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About Why-Fi

  • Birthday 08/28/1994


  • Member Title
    Common Fire Emblemer

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Sacred Stones

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  1. What about Aimee? She's a total slut. Voted Nailah because of the lack of Aimee (Nailah = second hottest IMO).
  2. Ok, ok, Lyon might not be better than Riev, but did you actually see my video? Oh, besides, Lyon can summon, just like a common Summoner. So if he's in too much trouble, you can have him summon some d00ds to take care of business.
  3. Now let's compare. Eclipse vs. Purge. Both have the same range. Eclipse can be used by Lyon, Knoll and Ewan, Purge by Riev and any other Sage/Bishop/Valkyrie. But that's not the case. We're talking Lyon vs Riev, specifically. Eclipse halves enemy HP. You probably can't do the same with Purge unless the enemy is weak enough to die in one hit. So Eclipse is much better for the Dracozombies in Lagdou Ruins. And Eclipse's bad hit can be compensated with the said nursing and speedwings.
  4. That's if you can't nurse him until he gets a pretty decent speed. Besides, with Rennac's secret shop card thingy (don't know its name), you can buy speedwings in secret shops to aid in the process. With that in mind, you can bypass Naglfar's weigth and double with it.
  5. Hmm... you're still forgetting Lyon and his Naglfar... But yeah, FE 8 is definitely not a good game for Dark magic. Except for the case I've been mentioning in my posts.
  6. In FE 8, Ewan = Summoner and Knoll = Druid. Plain and simple. Also, you're forgetting about Lyon. He totally pwns the shit out of the monsters in Lagdou Ruins. He could solo Lagdou if you wanted him to. And he has an unlimited use spell.
  7. There's this guy, and he hacks FE 10 to make all sorts of crazy videos. Like this one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCkQ35c1evA&fmt=18 lol hacks Enjoy! ;)
  8. /approval of username

  9. Hmm, maybe that's why everyone things the Dawn Brigade chapters are difficult and the characters suck. Maybe it's because it's the only part that has 1st tiers (or at least most of them are 1st tiers)...
  10. Hmm... I really don't like IPB 3 very much, but who am I to judge you? Besides, it's already official and no longer a beta so most of the problems in IPB 3 that used to set me off are probably fixed now. Well, congrats for the change, I guess...
  11. Having new classes is always cool. And I liked soldiers/halberdiers/sentinels in FE 10 so I'd like them to return as playable. Another thing that should return is 3rd tier, like in FE 10. And the promotion by "level 21" system (without the need of the rare promotion items).
  12. Thingy! My buddy! Love you man! You rock! You helped me a lot with my forum! Tribute to you!

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