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Loki Laufeyson

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Posts posted by Loki Laufeyson

  1. Ehr... I'm really not a fan of locking topics just because the initial question was answered. I think this topic still has some discussion potential. I'll leave it open for now.

    ok, chief..

    what would be a tier list for Shadow Dragon?

  2. I never said I was gay, and I am not, but thank you for the discriminatory remark. You just accused me of being an attention whore over something I never said, insulted me based for being homosexual when I am not, and completely invented a statement that I never made. And assumed I was 14.

    You are ignorant to an astounding extend. Report me, I don't care, just either debate properly or stop posting.

    Also, D. Hero, heard of adoption?

    Oh tell me then, what made you come back to us ignorant people when you made such a stink about leaving?

    and you are no mod, i can post what i want...

    geez, what a jerk..

    anyway back to the topic at hand, alot of states are trying to outlaw gay marriage and adoption...

    i wanna know why! I dont see any problem with a gay person getting married..i remember when Mayor Newsom opened up city hall in San Francisco and all those gays got married, and two years later, people were trying to repeal all of that..so much for the land of the free, eh chief?

  3. Debate. You're doing it wrong. Request a lock when you are asked to back up your ignorance, combined with insulting me, you sure are a mature one. :)

    And seeking attention and sexuality in general have no link, Judy. I mean that was probably half rhetorical but whatever.

    Fag :lol:

    seriously you are throwing a tantrum and this topic didnt seem like it was a debate..should have stated it to begin with, Genius...

    and you are kinda attention whoring here: "Im gay and i wanna know why!!!"

    Honestly, call me ignorant again, and i will report you...(no joke..i dont stand for 14 year olds calling me idiotic because i stated my opinion)

  4. why are you throwing a tantrum?? omg...someone lock this noise..

    this is just Death going emo..no one is challenging anything, just stating their opinion just as you asked...

  5. Your opinion has nothing to support it. Mine has science. Attempting to discredit something by saying "They probably didn't do good" will not work, you are going to need some kind of fact or reason to debate properly.

    Personal experience and preference? Good job spewing Mormon propaganda! Those darn pesky gays are going to make all children gay by teaching it in school.

    stop yelling at me kiddo...

    i said that because its true..people [choose/b] to be gay...and i have no problem with that..

    and thats bullshit...i dont think people are going to make other people gay just by teaching it...shut up..seriously you sound like a moron...

  6. no problem with fagelists...i have a few friends who are gay..no issue there..

    what makes people gay? personal experiences and preferance..nothin to do with genes, folks

  7. ive been playing Zelda for over 20 years and alot of this (split timeline) never truly occurred to me...i feel a bit stupid now but i think Impossible II has been playing these games as long as i have certainly...this is an amazing find for me since ive been trying to sort the Zeldas out for many a moon

  8. Nintendo is nothing but a bunch of pennypinching Japs T_T

    die in a car fire please, kthxbye

    anyway Nintendo hate is hilarious! please continue as i laugh at the idiocy of it all!!! hardcore gamers...HAHAHAHHAAHAHfuck off all of you, hardcore gamers!

    seriously...the patent would be very useful and probably alot cheaper than buying strat guides and easier to understand than gamefaqs...

  9. Ok i see tier topics all over the place but i dont understand what that means...can you please explain to us laymans what the hell you are all talking about?

    (i put this here since it pertains to FE)

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