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Wayward Winds

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Everything posted by Wayward Winds

  1. It's like plain old FE8. Level up a trainee (Djambo, Andre or Sae'rah in this hack, Ross, Ewan or Amelia in vanilla FE8) to level 10. Nothing will happen then, but once you start the next chapter you'll get an extra scene before the battle preparations which will conclude with the trainee promoting. Note that the promotion options are different compared to vanilla FE8. And no, trainees don't require items for this particular promotion. As long as they reached level 10 in the last map, they'll promote.
  2. Dream of Five is discontinued? When did that happen? Last I heard it was just progressing veeerrry slowly due to real life interference. I've got 3 favourite discontinued FE hacks. Decay of the Fangs, Maiden Quest and Project Z - the latter 2 over on the Emblem Brigade. There was some talk of restarting Project Z, but it's not looking likely at the moment...
  3. I'm not far off. Lv. 13 Faratrass with 3 resistance (at the end of the interlude).
  4. Something went wrong here then, because last time I checked I was definitely male. Phew, so this is what the red/green thing is. I thought I'd been redlisted or something... uh, no pun intended.
  5. [spoiler=Little tidbit regarding Tirado's survival]Incidentally, unless Alfred changed things since I proofread this, any members of the Triumvirate who survive this chapter but aren't recruited just vanish from the story. They won't be turning up later. Apparently most of FE8's permanent ID codes are tied up with the world map, so there aren't any left to devote to this sort of thing. Even Garion's recruitment relies on a sneaky little workaround - an "invisible unit" that turns up in your party just long enough to be used as a pseudo-ID before it gets deleted. So, yeah, recruit Menmus and Cattleya here, because you won't get another chance later. ...There's no actual plot spoilers in there by the way.
  6. No, it wasn't completed and unfortunately never will be. Shame, because it was getting really interesting. It went to about Ch. 12, with at least 3 gaidens.
  7. (Not that I'm going to start a full blown discussion in some else's topic, but...) Thanks Agro! There's a lack of info on that issue on the board - people asking/commenting is easy enough to find, but not the answer. All I'd figured out was that the problem arose during the conversion from midi to .s file, and that it likely wasn't an issue with Sappy itself. Now I no longer have to decide between proper drums and cymbals, and getting things to loop properly!
  8. Here's one. http://www.mediafire.com/download/b3358d8qcgxtxat/Blazer's_Instrument_Patch.zip Now, there are actually two patches on Blazer's site - the original, completely jumbled up one (pointer wise), and a second version with the pointers fixed. This here's the second one, so it should work fine without any fiddling (it does for me - although drums muck up if I insert music via Sappy; they work perfectly fine if I go the old fashioned way and insert via hex editor). There's a notepad file in there as well - that'll give you the location of the instrument map, and where the patch inserts stuff. You may have to use it on a clean FE7 ROM, but I'm not entirely certain about that. (I've also left the pointer for the instrument map in the notepad file just in case you're using a hex editor to insert music. But remember it's the offset, not the pointer, that you need to insert in Nightmare or Sappy (whichever is appropriate).)
  9. ...There's some rather, shall we say interesting information there. Lazulis is looking more and more interesting. Not that we know who drugged the Lazuleans, but... Also, Fire Emblems? [spoiler=Not so random musing] I thought the Magvel Fire Emblem was the Sacred Stone of Grado, which was the first to get shattered. This looks like it might be where we finally properly dismiss parts of FE8 canon from the backstory. One thing that mildly concerns me though - the spreadsheet shows that some entries will only be available through Supports. Doesn't that run the risk of someone permanently locking themselves out of... ...if they don't pick the right Support pairings to follow? A lot of players will hit all the villages/houses for completion's sake, so those entries are more likely to be picked up (except by LTC players), but everyone will have different ideas for which relationships they'll want to develop. So... provide a backup method of unlocking these? Perhaps do the same as vanilla FE8 with Lyon - completing the ruins for the third time fully unlocks the entries. Or (but I think this might be a bit much to program) it unlocks one every time you finish the ruins/tower. But only in the postgame of course!
