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blah the Prussian

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Everything posted by blah the Prussian

  1. Well, here dark is not evil. The dark mages are essentially just another religion, albeit one essentially existing at the pleasure of the Visothian Khans. As for Teodor, I'm basing him off of Alan Bullock's interpretation of Joseph Stalin: that Stalin pursued power for its own sake because his abusive childhood gave him an inferiority complex. Growing up powerless basically gave him a craving for power. Although, Teador is significantly less paranoid and incompetant than AStalin, so it's mostly derived from motivation.
  2. Hate to Godwin this, but Stalin was bad. Doesn't change the fact that Hitler was worse. Syria is a situation where we have to work with the bad guy who doesn't seek the complete destruction of western civilization against the worse guys who do.
  3. Right, changed the continent name. Unfortunately the story I have in mind doesn't really have room for another nation; if it was there it would be painfully underdeveloped or lengthen the story to an unworkable degree. I was, however, planning to put the Dark Mages in the Steppes, I just forgot.In any case, important characters: Genseric III: One of two main lords. King of Lotharingia following the death of his elder brother Aldwin in battle against Aramea. He never was supposed to be King, and as such never learned what he needed to know. Due to neglect by his parents, he became an infamous playboy, causing scandal across the Kingdom. He isn't your average spoiled brat, though; he really does want to do what's best for his people. The problem is that he might not be able to. Was originally to be publically burned at the stake by the occupiers, but manages to escape to Alannia with the help of a Sage named Eborin. Age 20. Eborin: Very powerful Sage that rescues Genseric from his execution. He claims to be an Alannian noble investigating plans by the Pagans to revive their Dark Gods across the continent. His research has led him to believe that Genseric is the chosen one, the reincarnation of Gallic, who will save the faithful from the demons once again. Age 29. Clothilde: Sister of Genseric; was to be executed alongside him. She is a cleric in the Reformed Church. Deeply religious, and also somewhat bigoted towards Osvisians due to being kidnapped by one of their tribes and held for ransom at age 8. Generally speaking, however, she is kind, if a bit patronizing towards the lower classes. Age 17. Crown Princess Honoria: The other main lord. Heir to the throne of Alannia. A tomboy, but that doesn't mean she's bad at literally everything other than what tomboys like; she might not be good at courtly etiquette, but she is good at diplomacy, math, history. This is because her father wanted her to succeed her and trained her from birth to do so, in stark contrast to Genseric. She shares her father's belief that a ruler should live for her people, but is a bit naive. She's also the commander of Fort Antoninus at the border, which is how she and Genseric meet. Age 19. Emperor Constantius III: Victor of the War, hammer of the Gallicans, and generally speaking a ruthless yet fair leader. Basically, picture Garon pre Gooron (Serenes's law!) and you'll get him. He is past his prime, however, and at this point physically weak. Also guardian of the Fire Emblem, which is used to channel spirits ala Ace Attorney, although you don't need to be trained to do so. Age 55. Empress consort Katharina: Former Princess of Sithod, and former ace flier in the Royal Pegasus corps. Although her marriage to Constantius was a political one, they legitimately love each other, Age 49. Marshal Eleftherios Laskaris, Duke of Pelopenos: Prefect of the Praetorian guards and longtime comrade in arms with Constantius. His family is also the second most powerful in the Empire. One of the three Marshals of the Imperial Army. Age 40. Marshal Aelia Prisca, Countess of Tarenta: Commander of the Mage Corps of the Empire. A seasoned Anima Mage, another comrade of Constantius. Overall, a competant general. Main villains: King Teodor I: The "Peasent King" of Aramea, Teodor, in the eyes of his people, saved him from the Heretic reformers who butchered the entire royal family. He is hugely popular with the army and common people, and is a warrior through and through. He is a firm believer in meritocracy. Although not particularly religious, Teodor sees the Gallicans as an excuse to go to war to conquer the continent. Privately, however, he is suspicious of them, knowing that their loyalty is to Saint Gallic first, and the Monarchy second. Abused by both his father and teacher, as well as his lord, as a child, Teodor has a psychological need for power, being addicted to its feeling. Age 42. Archbishop of Gallicanism: The mysterious religious head of Gallicanism. Mixes zealotr with hatred of Reformers. Never shows his face to anyone to protect himself from assassination. Longs to bring Saint Gallic back to the world using some person as a vessel. Age unknown. General Matilda Euxpray: A Light Mage who left Gallicanism due to disapproving of its more vengeful stances. A military genius, and absolutely loyal to Teodor, believing that Teodor is the best person to rule the world, and that everyone should submit themselves to him for their own good. Age 35. General Velasque Chambourd: An old soldier of the General who served the old Royal Family. Extremely devoted to them. Serves Teodor to get revenge against the Reformists, who he blames for their deaths. Age 60. General August Rourgeille: Wyvern General of Aramea, and the most feared soldier in the army. A blood knight, he serves Teodor because he likes the idea of challenging himself by fighting the entire world. Also the second most powerful man in Aramea, ahead of even the Archbishop. Age 39. Doge Enrico di Machiani: Doge of Venoisia, Enrico was initially allied with Lotharingia, but regretfully switched sides to protect his country after Lotharingia fell. Some call him a traitor, others a realist doing what it takes to survive, but regardless, he is the only ally of Aramea. Also, the Camus.
