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Loki Laufeyson

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Posts posted by Loki Laufeyson

  1. All this talk about the timeline and still no mention of the Triforce of Time?

    this is an interesting theory but im not gonna support it...its suggesting that the Link in most games is actually the same Link and thats not the case..even the creators of the series stated that every Link in every game (aside from the direct sequels and the Oracle games) are in fact different (reborn...) the first part explaining the sleeping Zelda however is intriguing..

    And i remember at some point reading that Link to the Past was supposed to be the earliest dated game in the timeline thus far.

    Not quite...it was stated during this games release that it was supposed to take place about 100 years before the first Zelda game for the NES..after OoT was released, they stated that OoT was to be the earliest game in the timeline..of course this has changed over the years...its all alot like the Bible..open to interpretation. :)

  2. i have heard rumors of a new Zelda game being developed or at least mapped out...im not surprised in the least that this isnt a Zelda game..i never thought it was to begin with...

    I just like Zelda discussion!

  3. In my experience, my loads never clog the toilet, but the toilet paper will clog the toilet since they're much harder for water to break down if you use too much.

    this pretty much...

    and theres nothing wrong with talking about feces!

  4. And the preFlood game i am guessing was actually Twilight Princess. That's the game where if Link failed or didn't exist, then Ganon(dorf)'s resurrection would have been unhindered and he would conquer Hyrule (like he pretty much did). Twilight is part of the time line where there is no flood.

    See Zelda timeline topic for more details on this because its very interesting...split timeline theory actually made me facepalm at my own theories! lol

    i think besides some minor details already discussed, Zelda is almost perfect..i dont really like "grown up" games that much..

    and if they were gonna announce a new Zelda, it would be a bit more hyped...ya know?

    if it is a new Zelda, i will get it..[/fangirl]

  5. TP isnt very easy..(its not mind numbingly difficult)

    i played this game first time though with no guides or anything and yeah it took awhile! it took many hours to get through the later dungeons with no help...i tell ya what, the ease of death in a game doesnt make it hard, its the actual puzzles and whatnot that make a game challenging..and some shit in SMG was tough too!

  6. This is an historic event you little dipshit. If you don't like what's happening, fine, you have a right to; however, people actually care about what's happening in American politics. You're in America, so quit bitching about hearing what's going on in YOUR OWN FUCKING COUNTRY.

    *claps* get this man a trophy for we have a winner!

    (and im not being sarcastic)

  7. cow tongue is quite common in the area of Mexico that i come from.

    its quite delicious, actually!

    really? my friend back then said it was good but i was like 9 years old and goin, "No way!" lol

    maybe now that im older, if the situation arrives, ill try it

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