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Wayward Winds

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Everything posted by Wayward Winds

  1. I've already claimed, so no objections here. Unless Scorri's ability didn't protect its target from the mafia nightkill, I don't think she used it on N1. Everyone posted on D2, so BBM was the only possible target. And he was the nightkill. So either; 1) It didn't stop the nightkill, in which case SB likely targetted BBM that night. 2) It didn't get used, in which case we have yet another role blocking... role, SB targetted a commuter, or SB was lying. Just something to keep in mind before claims start happening (and that logic has nothing to do with my own tracker role).
  2. And again... ...FE7 Marcus??? It's official, this topic hates me. (...But not enough to give me the Draco Zombie at least)
  3. What number are we on? I think we've had 6 so far (at a stretch anyway). So... 7) Hello miss 30% critical chance with an iron sword (when properly leveled). 8) ...Not to mention she dodges near everything. 9) Uh, she's the first Lord we westerners saw (not counting Brawl), and a whole load better than her replacement, mr meh. Eliwood. ...There you go, you can support both topics!
  4. I actually prefer Lyn to Eliwood (but prefer Hector over both of them), but... 21) She pulls you through the most boring maps in FE history. 22) You see way too much of her (and those maps) if you want to take advantage of Pr - Ch. 10 levelling opportunities. 23) She refuses to go anywhere without that damn Tactician! (Seriously, I hate the tactician thing in FE7, and how you can't not have one if you start with Lyn's story).
  5. Now I am suspicious. But there's really no point dropping the hammer with 15 min to go. So I'm just going to address a couple of other things.@SB: I tracked Scorri because, frankly, I was fed up with this continuing arguement that she was mafia based mainly on early game stuff. I was trying to get some form of insight either way. Bear may have been the priority target, but that also indicated he'd be a more obvious target for others to investigate. Hardly worth wasting a track if others would go after the same. Of course, this was before Bluedoom and the reveal that we do in fact have vanillas. And why did you briefly consider Bear Town? I've yet to spot anything to account for that shift. Elieson's better, but he's still a little light on content. Flipping heck, 7.55 already typing on a phone is slow.
  6. Last post before I disappear to bed; No opinions, mainly because my tired brain can't keep up with this sudden mass of discussion (I've spent most of the day working on a university assignment, my brain is full of completely irrelevant bits and bobs about household dust). I've generally felt you (Refa) are more Town, which makes it difficult for me to immediately turn around and shout SCUUUMMM!!! even with the sudden attack by Scorri and Bard. For Scorri, most of the arguments against her seemed to stem from inactivity (not anymore!) and early defensiveness, which I never bought into as scum behaviour. Bard... pass, nothing comes to mind that makes him definitively 'scummy' in my opinion, although his sudden aggressiveness is odd enough to make me wonder. Also still getting that weird vibe from before, but I still can't pin it down and I'm not pointing fingers on 'vibes'. Anyway, I'll have about an hour tomorrow to come up with opinions before D3 ends. At least my head should be clearer then. ...How on earth can a 'Scorri didn't visit anyone' be conclusive proof either way? It's not like I'm claiming to be a cop here! ...And just for the record, the official description of a Gravedigger is; ...Kirsche could have been saving up Poly's roleblock for a more appropriate time. ...SB could also have targeted a Commuter, in which case we don't have another role blocker on the loose; ...But you experienced players will know all this, won't you?
  7. Is there even a role that allows someone to project ninja onto another player? I'm going to take a completely different approach for the gravedigger thing and ask; isn't that likely to get overpowered if it goes on too long? The more players who go under, the more roles he could have theoretically chosen from. Once every night, that's sort of unbalanced to have that much variety available. I'm also of the opinion that, even if it had been multiuse, it would have decayed after, say two uses. I mean, my ability was next to useless, and it only lasted two nights. Anyway, that's irrelevant. Either Kirsche used it on N1, or he didn't. I don't think there's a 'make my scumbuddy a ninja' role, so I'm saying he didn't and therefore we have another role blocker. Feel free to form your own opinions though. So, who do I find scummy? Truthfully, I don't know. SB and Shin are right to be suspicious of me, and even I'll admit that last post didn't really come to any conclusions. That's because I haven't got any clear cut opinions at the moment, just varying levels of suspicion. I'm not changing my vote yet, for the simple reason Elieson hasn't actually changed my mind on Bear's previous actions. Given those Votals and that I've got until 8am local time, maybe the night's activities will give me more insight. I'll be up early, I'll have a proper look then. ...Or maybe I'll just miss a sudden hammer from being asleep. Seven players, that means three to lynch, four to hammer?
