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Loki Laufeyson

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Posts posted by Loki Laufeyson

  1. what i do is this:

    Ike is always level 20 by this time so his speed is usually capped (around 27 or so) and Ike also has in his hands an Iron sword (Ettard destroys Ikes chances of a single attack by BK since its heavy)...I have Reyson use Bliss on Ike (and Soren) to make their biorythym peak, and Soren and Ike usually have a B or A support...Soren be nearby (within 3 spaces so support activates with the 20 to 30% avoid bonus) and have BK come to Ike to attack (with his Alondite) one space away from Ike...98% of the time Ike will survive (usually not taking any damage)...the conversation will happen regardless of who instigates the attack...on the next turn, i have Ike and the surrounding units retreat back a few spaces so BK cant go near them (since they are usually seperated by that swamp)

    it helps to battle save (depending on the mode youre playing) before that happens...


  2. I have and played most of the games in the series..between my boyfriend and I, we almost have the entire library of Castlevania games! :o

    (we are missing Judgement though)

    the GBA titles are fun and the DS ones WIN! Ecclesia is really hard but kinda fun! (i havent got very far though since i have been kinda neglecting it)

  3. Chrono Cross is loads of fun! dont listen to the nay-sayers...go try it yourself and see what you think of it..the soundtrack is worth playing the game alone..its freakin amazing...

    its one of my favorites for the PS1 next to Xenogears and LoD...there are drawbacks..the many many characters you can recruit may seem like a good idea at the time but its kinda badly executed but there are few of them you wanna use...(i always recruit the least amount possible)

    its fun and decent storyline..very interesting considering it answers the biggest question CT fans were asking for so long!

  4. Mario Galaxy. Mario Galaxy is actually pretty good. It's actually much harder than Twilight Princess. Yes, Mario Galaxy is pretty easy, but it's not a total, complete joke like Twilight Princess' lack of difficulty is. Zelda is going to need a stronger emphasis on exploration and better puzzles that aren't repeated so often, and even make bosses puzzle like if they're going to continue with having combat being comfortable.

    ummm TP wasnt that easy...and i think that it was actually a very well made game..probably the best Zelda since OoT..

    Mario Galaxy actually was garnered as one of the best of the series...some folks even said it was better than Super Mario 64 (which is a huge stretch in my opinion)

    I think people need to realize that Nintendo doesnt appeal to the teenage gamer but everyone else in general...that was the point of the Wii...they named it that because they wanted it to be for everyone ("We would like to play")

  5. Strangely enough, that one had badass music, and Nobuo Uematsu wasn't even involved

    omg Mystic Quest had a badass soundtrack! Bone Dungeon is just itching for a metal rendition!

    seriously though Mystic Quest may have been substandard for most people but this game is still a lot of fun! oddly enough its like my favorite out of the whole series

  6. i dont expect a Zelda console game until next year..Nintendo is infamous for pushing things back..i did hear they are developing one though (in the vein of TP)

    Im looking forward to the Ghostbusters game...

    other than that, im not totally aware of whats coming out this year...ill just wait..

    (and Shadow Dragon is gonna be kind of a let-down for those expecting an awesome game...:()

  7. i guess im the only one who finds it a good idea...i like it...its funny! even when the battle is all intense and yer all "ILL FUCKIN KILL YOU" and BAM you trip...its HILARIOUS coupled with that sound effect...the only part i dont like about is when im going to rush someone with a dash attack and bam...trip..although i laugh everytime it happens!

  8. Furthermore, the Black Knight KNEW that Mist had the medallion. If all he wanted was to take it from her, why didn't he?

    i think the answer was

    the medallion was safe in Mist's hands and the chaotic energy quelled...also he knew that in order to get the medallion out of Mist's hands he would have to break through Ike and Greil...once he beat Greil he retreated..why? i dont know...instead, he had Nasir infiltrate the group under Enas influence...Nasir got a hold of the medallion and gave it to Ashnard

  9. omg seriously, i wipe my ass with FF8...worst. game. in. the. series. well no, i take that back...FFX-2..that took the taco...

    anyway...FF7..hahaha i remember playing this game around the same time Ocarina of Time came out..my brother an i swapped consoles to play these games...(he took the N64, i took the PS1) and i was so saddened by what i was seeing on the tv screen that i just couldnt believe my brother loved this game so much! it was tedious, most of the characters uninteresting (save for Vincent) and just overall kinda lame...the only thing i enjoyed the HELL out of in FF7 was

    Sephiroth killing Aerith...my god i was so glad to be rid of that bitch..i loved Sephiroth forever because of that

    so yeah...overall as a series? MEH...two really stand out for me and that was FF4 and FF6..those had some great moments, and truly endearing characters (you spoony bard)

    No one beat Kefka <3 best FF villain ever!

  10. Which is funny, when people consider older games to have "bad" graphics. They aren't bad, only in a different "Style" than their generation is accustomed to.

    Just because you didn't grow up with it doesn't make the graphical detail bad. Just as modern writing conventions doesn't make older trends obsolete and ugly (if anyone knows their stuff it's actually quite the opposite).

    Being possibly the oldest person posting here, i know exactly what you mean....the NES was really what put gaming on the map and it wasnt until the early 90s did it finally end there...Notice how theres all this fancy pansy bullshit with realistic graphics and stuff and yet people are STILL putting NES games on their Virtual console! why? because those games are fun! it doesnt matter WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE as long as its an enjoyable game...

    and trust me, i find "realistic" graphics often very unattractive...it eats up too much of the meat of the game...notice how these games with rich and wonderful graphics are often short and unfulfilling?

  11. i made a class but it was an exclusive class for just one character i created...

    Falcon Lord

    (i dont have any real stats since it was a story character and i didnt really map out stats)

    This dude is much like a Wyvern Lord only on a pegasus weilding lances and swords and axes...he would have the speed and res of a falcknight but the defense of a wyvern lord...(i know a bit broken)

    here was a sprite:


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