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Wayward Winds

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Everything posted by Wayward Winds

  1. Funny. All of them are 7:5 now. ...Did someone get the date of April Fool's day completely wrong or something?
  2. As the (paraphrased) saying goes: We used to be taught how to survive. Now we're taught to press buttons. Some of humanity (the Sami, Aborignal people, and others who stick fairly close to their heritage) will probably handle technology's disappearence as a hiccup at most. The rest of us? Yep, we'd be in trouble.
  3. To be fair, even the best tutorials fall short at times. (Sorry Blazer, but I'm using yours as an example here): That's the key. Hit a problem, experiment and try to solve the issue yourself, and only then go for help. Otherwise there's not much effort on the part of the original hacker. Plus you learn better when you fix the problem yourself. Also, people are more likely to donate portraits or whatever to an in-progress hack that looks like it actually might be quite good, than to the metaphorical blank slate. Again, it boils down to obvious effort on the part of the original hacker. P. EDIT: Bother, beaten by Kitty. And following on from his 'asking a question already answered', another thing that only takes a moment is the internal search engine. And reading the obvious. Not related to actually hacking, but how many people have reported 'Ch. 15 doesn't work' in Dream of Five's thread? Despite the OP clearly stating how far the current patch goes? ... ...You can see why people get annoyed. FINAL EDIT: Remember, this is a Newbie saying this. I personally prefer experimenting, then asking questions. I learn better that way. I'll admit, others may not. But how much does it take before 'help me' essentially becomes 'spoon feed me'? Hence my preference for experimentation first, because I refuse to let myself become reliant on others. I'd rather not do this full stop than that. ...It's a fine line at times. Others will prefer or maybe even need to get close to it; I'm keeping my distance. At least until I've got something to give in return.
  4. My two cents (or pennies, seeing as I'm British): I think, from what I've seen, it's usually the same few names issuing the put downs. There are on the other hand, some extremely helpful people around. It's the same everywhere. There's also the fact that when these idea pop up, the person responsible often gives off the vibe of 'impulse', it'll be gone in a 'couple of weeks. Or alternatively, the story seems to be all they currently have (which is fair enough, you must have your concept before all else), but they then immediately ask for portraits, sprites, the lot. As if they aren't going to try themselves. That can come across as 'lazy bum', whereas showing progress in other areas first and asking for help rather than fully fledged elements would probably come over better. (Before everyone thinks I'm sounding a bit of an elitist snob myself there, here's the summary: there's no problem posting ideas, as lomg as it looks like you're devoted enough to attempt most of the work yourself. Asking for help in just one or two areas, say portraits (although there's always the possibility of splicing), is just covering weaknesses). I'm fiddling around with FE hacking myself now, but I'm determined to figure out most of the basics for myself and get a few chapters done before I start clogging up the forum. So, all you'll get is a name: Echoes of the Mist. Anything else can wait 'till I run into a roadblock I can't solve without help, and I'll still do what I can elsewhere before I ask for that help. That way I'll actually show that I mean business. That said, I too would support a 'new hack ideas' sub forum, because it would give newcomers an entry point where they aren't required to immediately be on par with the veterans. I can churn my way through problems using tutorials and a bit of logic, but that's not the way for everyone.
  5. There needs to be some sort of quality control though. But I guess MarkyJoe would act as moderator anyway. Personally, I'm on the encouragement side rather than the pessimistic side. Most stuff is on Serenes already, but the odd thing does pop up elsewhere. Nothing wrong with putting a new signpost in and trying to safeguard resources for newcomers. One suggestion though regarding tilesets; have a little info table saying which tileset is what. Both Mappy and Tiled give rather odd labels to the included tilesets, and trying to link eg 'Plains and Castle' to a specific tileset might be a bit difficult. A simple list of [Tileset label as it appears on your site] = [Mappy label] = [Tiled Label] would greatly speed up things for tileset importation. Just an idea for when the important stuff is done, I'm in no way saying such a side project has to be done now. Or even ever, it's your site.