  8. ...Obviously this assumes SB was telling the truth when he said he'd been blocked.
  9. ...I'm just getting confused now. I was of the opinion that Scorri was more likely Town than not, but honestly? I have no idea anymore. Kirsche may not have pushing her particularly hard, but he was persistent about it. I'm not sure that comes under distancing, because there was plenty of distrust aimed at her from other directions as well. She may not have been lynched on D1 thanks to Poly's huge gap in votes, but distrust carries over, and if it wasn't for Bear's rather... limited contributions, we'd probably be looking at her a bit harder. Right, time to use a bit of logic... even if I know this is going to end badly for me. On another front, my result from targeting Scorri on N2. I am, or rather was (ability decayed on second use, so I'm booted down to vanilla) a Tracker. First night I targeted Kirsche, figuring it was better to go for a lower profile player who was nonetheless ringing some alarm bells, and got a negative result. N2 saw me target Scorri in an attempt to get some indication either way for what side she's on. It was another 'nada' result. While I did think that meant Scorri may have been Town, now I'm not so sure. Mafia have vanillas as well, and there are passive abilities to take into account as well. Not to mention Kirsche gave the same result, which only tells me he didn't steal Poly's role block that night. So, that doesn't really clear anything up. It does tell me the role blocker is STILL OUT THERE! (Considering SB got blocked on N1, after Poly's lynch.) I can't really see a particular preference amongst the surviving players on attacking SB during D1, apart from Refa's last post (of D1) which seemed to be dismantling SB's recent posts to the exclusion of the rest of the game. He was on a time limit at the time and probably working on priority basis, but it could have meant something. Either that, or our mystery blocker just went on less mainstream targets as I was doing. Anyway, back to Scorri. I was about to say; ...And then she pops in to prove me wrong. (For that matter, I've been repeatedly on Bear's case for laziness) She's also spot on about Elieson claiming weak watcher survivor over in Fakeclaim. Could be that Bear was assigned that role, but that would be one heck of a coincidence. I'm still not convinced there's conclusive evidence to call her scum, just that part of my 'Town' reasoning was flawed (again). Speaking of Elieson, follow up post please? Still waiting for other opinions, not to mention the info Shin's requested. I'm reluctant to advocate a lynch on a replacement player if it really was Bear playing lazily, but at the moment you aren't really digging yourself out of his hole. But, hmm, given the points others have raised on Refa, even I'm starting to wonder. I don't think I've ever got a conclusive reason from him why I'm considered Town. Quietly the Cop? Or Mafia trying to keep the idiot in as long as possible? (I wonder why I just remembered a certain episode of Doctor Who. The one imitating the Weakest Link.) I'll have another couple of hours thinking about it, then decide whether to shift my vote or not.
  10. ...For once it's me who's short on time. Firstly, good luck Elieson, you've got your work cut out for you trying to dig yourself from the hole Bearclaw's left you in. But... I'm still trying to get my head round that post, but... you mention you're going to focus on Kirsche's intended victims. Except, you only really look at Scorri. Poly's deceased, so ignoring him is understandable... but what about SB and me? Any thoughts there? We seem to have been forgotten in your eagerness to pick holes in near everything Bard has said. Otherwise, good luck. You may well need it to clear the suspicion surrounding Bear's former slot.
