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Loki Laufeyson

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Posts posted by Loki Laufeyson

  1. Hm. PM me with what you've got in mind about for 'em, and I'll make my decision there.

    ... when suddenly, a challenger appears!


    I... hate... eyes...

    hmm i really like the hair! best Micaiah hair spriting ive seen so far...also i dig the hand in there too...the eyes are nice..i cant see anything wrong there

  2. Games don't need great graphics to be good. I don't think it's "equally" as important as gameplay. I value gameplay over everything. Like, if I rate games... It's like, 60% Gameplay, 25% story 15% graphics.


    graphics dont make the game for me..if a game has mediocre graphics but awesome everything else, that game becomes a classic in my opinion...FE doesnt have stellar graphics and yet its excellent!

  3. i regret to say that i actually saw Epic Movie..and it was really freakin bad...

    i guess as long as theres people who like this sort of thing, they are gonna keep making em..

    Remember when getting an Academy Award was the highest honor a movie/actor/actress/directer/etc could recieve? thats such a joke now! >_< i mean when Juno was up for an Oscar, i knew then, the Academy is not what it used to be...

  4. this kind of humor doesnt make me laugh..it makes me roll my eyes and shake my head in dismay....i guess im just too old to be into that sort of thing...O_o

    and people like it because it has crude humor...;)

  5. The face size looks fine (if anything, it'd be bigger, not smaller). And the peace sign looks fine as well. I put the fingers between her mouth and compared it to myself, and the proportions look the same.

    it could be my eyes but it does look a bit small...hmmm

  6. Thank you, Elto. :3


    You guys know Megan by now, right?

    As a refresher, she was my first full body. I decided to give her a new pose to match a sketch I did of Megan 3 months before.

    actually i dont know that character but..the face looks a bit too small for the body and her peace sign hand seems too small...other than that its great! the skirt wins!

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