  4. So I've been kicking around this idea for a world and story for a while now, and I think I have it where I want it. As always, feel free to tear it apart. Long ago, the Continent of Sassania was ruled by demons who heartlessly oppressed humans. And yet, a savior was soon to come. The hero mage Gallic mastered the power of Light Magic, banishing the demons and freeing mankind. Gallic would become Saint Gallic of the Gallican Church, which for millennia ruled over almost all nations of Andromeda. And yet, the church grew corrupt. Bishops abused power; kings increasingly became puppets; humans became victims of themselves. Thus came the Reformation, and the 40 years War. That will be discussed later. First, the nations: Kingdom of Lotharingia: The main "victim" Kingdom. Based on a mix between Germany and the Dutch. They're a feudal society with a weak army, and their agriculture was devastated by the 40 Years War (more on that later). One of the two lords comes from here. In the 40 Year's War, its monarchy took the side of the reformers, seeking to strengthen its own position. At the beginning of the game, it falls to the armies of Aramea. Its King is killed, and his younger brother, Prince Genseric, flees to Allania. The army of Lotharingia is based around cavalry; Cavaliers and Paladins are the norm, with foot soldiers mostly being soldiers and the occasional Knight. They also have an archer corps. The army is also very decentralized, available via feudal levy. The Cavaliers are generally nobles, and the foot soldiers and archers are generally peasants. Empire of Allania: The Empire of Allania is largely based on the Roman Empire, specifically the Dominate and Byzantium. It is ruled by Emperor Constantius III; his daughter Crown Princess Honoria is the other main lord. The Empire was the center of the 40 Years War 15 years ago; it initially pitted the Monarchy and the powerful Gallican Church against reformers in the army and peasantry. However, Constantius II, father of the current Emperor, sympathized with the reformers, so the Church had him and his wife murdered. Constantius III did not forget this, and fled to join the reformers. Eventually, the rebellion won, and the Gallican Church was purged from the Empire; regrettably, many innocents were killed. The Empire today is the chief anti-Gallican power on the Continent. The Imperial Allanian Army is famed for its quality. The Allanian legions focus on formations of infantry, the Legionaries, fighting together. Generally speaking, the Allanian army structure features skirmishers as archers, as well as Anima mages. These weaken the enemy army, after which the Myrmidon mercenaries (light infantry) skirmish with the enemy. This gives the main army time to set up their flanking maneuvers, with heavy infantry (Knights) in the center, and medium infantry, the legionaries, on the flanks. This tactic has won Allania an Empire. However, a clever General may be able to exploit it... Kingdom of Aramea: Aramea is largely based on a mixture of Golden Age Spain and Napoleonic France. It is extremely, militantly religious, ruled by a popular King who gets his power from the military. The Forty Year's War in Aramea saw the entire Royal Family executed by Reformers, leading to a popular peasant general, Teodor Vexin, crushing the Reformers and being crowned King. King Teodor was quick to open up his borders to Gallican refugees, who streamed into the Kingdom. The seat of the Gallican Church also relocated to Aramea. Fifteen years after the end of the war, Teodor, a middle aged man now, declares war on the rest of the continent to restore Gallicanism to its rightful place, setting the events of the game in motion. The Aramean Army is built around hitting hard and fast; their army is centered around traditional Aramean Dragon Knights and, recently, the Gallican Light mages. Light magic has been the sole property of the Gallican Church for centuries, and it is still used to great effect. The Wyvern riders are some of the most dangerous soldiers on the continent, only weak to arrows. To counter this, Aramea has its light cavalry, which circles behind the enemy and disables their archers. The Dragon Knights then fall upon them and crush them. It is with these tactics that Aramea goes to war. Republic of Venoisia: Venoisia is based on Italy, specifically on the merchant Republics. It generally has been an ally of Lotharingia, but, following that nation's fall, the Doge has thrown his lot in with Aramea. Some say he is a traitor, some say he is defending his country. The Venoisian army is mostly run by mercenaries. It is, however, still a rather potent force, and it will pose a threat to Allanian possessions to its south. Kingdom of Sithod: Sithod lies to the far north, ruled by a warrior King, Ulfric the Strong. It is a harsh land, dominated by the Sithod Berserkers, the infamous warrior caste that raided the lands to the south for centuries. Although it has embraced isolationism now, if Aramea were to attack, it would find the Berserkers, as well as the Pegasus Knights, to be feared for a reason. Tribes of Osvisia: Inhabiting the northern and Eastern Steppes, the Ovisians are a disunited set of tribes sharing a common culture. They mostly content themselves with raiding west for loot and slaves; while the civilized nations have invaded in retaliation, they have long since realized that trying to hold such a vast amount of territory is pointless. The Ovisians also provide mercenaries for much of the continent. They focus on horse archers and myrmidons. In addition to this, acolytes of the old Oagan religions, practiced before the rise of Gallicanism, fled to the Steppes to escape persecution. Their Dark Mages rule over the city of Tvogrod as a theocracy, and they pay tribute to the nomads in exchange for defense. The Gallicans have long tried to take Tvogrod, but the arrows of the Osvisians have stopped them every time. So that's the setting; I'll post stuff about the story later. Again, feel free to rip it to shreds.
