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Flaming Kirlia

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Everything posted by Flaming Kirlia

  1. You didn't shade the bottom of the chests, I think that's all
  2. That is true, the problem is that some people are so blind and dumb, that they can't see what is right and what is wrong
  3. It's okay and almost otay ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ otay
  4. You suck! Nobody cares! Kill yourself! Fuck You! All Hail The Overlord! Fuck your Tyrant Tangerine! You still suck! Fuck your Duchy! You're a douche! FUCK YOU!!
  5. Cool, nothing is like, super awesome cool I guess...
  6. Hello... What's going on... Smash is cool...
  7. Hi Can you resume the 952 pages of this?
  8. You know that we have a voting poll and that Overlord eCut is winning right? Everyone, spread the word: All Hail the Overlord ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
  9. You have an height error in the 3 stairs that go to the throne room, they're not the same size
  10. Other than some height errors in some maps, those are farly good, my only complains in outdoor maps are: 1-Some look unnatural and have straight rivers and roads, try to make these more inregular 2-In the map with the ship, the ship is a lot bigger than a village Other than that, they are generally pretty good.
  11. Justice. [spoiler=what happened]Overlord eCut tried to take over the forums, she got rid of most the moderators, one of them survived and lead an idiot revolution agaisnt the overlord, we're sent to purgatory, most of us betrayed eCut, I escaped from the purgatory and I made this Topic, something like this, more information in here: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=47005 That's the spirit
  12. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Thanks for your support Btw, part of the plan was to hire an assassin to kill Overlord eCut opposers, can anyone do that please? All hail Overlord eCut
  13. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ I managed to escape from the purgatory using the art of deceive (AKA lying about seeing the light), I escaped from the purgatory in order to give you a message: -All hail Overlord eCut -Purgatory is Awesome How I miss the purgatory -You are the Traitors So if you can finnaly see who are the Traitors and who are the cool ones Please join Overlord eCut's side, come to the purgatory with us, the purgatory will be place only for cool people, then we will take all the cool topics to the purgatory (you still have some cool ones), and the normal forums will be even lamer. Btw, this is an actuall plan, I don't have access to purgatory anymore so I can't show you, but trust me, it is [spoiler=How can I show my support to Overlord eCut] -add "e" to the your name -add an eFlag to your signature -add something saying how cool the Overlord is to your signature -add something saying how awesome Overlord eCut is to your title or location -spread the word of Overlord eCut, our Overlord and Savior -vote overlord eCut in the poll All Hail the Overlord [spoiler=take an eFlag from the box] Am I taking this way to seriously? nah, of course not ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
  14. And we won't let Dallas sacrifice be in vain We will always fight for what is right, we won't let you trick us, we are the ones that fight for justice and peace, and we will be win All hail Overlord eCut
  15. You mean eTerrible. I'm eSorry How can you oppose the great Overlord eCut, I don't understand, your betrayal is just wrong
  16. Are you blind, they betrayed the Overlord when they refused her eBrillant ideas, they betrayed first, you fools are the traitors Join Overlord eCut, and we shall live in perfect prosperity
  17. How can you betray overlord eCut, our overlord shall bring eProsperity to all, can't you see the huge mistake you're making, don't betray us, and together, we shall unite the eWorld under the eWisdom of the great overlord
  18. If you look closely to my eProfile picture, you shall realise flames shall never hurt me, now, since I am on fire you shall eBurn too
  19. I have one from long ago, and all eForums shall belong to the Overlord, so don't you dare to betray us you fool!
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