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blah the Prussian

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Everything posted by blah the Prussian

  1. I liked the part where Link killed Majorian with the help of Ricimer, thereby all but ensuring the fall of the Western Empire.
  2. So. Grado has just invaded Renais and left it to rot. Deussel doesn't like this, so basically says " if this invasion helped Grado in any way I would support it, but I can't see how it does." So why doesn't Lyon tell him that they need to invade Magvel to collect the Sacred Stones to stop half of Grado from falling into the ocean? Seriously, he could have done that then and there with no problem, and not lost a good general. It's established that Lyon is sympathetic and Formotiis is making him think he's in control, so why didn't he do it? Overall an unfortunate blemish on an otherwise great story. Or am I missing something?
  3. I want a region based on the areas of the former Austro-Hungarian Empire; the Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Croatia all have very similar architecture and ecosystems, and I think a region with that look could be cool. It has a lot of diversity, too, from the Austrian alps to the plains of Hungary to the forests of the Czech Republic to the coast of Croatia. I honestly think it would make a fantastic region.
  4. "What? No. That's wrong. You're wrong. Every one of you is wrong. I am the only one who is right." -My friend's impression of me
  5. Because Mexico was in America's sphere? And I don't consider Unrestricted Submarine Warfare by the Germans a mistake in WWI, as the British blockade was legitimately hurting them. In WWII, however, they had plenty of food available. Plus, America was actually sending the UK weapons in both world wars. Brazil, though, wasn't doing that hardly at all.
  6. Because German U-boats were attacking their shipping, IIRC. They did pretty well for themselves in the war too, having a highly praised Expiditionary force and everything.
  7. Evidentially not. On that note."Good god, Phillip II was a douche." -blah the Prussian. Oh wait that's real.
  8. Oh hell yes. Make them the Japanese division of HYDRA. Also, it makes more sense to oppose Zola here than in the game, as it's just minor members of the Imperial Family we're talking about.
  9. By Don Carlos are we talking about King Juan Carlos?Anyway: "It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing." Macbeth, about Batman v Superman
  10. Look, this is Nintendo. If they're delaying it its to make it a better game. Be patient and trust that they aren't delaying it out of a malicious desire to see us suffer, but rather to make it the best it can be.
  11. "It's not the system the people deserve. But it's the one they need." -Batman, about Monarchy.
  12. So wait, who exactly are the Hoshidan royals? I had assumed they were part of the Imperial a Family, but that makes them stopping the Emperor kind of wierd. Incidentally, I'd say Ryoma as the PM makes the most sense.
  13. I'd say make it Fukuoka, as having 3 chapters in Korea is a bit much. To add to the stakes, FDR could be visiting the troops to congratulate them on their victory, so Garon takes them hostage. Also, this was kind of already alternate history, as I'm pretty sure there was never a Confederate uprising during WWII.
  14. The Wind Tribe as Manchukuo or Menjiang makes perfect sense, I'd say also have Chapter 21 as Iwo Jima, because your climbing up something, then Chapter 22 could be the Liberation of Korea.
  15. The thing is also that logically people living in poverty regardless of sexual orientation are likely to prioritize economic reform over social reform. From a purely utilitarian standpoint, too, economic reform usually at least in theory helps everyone, while minority reform by definition helps less people. Not saying that it isn't important, and that America has definitely reached the point where minority reform can and should be implemented, but to say that literally nothing else matters is, hey, privileged, because you're in a position where food is on your table every day, so you can worry about things like this.Edit: two questions: one, how do you know? Have you asked someone living in extreme poverty if they'd rather die than live? Two, even if suicide is an issue, a despressed person won't neccesarily commit suicide. A person who's starving? They're dead.
  16. Free healthcare is pretty important. I mean, it wasn't an issue with this election, but it's pretty important. Cake is pretty important too. How are you going to live without cake?Seriously, though, I've noticed you saying stuff along the lines of "literally nothing else matters" a lot, and you have to understand, people don't like being told that causes they support, like free healthcare, which is arguably more important than minority rights because of Maslow's hierarchy of needs (to wit, first you live, then you live comfortably, then you have breathing room to be emotionally satisfied) don't matter.
  17. "...and then I said, 'The fuck, man, why the fuck do you think I would invade Russia? I'm not a dumbass.'"-Emperor Napoleon the Great
  18. So after some more research, I appear to have been wrong about Portugal. My bad. In any case, wouldn't Lucina be an analogue for Princess Elizabeth? She was actually part of the Auxillary Supply Corps, so it would make sense.
  19. Its not going to happen. The hypocrisy in complaining that the electoral college is up democratic and then asking them to do something blatantly un democratic is pretty bad.
  20. I mean ideologically aligned. Like Franco, he didn't join the war because he knew the Axis couldn't win.
  21. Yep. Though I probably won't actually write it. Macau could work. Salazar was pro-Axis generally, too, in the same vein as Franco, so you,could have Zola be a Portuguese general trying to stop peace between the Allies and Japan so troops won't be freed up against Germany.
  22. It's just one more, because the Imperium's one was defective. And to balance it out, this world's Fascists were much less horrific; they didn't commit outright genocide. I'd say it evens out.
  23. It was really only Yugoslavia that ended up as a mess, and I figure that I can let Yugoslavia survive here without it being occupied, having the Ustase put in place, and then having a brutal civil war between Serbs and Croats during WWII.
  24. You're not wrong, but it's not the horseshoe theory. Still, though, I hate the supposed dichotomy between left and right with an absolute passion. Generally speaking, though, I'd say that the alt-right are distinguishable from radical SJWs in that they only whine when you call them racist; they don't want to ban that. Then again, I think SJWs are misguided while the Alt right are outright wrong, so it evens out.
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