) and i still have this annoying phobia :_, how can i even fix it at this point
  2. thx that was surprisingly motivational
  3. it's not like a super huge or important presentation which is y i rly want to consider askin my teacher if i can skip but i really really genuinely enjoy that class a whole bunch and i don't want her to think that i'm incompetent or don't care about it because only one of those things is true
  4. i really REALLY should be sleeping but i am so stressed over my psych project that it's impossible for me to sleep (my hands r literally shaking and i was on the verge of crying lol) so i popped up some honeyworks aND IM WATCHING THE ONE PV THAT CONCLUDES MIOU'S AND HARUKI'S STORY WITH SUBS FOR THE FIRST TIME AND NOW I AM ACTUALLY FULL-ON CRYING EBCAUDE I LOVE THESE TWO SO MUCH AND I HAD NO IDEA THAT [THINGS] AND AHH WHY AM I SO EMOTIONAL
  5. that's y im remindin u dingus also yes it's kinda surreal and also it makes me feel dumb
  6. o man damian theres this girl in my literature class who types literally 170 wpm lmao this has nothing to do w u but i remember being upset that u type faster than me so telling u makes me, kim, feel better
  7. thx damian so do u and i hope u remember that always
  8. whenever i remember that i have friends i cry a little bc idt i deserve them but i treasure them nonetheless
  9. yall my friend robbie is the most precious person ever......stan Him
  10. i really like nenchaku-kei danshi no juugo-nen nechinechi bc literally every english translation of the title is awkward af "15 years of pursuing a cute boy" "a clingy boy sticking for 15 years" "the 15-year-long persistence of an affectionate young man" "15 tenacious years of a pertinacious boy"
  11. like, i don't even know a matthew off the top of my head at least. again i am sure i am repressing something
  12. i just got out my phone to text someone and for some reason in my contacts theres someone named "matthew (jesus died for my sins)" and im sure that theres a story behind that and im repressing the memory because im positive i did something really really bad for myself to do that and i don't want to remember but also what the heck
  13. if anyone ever asks me how much i love hitori im just gonna show them this
  14. why does niconico's watch history also track how many times u watched it in the last 90 days....i don't need to be self-conscious about how much i listen to certain songs
  15. actually while im at it i might as well go full throttle. theres no such thing as a single shitpost
  16. i just realized that i had a shitpost drafted on my computer that i never posted so even though hatt isn't here i am ok w a single shitpost, here it is
  17. remember when kyouya literally just handcuffed a guy to death lmao that was wild
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