  11. Hmm, third time lucky? ...In a word, no. Oh well, at least I haven't suffered a Sain moment.
  12. Jerme; more freeform. Plus I'm fed up with Kenneth, I seem to get him every 3/4 playthroughs!
  13. (@Refa: Maybe that's the point? I'm getting increasingly suspicious that we have a mafia amongst the 'coasters'.) Well, it must have been paranoia that had Bluedoom chasing BBM. Dagnamit, we're losing all of the 'chronic posters' first! I hope D3 is going to better for discussion than D2, because that was just embarrasing. Okay, so my current thoughts: Scorri - A combination of Kirsche's persistent attacks on her, plus my conclusions from last nights happenings have me reading her as slightly Town. I could be wrong, because there's still a lack of posts to go on. (For the record, I actually got a negative result overnight, which suggests she has a passive ability or is vanilla. No role block or redirecting happened). Anyway, my gut feeling (which I probably shouldn't rely on) has her pegged as more likely to be Town than Mafia. Bear - No offence Bear, but you still don't seem to be putting much effort in even after it's been pointed out. We're about to hit the weekend, so this is your chance to address that! Plus there's the aforementioned hopping on bandwagons without really offering anything new to the case. But for now; ##Time to cull: The Bear Refa - He's been consistently analysing away and hasn't made any sudden, unjustified shifts in opinion (that I can see). I agree with a good amount of what he brings up - although I wouldn't mind a little more info over why I'm considered Town (not pushing though, it's a matter of curiosity rather than suspicion). I think Town. SB - I don't necessarily agree with all of his reasoning, but I can't fault effort. He doesn't seem to drop suspicions entirely, but he is willing to look into every possibility. And let's face it, no-one's a definite until that role PM appears. Moving on but keeping watch back seems more like Town behaviour. I'd expect Mafia to be more focused on their existing target than keeping previous avenues of investigation open at the same time. Shin - Someone who might be pleased to know that he's reading null-tell for me at the moment. On the one hand, those D2 posts were good, as were a couple of the D1's in terms of reasoning. On the other, I don't like how I had to state three times that my RVS stuff was a pile of dog doodah. It gives the impression that he wasn't paying attention. Given that scum, as liars, are likely to change their story between tellings he could have just been looking for for slip ups, but some acknowledgement would have been nice rather than just asking the question again. Bard - I can't find much either way with Bard. He was suspicious of Kirsche fairly early on and maintained that view, suggesting Town or Mafia who knows his teammate is under no threat given how many votes Poly attracted. Probably the former, because most other posts show signs of proper hunting (or complaining about Bear's proposed 24hr absence). Something's niggling at me though, but I can't figure out what. So for now, my opinion is leaning Town but not taking it for granted. At the moment though, my bet's on one of the so called 'coasters'.
  14. Chrom: 146 Marth: 180 Lyn/Lyndis: 63 Hector: 112 Ike: 180 Lucina: 85 (+1) Ephraim: 119 (-2) (Poor Lyn. The first Lord many of us saw, reduced to an easy target...)
  15. Well, I'm a player who prioritises flyers over cavaliers, on the grounds that while defence may not be as high, they'll dodge near anything when properly levelled and will almost always double (I never have much luch with cavaliers in FE7. Lowen's pure 'meh', Sain likes to miss and Kent has strength issues - plus both of the latter two are hit and miss on the doubling front). Plus mobility is so much better when you don't crawl through forests or can't even walk on mountains. So I will always use all of my fliers, and in FE7 the peg. knights are usually more reliable than the wyvern riders/lords as well (Heath = "dodging is for chumps"). Anyway, on topic. Florina - great joining time, but her lack of strength growth almost always relegates her to third place for me. Dodging anything is good, but not when you struggle to damage things. Still, she's better than lv. 20+7, 11 strength Thany from FE6. Fiora - usually very reliable for me, but it takes time for her speed to get to the point where she consistently doubles. But once she levels up a few times, she's pretty good. Not quite as dodge capable as Florina, but she doesn't need to be given increasingly expensive weapons just to maintain her damage output. Farina - Well she's a greedy swine, and she only pops up if Hector's in charge, but she is worth it. While her starting stats are a tad low for when she joins, there's a handy stream of monk reinforcements she can farm in that level, and she generally has no glaring weak points in her rather impressive stat gains. You get what you pay for. So gameplay wise, Farina is best, followed by Fiora, followed by Florina. But it's subjective, depending on whether you want a dodge-tank, a reliable damage dealer who's got a fairly good joining time, or Miss 'Yeah, I'll win your war... but it'll cost ya!' Character wise, Fiora's well rounded and best IMO, Farina's plain amusing, and Florina... is a bit of a man-fearing, one dimensional character. Doesn't mean I don't like her, I just don't find her that interesting.
  16. Phew, I think I lost him. Okey dokey, who's next? ...Oh for crying out loud! Kent, go away. You aren't my type. Go have another 'tactics talk' with Fiora or something.
