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Loki Laufeyson

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Posts posted by Loki Laufeyson

  1. i like personalities that seem more realistic in ways...like Soren..hehe hes the professional pessimist and i like that...

    Sain is the embodiment of the male libido

    Florina fears men for reasons known only to herself...i dunno why this is intriguing to me but it is...

    also silly personalities like Keiran make it worthwhile...

  2. I don't eat meat. Its barbaric.

    In such an advanced society where one could get all the nutrients he or she needs through vegetables, why eat meat at all?

    BECAUSE ITS TASTY!!!!!!!!!!

    seriously though, meat is a better source of protein than beans...sorry..i dont buy the vegan approach..i like meat!!


  3. I usually hang out with girls. Actually, I rarely hang with guys, mostly cuz I dislike them. Why does EVERY SINGLE FRICKIN PERSON THINK IM GAY. I see it happen a lot too. Guys who tend to hang with girls tend to get stuff about being gay, which no sense if you think about it. "You're gay because you surround yourself with girls! I'm straight cuz I surround myself with guys!"

    Anybody else know what I'm talkin' about?

    they are probably jealous at the fact you can hang out with chicks...i caught hell from my sister growing up cuz i had more dude friends than girls...she was insanely jealous that i could get on the same level and chill with dudes...She had to try too hard to even get a guys attention and i could go up to one and say "yo, whats up!" with no problem...

    if i were you and they say "youre gay!" you say "no....im just suave" :)

  4. LOL you dont have the patience to level up everyone on different playthroughs? thats the main reason i keep replaying FE games...if i listened to half of the debates and character grading around here, i think i would end up hating the series LOL!

  5. Fiora, do what you want with the game and the way you play it...i say use the characters you feel will do well, (just stay away from Lyre) and just get a feel for the flow and how it plays out...Making your own judgements is better than someone saying "hey this character is shit and this one is better!" Judge for yourself and have fun with it

  6. Boners in class are bad, eh? I think the worst are when you get one in a group of your female friends D:!

    LOL! in Highschool, many of the doods in my group of friends would have have that happen...alls they need is to look at the fat chick sauntering to class and the woodrow would back down....

    how do you get a hardie in class?

    (LOL @ the Black Knight)

  7. Meg's not that bad...

    she makes a decent meat shield for the DB since they dont get one and it takes time for Aran to reach the meat shield defense score...i dont mind using her at all...no shes not awesome but she aint that bad...

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