  5. Although halloween isn't in Prague, my school does have a thing where you dress up. That being the case, I'll be going as Woodrow Wilson.
  6. If I could hazard a guess, probably the idea that most of the rebels were pro democracy when some of them were fundamentalist. It was a poor choice of words, but it was a terrible choice giving weapons to a bunch of groups we know very little about; its Afghanistan all over again.
  7. So that's a yes If you don't care about Monarchy you will once it's obvious benefits are made clear to you.
  8. Presumably referring to the decision to bomb Libya and give weapons to the Free Syrian Army, the latter case leading to a bunch of their soldiers defecting to ISIS and al Nusra. A fuck up, to be sure, and her foreign policy will continue to be absolutely abysmal, but also not as bad as Trumps.
  9. You will, according to the honorable Mr. Naughx, be under a monarchy, automatically making your life better.
  10. I somewhat agree with this, because the left and right dichotomy has a habit of grouping ideas together. For,example, in my case, it's hard for me to be put on the scale, as I'm politically reactionary, socially liberal, and economically Keynesian.
  11. If there was a Monarchist party, then sure. Unfortunately, there isn't one, and I like Clinton more than Gary Johnson (decent guy, but I entirely disagree with the Libertarian ideology) and Jill Stein (anti vaccine, nuclear energy).
  12. Hey, us aristocrats have our priorities in the right place: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/earth/paris-climate-change-conference/12024888/Paris-climate-summit-Prince-Charles-urges-world-leaders-to-think-of-their-grandchildren.htmlCan we interest you in an ideological conversion? :p
  13. I was posting about them on Facebook. You can probably guess in what tone. But autocorrect appears to think that, in the context of commenting on a speech by Abdullah II, hashbrowns emoting, apparently, makes more sense than bringing up his dynasty. No wonder people hate it.
  14. That Hash emote makes more sense in ANY CONTEXT than Hashemite. Like god dammit.
  15. There are plenty of explanations. For example, the state's funds are drained following the war. In order to finance the reconstruction of the nation, the monarch cuts the pay of the army. The General is legitimately pissed off by this, believing that the soldiers should be treated better. This leads to a war where the choice is essentially choosing between pragmatism (not lowering the pay of the army because you can't afford it and there are things more important) and Justice (these men fought and died for the monarch, and now they're lowering the pay to rates at which some of the soldiers can't survive on). The monarch would be based off of Emperor Meiji and the general would be based off of Julius Caesar,
  16. On the contrary, I am pointing out his imperialism against the poor innocent glorious monarchical Spanish. No, I'm saying they weren't like Captain America.
  17. It doesn't really matter if the Rough Riders were a bunch of proto Captain Americas; what matters is that he resigned from being secretary of defense to fight on the front lines.
  18. Heck, dude was a politician who actually fought on the front lines of the war he started. He was an imperialist, to be sure, but he was a BRAVE imperialist.
  19. I think that the last case has one glaring flaw that no one has brought up yet:
  20. Roosevelt would probably slap Ted Cruz off Capitol Hill with his massive dick if Cruz tried to bitch about Teddy heroically blocking corporations from doing whatever they wanted. Good god I would pay so much to see that.
  21. Holy shit, I want to go to Shibuya one day.
  22. Yeah, he was racist, but more so against native Americans than blacks. He still would be 100 times the President Trump would be, and I would vote for him in a heartbeat. America needs someone like him.
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