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blah the Prussian

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Everything posted by blah the Prussian

  1. So here's an idea: make it a three way civil war between the monarchy, Republicans, and the nobility. In history the nobility has often opposed a strong monarchy as much or more than Republicans for their own benefit, so the game could start out fighting the nobility, but once they're defeated a royal general is popular enough that he declares a Republic, and a second civil war starts. To make things even better, the lord has a good relationship with both the monarch and the general; this leads to the choice being a lot more personal.
  2. Well, I don't think we will be able to forget it, because Trump supporters as a movement won't just vanish if Clinton wins.
  3. Some advice from a design perspective: it might help to have a clearer indicator of where everything is on the base screen. It isn't necessary by any means, but it would help.
  4. Yeah, I think that so long as a single country doesn't have control over it, things will be fine. If anything this is better than America having control over it; if America wanted to delete some content, who was going to stop them before?
  5. Holy shit, Lance was mental.
  6. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-37515642 I feel like he has a bet with someone where every week he has to somehow make himself look like even more of a fuckwad. Hell, he even seems to subscribe to Irving's 3,000,000 theory.
  7. To Anarcho-Capitalists they're the same thing, The competent get rich and anyone who isn't good enough, well, fuck them.
  8. Well yeah. That's what it's supposed to be. It's supposed to be no evil government so that the rich can control everything. I think it would end up as some form of industrialized feudalism but without the King.
  9. Well, then i guess I'd follow Ike and Micaiah if my monarch told me to. Conquest Corrin is still out, though.
  10. Well yeah. I would work for Elincia, and if she ordered me to follow Ike I would do it, but after the war was over aid go with Elincia, not Ike. Same goes for Pelleas, and that's only after gutting Izuka.
  11. Ugh, unfortunately I didn't like Datz. I get what they were trying to do, but he came off as much more of an annoying asshole rather than a comedic sidekick. I mean, in case 5 he publically throws around the Dragons secret weapon on innocent bystanders apparently for his amusement. That isn't funny, it's stupid. He frankly didn't sell me on being the hardened veteran paratrooper he was cracked up to be.
  12. I mean in actual position. I'm not going to fight for a rebel leader who happens to have royal blood, but I will fight for a reigning monarch or the claimant to a throne unjustly taken. Micaiah is neither.
  13. Pfft, she's a usurper. Restore Pelleas! More seriously, I'd be fine with working for her after she becomes a monarch, but before them I'm not risking my life for a bunch of rebels whose membership is ethically questionable at best.
  14. I will say this: I actually like Rayfa. She develops believably throughout the game, despite being somewhat sidelined in favor of Nahyuta, who wasn't as compelling to me by a long shot. Although this isn't really saying that much, it's a toss up between her and Blackquill for best written character of the new games.
  15. Yeah, exactly. Her original look and mannerisms were subtle, and they gave her a distinct personality. This? Well...https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=m3mIb5R1VIo
  16. Dammit. Ga'ran was a good villain, too, until it was decided that she didn't need subtlety. Talk about going from your own character to gender swapped Manfred Von Karma.
  17. All of them except Ike and Micaiah, because serving royalty is in my job description, but if I had to pick one, either Roy or Ephraim. Ephraim is more likely, though, because I think his tactical brilliance is integrated into the story better. As for Micaiah, I would side with Begnion because I wouldn't want an independent Daein quite yet. The exception to this is Conquest Corrin. I don't care that he's royalty, I'd send that bitch to the guillotine faster than Thane can say "shitty writing".
  18. So if Ike buggers off, does that mean that there isn't going to be a Black Knight? Please say yes.
  19. This isn't the thread, but reveling classified information should still be a crime. I would rather not know that the NSA is spying on my than have the Germans know that the invasion is happening at Normandy.
  20. Man, guys, I can't wait to go to the UK and see the Elizabeth Royal Guard! More seriously, I'm starting to think that most of the issues with the narrative could have been fixed by removing the DC act.
  21. Well, the person I want to model my career on is Mike Duncan, who is a historian, so I guess I'd tell him how much I respect him and then have a conversation above us history with him.
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