  6. I don't like soaps (Eastenders, Coronation Street etc.). Right, that's me labelled public enemy #2. I'm also not a fan of documentaries that tell you the same basic thing repeatedly, no matter how they change the words around. Yes, most meteors burn up during atmospheric re-entry, I get it already! Yes Time Team, I think we know how things go now. You dig three trenches, and have three days to assemble whatever miniscule evidence you find into a cgi building, with a little help from geophys (or whatever). It's been the same for the last ten years! Apart from that, I'll endure (but not necessarily like) pretty much anything.
  7. Let's see: Current programmes: 'QI', 'Sherlock' and 'Mythbusters'. A bit older; 'A Town called Eureka' (just 'Eureka' in America), 'Babylon 5' and 'Stargate SG-1'/'Stargate Atlantis' (haven't been able to see enough of 'Stargate Universe' to put it on the list). Even older: 'Yes Minister'/'Yes Prime Minister', 'Hogan's Heroes' (which I'm forced to watch on Youtube seeing as CBS never bothered releasing it in Europe) and 'Red Dwarf'. Yes, I prefer old comedies to modern ones.
  8. ...I can remember a few, like being stuck in a coastal town with sucessive (and massive) tsunamis rolling in (naturally, this being a dream, I survived each one), or being in a small alpine village just as the crazy cultist took over and whipped the villagers into a raging mob, pitchforks, torches and all... and then there was the town utterly overun with friendly Daleks. Naturally, these ones were when I was quite a bit younger and my kids brain dumped a whole load of baloney into my dreams. They've become a bit more sensible of late. That said, there was that weird one where I, as part of the UK Royal Air Force cadets (which I left 6 years ago), was over in the USA... just as they declared war on the UK (I have no idea why). Cue us cadets having to split up and dodge patrols while we tried to get out of the country. Another silly little dream that had no basis in reality.
  9. Not really, no. I can't stand facebook, but I find myself forced onto it because of university group work because that's how everyone else communicates. Except I never remember to check it (unlike emails)...
  10. Oh. I wonder if that's somehow behind my little issue? (I was using a cleared Ch. 10 save from the last version, seeing as that note wasn't there when I downloaded the latest version.) I was planning on doing Ch. 11 - 13 and then going back to see what had changed for Ragnar's run; looks like I'll be doing it the other way round now.
  11. ...'fraid I've got a issue to report. Ch. 12, the opening scene with Kassia, Erin and Lycus. When the scene ends or if you press 'B' to skip it, the game just stops. Music's still playing and blinking animations are still going, but the cutscene doesn't advance to its next stage. You can get to the battle part of the chapter by pressing 'Start' before this happens, but you still can't see whatever else happens in the opening scenes.
  12. Uh, nope, Serenes doesn't support 'tact'. Not allowed to cast a vote unless all categories are filled.
  13. Like the last question, I'll say no on grounds of pain is a good warning for those who have just, say, just put their hand on a hot stove... ....BUT really I'd go in the middle. Keep the pain that alerts you to a problem, add the ability to remove pain when you're actively dealing with the issue. Seeing as we can't go for the middle ground though, I'll vote no overall.
  14. ...All these Star Wars games mentioned except... where's Republic Commando? That was an enjoyable romp through Geonosis/Kashyyk/suspiciously derelict Acclamator class battle cruiser. Pity it was so short. On the other hand, even Star Wars isn't immune to cash cow milking. Clone Wars on the PS2... shudder. Abominable graphics, frame rate below 3 fps at times, yeah, that was poor.
  15. No. Fear is a survival tool. People with no fear don't know when to back off, and promptly get beaten up/shot/eaten/otherwise entered into the Darwin Awards. Me, I'd rather be concerned about that tiger pounding towards me.
