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Flaming Kirlia

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Everything posted by Flaming Kirlia

  1. Kinumi, it's otay (is otay still a thing?)
  2. Yes I am, I'm also aware almost every portuguese speaker is brazilan, like 95% or something
  3. I'm portuguese and I had an hard time getting that, weird
  4. Mediterranean climate, the temperature here changes less at the course of a year than Ohio temerature changes in four days
  5. I use celsius and that's a lot I checked, that's a huge change of temperature! I understand now why Ohio sucks
  6. who cares about Ohio? Let's talk about Dragon Quest! What is the big deal with Ohio?
  7. Isn't wolf whistle good? I remember using it
  8. I believe the trick is more useful to avoid enemies, specially when used in combination with that Ranger skill
  9. I agree, I remeber trying to get to the final boss without fighting, I had to use a trick (going to the menu when enemies are over you) to do that, also, Monster Joker 1 and 2 don't have random encouters, they're like IX
  10. I'm not having trouble with the battle, I'm just really in the beginning. I have played DQ 5, 6 (in which I got to the final boss at level 30 and then gave up) monsters joker 1 and 2, wars, and a bit of swords, and I want to play 8 and those for the 3DS that are Japan only
  11. Also, I believe DQIX is the game I have more hours in (unless if you count a whole gen of pokemon as one game), I have like 300 hours in it
  12. I'm playing with characters that are supposed to be the offspring of my previous run with other characters, but I still haven't defeated the second boss
  13. Hi Are you talking about DQIX? I started playing it for the second time yesterday, DQIX is one of my favorite games, those who haven't played should, because it's cool
  14. Yeah, we can't go back to purgatory, that is sad Tangerine, if we can go back to purgatory I will think you're mediocre (actually, not really, you would still suck)
  15. Then fix your title and signature and show your support to the Overlord I already fixed (kinda) the poll
  16. An evil Tyrant messed it up, just because she wants to be an evil Tyrant Tangerine, you are a monster
  17. What have you done to the poll?! We made a poll to see which side was better and you do this to us?! You are the evil Tyrants!!!! You are worse than Hitler and Stalin combined!!! You claim to be in the side of justice and light, but all you have made was: -send those who disagre with you to purgatory -edit our threads, ending the freedom of speech -be super evil -edit our signature and member title, so they don't go against Tangerine You are the dicktator Tyrants!!! Overlord eCut is our divine savior, so it's agaisnt the rules to attack us! (right?, that religion part...) All Hail the Overlord also, I've made this thread not Kinumi
  18. That's better than Tangerine but worse than Overlord eCut, I will add that to the poll I guess
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