  10. ...Okay, I'm pretty sure you've played more than you've listed, but I'll just drop down links for everything else I know of. Not all of these are going to be finished, but they're all worth a look at. Links to download pages: Road to Ruin: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=25912 Bloodlines: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=45771 Shatterlight: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=42668 TactHack: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=49564 Exalted Legacy: http://feuniverse.us/t/fire-emblem-exalted-legacy/183/17 League of Champions (Kalath Version): http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=42161 (There was also a previous version of this floating around, starring a different lord called Lee, but the link's now dead. I could rustle up a new patch using NUPS (I've still got the patched ROM) but something tells me SkittyofTime wouldn't be happy with me spreading his older, supposedly "rubbish" work). Sacred Dawn DX: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=27763 Project Z: http://tebrigade.b1.jcink.com/index.php?showtopic=2045 Maiden Quest: http://tebrigade.b1.jcink.com/index.php?showtopic=692 (Make sure you click "Final Patch" for that one - it's got far more content than the demo patch link)
  11. [light-hearted-troll]And our top story tonight; Alfred is secretly a girl.[/light-hearted-troll]
  12. I know I picked up a few Etrian Odyssey midis from the new files section on VG Music. Except that part of the site is still down since they moved servers, and my collection is mostly improperly marked. Here's the one I can find, for whatever good it may do you (or anyone else who finds a use for it - Alfred, that includes you too!). http://www.mediafire.com/download/wy11etjyfzc4zsr/Etrian_Odyssey_3-18.mid That's "Hoist the Sword with Pride in the Heart", from Etrian Odyssey 3 for the record. As for where Alfred got his, well, I know he browsed a lot of Japanese sites as well. Perhaps he picked them up from there?
  13. Well, Ch. 2 might test your patience a lot without Hellios, at least if you want Cattleya. But every other chapter is perfectly doable without him.
  14. On Sae'rah; she's kind of a glass cannon. She obliterates monsters after promotion, but she needs quite a bit of healing. Same as Djambo really. I can't really remember Andre's performance as a Mage...
  15. Who was Meredith? Someone from FE7x by any chance? Oh, yes, the Edessa forces. I think we all know what happens to them.
  16. Sounds like a mistake to me. I read it as FE7's Hector made being changed to Lilina's version of the FE6 story. Seeing as Hector kicks ze bucket so early on after all. But I could be wrong. Another FE6 remake project can't hurt. We've had screenshots, but not one actual patch from the existing projects. I think Skitty's version showed the most progress - but Fractured Realms seems to have hogged all of his attention. Anyway, if you think you can see it through, go for it.
  17. Oh. Just after I finally started on the last one. Well, I'll be seeing the full impact of the changes.
  18. I thought creative liberties got cancelled. Much to my disappointment I might add. (Please Arch, prove me wrong!)
  19. My only real complaint about TLP is that until the last few chapters, it's a re-run of the tired old imperial invasion plot, same as FE1/FE6/FE8. Once the first few maps are gone the gameplay's mostly fine, and I can't fault it on the technical front. You just have to take the bad with the good. Same with Do5, D&G, Decay of the Fangs, and every other hack out there. Really though, TLP and EN are like fire and ice; incomparable beyond the fact they're both built off FE7.
  20. Things were so much simpler when it was creative liberties we were looking forward to, eh?
  21. This in a series with plenty of blue, green and the occaisonal purple? I'm not sure hair colour can be linked to age here. In fact, even in real life hair colour isn't necessarily representative of age. Albinos are white all their life, some people who go white at 30ish thanks to quirky genetics, there are some people who are naturally platinum, and that's not even getting into all of the dye available.
  22. [Troll]Where there's an Einherjar, there's a Valkyrie. And then... Dream of Five pt. 2; hijacked by Lezard![/Troll]
  23. Whoops! Cataphract got name dropped so many times back where her portrait & sprite were shown, I clearly jumped to the wrong conclusion. I remember thinking Cataphracts were middle eastern warriors who extended their use of chain mail to covering the horses as well. The pictures of Thyra are back on page 193 by the way.
  24. I think Thyra is a revamped Lumi, going on what I've read. I do know she's of a unique class; a screenshot of her standing stance turned up earlier in the thread. Heavy looking armour and a massive sword balanced across the shoulders if memory serves me right. Class name: Cataphract or something.
  25. No problem. You'll need to use the drop down menu to see the names, and select one to see the appropriate spreadsheet. Otherwise you'll just have the "Name", "Level", "HP", "Strength/Magic" header line but nothing below it. One character (Stolypin) isn't on there, but you automatically gain him at the end of Ch. 14A (as far as the hack goes at present anyway).
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