  17. *Watches The Vaike come out of nowhere to grab it.* *Raids a Vendor and lobs 4,309 Fire tomes at once.*
  18. Chrom: 148 Marth: 180 Lyn/Lyndis: 77 Hector: 118 Ike: 180 Lucina: 94 (+1) Ephraim: 119 (-2)
  19. Eventually. But in the meantime, I've got five nephews/nieces to watch.
  20. *Gets stabbed through the heart, inexplicably turns to dust.* "Well, this was unexpected." *Persuades a pack of Gorgons to attack the next poster.*
  21. ...Time to give this a go... ...Looks up, sees Gonzales with a bouqet of roses. ...Uh... RUN AWAY!!! (Throws himself through Dragon's Gate.)
  22. Chrom: 150 Marth: 180 Lyn/Lyndis: 79 Hector: 118 Ike: 180 Lucina: 93 (+1) Ephraim: 122 (-2) (Well, I'd be going after Marth as my least favourite of the survivors, but I'm afraid of the rebuttals. I'm sure SS Brawl's the reason he and Ike are so high...)
  23. Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Comedy. Or some wierd mishmash of the above. Overall though, I tend to steer towards the more unusual ideas, like the venerable (and still my favourite) Death Gate Cycle (hadn't heard about it but like fantasy? Take a look (http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Death_Gate_Cycle), part of the reason it's so enthralling is how it drastically changes between each book, it never gets stale). Or there's the sadly unfinished Starshield duology (http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starshield), which runs off the concept that space is divided into different areas, each with its own laws of reality. This causes considerable problems for Earth's first FTL capable ship, as it crosses into another quatum zone and finds its technology just no longer works. To make matters worse, the crew is soon captured by a civilisation living on six nomadic space cities... who happen to enslave spirits and worship demons. Guess who's next on the list of sacrifices! And then a sorcerer breaks them out. Oh, and the boundaries between quantum zones move. So just because you start life in a technologically supporting zone doesn't mean you won't be flinging fireballs in your old age... And last of the 'unusual' books that deserves a mention; Incompetence (http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incompetence_%28novel%29), set on an Earth where no one can be "prejudiced from employment for reason of age, race, creed or incompitence ["sic"]". Naturally, the police don't know a thing about investigations and will probably arrest the postman, your train won't stop at any station on its route, and your lift/elevator may well go up so fast it tears itself through the roof and flies a good distance into the sky. Catch a plane bound for Croatia? Yep, you'll be landing in Italy, with your luggage arriving in Moscow. At least, the half that didn't get accidentally dumped from the aircraft on the way over France. For one of the world's only competent detective, tracking a serial killer through this mess could make things tricky...
  24. Okay, consensus seems to be hammer now. ##Unvote: Bear ##Feed Hammer and Wooden Stake: Kirsche ...I believe that's the last vote needed. Kirsche has until Eclipse wakes up. (And I've likely just signed my own death warrant).
  25. ...In a way, Kirsche is actually in a stronger position now. Sure he gets lynched at day end, but until then he could throw all sorts of curveballs at us. We just can't afford to trust anything he says, so his vote for Bear could be analysed as; 1) Voting because Bear is scum. We don't believe him, we put our votes elsewhere. 2) Taking the above into account, voting Bear because he's Town. We don't trust him, but we try second guessing him and thus label Bear as scum as well. Result; mis-lynched Bear. 3) Random giggles. He's just trying to accelerate the other big competitor. 4) Trying to get us (well, me) snarled up in a logic loop that leaves those involved confused as heck on everything. Basically, psycological warfare unleashed. Therefore I'm just going to ignore whatever Kirsche says. In fact, I'd prefer him gone now as well, the water's muddy enough as it is. We could leave him as 'better the scum we know', seeing as we'd know to bump him off later, but do we really want the risk? I'm almost of a mind to switch my vote to Kirsche now (lest either the other mafia votes Bear and gets him lynched instead (as Poly showed, mislynching is a possibility with anyone but Kirsche), or the next Town killed turns out to be the theoretical Vig. and Kirsche steals his ability (although I'd have thought the Vig. would have shot by now)), but I'm not risking a hammer until there's a general consensus to do so. Bear's not particularly endangered right now. (Seriously, where did the discussion wander off to? BBM wasn't driving all of the investigation).
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