  16. Are you sure you've got the V6 beta Poly? Raven's isn't included in v5 (neither is Karel's, Zealot's, Kent's or Legault's). For some reason v6 isn't the OP's link. Check back a few pages and you'll find a few links to the v6 beta. Make sure you grab the last one in the thread (v6.7?), otherwise you'll have to deal with more bugs than necessary (such as Legault's tale not progressing from part 1 to part 2). Also, you can transfer your save file over, but make sure you restart the chapter/tale select - resuming causes problems. You may also need to reclear some tales to trigger Zealot and Karel. (One difference between v5 and the v6 beta that's easily checkable is Natalie. Check Eliwood's tale; if she's a Bishop, you've got v5. If she's a Valkyrie, you've got v6).
  17. If both gender options give the same gameplay options, (story doesn't usually vary enough for that to be a factor), then I'll usually go for female. Simply because nearly every non-customisable game seems to have a male as the lead - sometimes I just like a change, and I'll admit, I detest how most works of fiction give men all the heavy lifting and women purely seem to be the support roles. I thought this was the age of gender equality! But if (back on topic), as FE11 and 12 do (yes, I know FE11 doesn't have an avatar, but the reclass option makes things pretty biased), females are always limited to the 'light' classes like Mage, Myrmidon or (shudder) Cleric, then I'll pick Male. I'm not sacrificing enjoyable gameplay for cosmetic reasons, and enjoyable gameplay for me is wading into the melee with a broadsword, or not being stuck as a glass cannon with a rubbish pistol and a situational sniper rifle.
  18. ...That's because there is no hack past Ch. 14A/B at present - this is a work in progress. Once Astra and co. are satisfied with the next set of chapters (about 6 or so), they'll release a new patch that will let you get further. As far as I know you'll even be able to carry your save file over, as long as you don't mind having Katrina as a tent instead of a wagon for a couple of chapters, and you don't mind missing a few changes to the earlier sections. So just wait patiently. More will come.
  19. It'd be unfair if both popped up in round two, so I'd say just use some RNG or something to select one.
  20. I was (relatively) lucky with Renair's strength - 16 at lv. 19 (Musain) and lv. 20 (Onduris). But that's nothing compared to the person who had something like 12 strength at lv. 8. As Ezio will no doubt point out, that's the RNG for you. And when it fails, you can always take Support bonuses into account (hence why my Renair might as well be tied to Kolbane by a 3 tile length chain. Even 16 strength falls short at times).
  21. ...It's terrible for my eyes, but reading in a low light environment always works for me.
  22. Hmm, a relatively small place with reliable public transport links, preferably close to a good quantity of woodland. Throw in some hills (I'm not foolish enough to ask for mountains, considering the weather that comes with them), a river and possibly a lake. Must have: Plenty of second hand bookshops. Must not have: The usual gangs of teenagers who seem to have nothing better to do than hang around chucking stones and insults (yes, I'm on the recieving end of this, on the basis I... wear glasses). I've got nothing against teens who refrain from this sort of harrasment though; they're free to do as they please.
  23. At the moment, I think we should stay local. Technology isn't nearly advanced enough to send out long range exploration ships at the moment - those ships wouldn't be getting back for a long time, if at all. And personally, I think all this talk of setting up a colony on Mars is a bit too soon. That would be a dreary place to live for months on end, and if one thing went wrong... well, goodbye colony. I doubt they could hold out long enough for us to send backup. If significantly speedy ships (not necessarily FTL) can be designed, along with other sci-fi staples such as terraforming or cryosleep, then go for it. Otherwise, I'd stick to orbital stuff and a bit of automated outer system mining. ...Yes I'm repeating things. I initially tried to post this about 4 hours ago, and guess when my internet decided to fail?
  24. Seconded! That's one thing that made me double take in Ch. 8A. It's one thing importing portraits from Shadow Dragon, it's quite another making your own. Attention to detail I'd say!
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