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blah the Prussian

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Everything posted by blah the Prussian

  1. So someone doesn't deserve life saving treatment if they can't get it? You realize that this essentially means someone doesn't have the right to life.
  2. Let me rephrase my question: do they deserve poverty? I accept that there will always be poor and rich people. All I argue is that the state has the obligation to provide for its poorer citizens; you still have the right to life, for example, even if you cannot afford life saving medical treatment. Another thing: if you work hard that is no guarentee of success. Why? Because, simply put, there are not enough high paying jobs to go around. There are plenty of smart, competant people who were just less smart and competant than the competition, at every level, be it university applications, the job search, or businesses. Do these people not deserve protection from the ill effects of poverty?
  3. So, okay, you have the belief that more able people deserve to rise higher. That I can potentially agree with. Here, though, is my question: do you believe that people who are less competant deserve to be poor?
  4. Sigh. I hate Team Rocket as an ideologically driven organization. They were so much better as just the Mafia.
  5. The aim of the welfare state is not equity. It is respecting the human rights of people without enough money to survive; it is not punishing people for failure. Essentially, even if you're still stuck at a dead end job at McDonald's, you still deserve to live even if you can't afford to not live. Now, I do disagree with Sander's university program.
  6. I agree with the ideas of moderate feminism and I really see no reason why any reasonable person wouldn't. I also have a little thing I like to call Monarchist feminism which emphasizes the eldest child succeeding to the throne regardless of gender. Just about the one thing I disagree with moderate feminism about is the notion that defense attorneys questioning alleged rape victims if they're remembering events correctly is some horrible thing. The defense has the right to defend their client with all legal means. That's about it, though.
  7. Buchanan, Wilson, Filmore, there were plenty of Presidents in US history that were pretty shit, definitely moreso than Clinton, and moreso than Trump, for that matter.
  8. Less is more sometimes man. More seriously Teddy Roosevelt was probably our most qualified President.
  9. So now I'm actually wanting to do a list of monarchs for Khu'rain; look at its history during the fall of the Ming, the early Imperialist age, the late Imperialist age, the World Wars, and the Cold War.
  10. I have not yet finished Case 3, but I do like it so far. Rayfa's funny, and it feels good to have Maya back at the defense bench. I will be dissapointed if Inga is the main villain; he's just so obvious. Case 2 was good. It had more character development for Trucy, and I especially liked the plot twist.
  11. I will say this much: Rayfa's VA doesn't sound li,e a 14 year old girl. They chose just about the most generic voice they could find, unfortunately.
  12. Also, I'm finding Rayfa to be, in the words of CinemaSins, discount Sanaki. Which, you know, is a good thing, because I like Sanaki.
  13. Okay, just going to say this: in case 3, Ohoenix tells Princess Rayfa that in his country, the defendant is innocent until proven guilty. I honestly don't know what series he's been playing.
  14. Now that's a good idea. Although I will say with regard to the Spartans that if you cut off an army's path of retreat it's only natural they'll fight to the death.
  15. Of course, the legions never needed to operate alone, because that wasn't their strategy. I also don't get where you're getting the idea that Hoplites were good at fighting alone; if anything, they were worse at it than the Romans, see the Battle of Pydnus where the Romans lured the Hoplites into uneven ground to isolate them from their phalanxes.
  16. Actually the Trump campaign has been quite prolific with using memes to their advantage; it could be a sign of things to come in the age of the internet.
  17. So, I'm midway through 6-2, and its kickass. More development for the characters, some seriously funny characters, and I quite like Sahmadi. So far this game has pleasantly surprised me.
  18. So one of the many things I am is an incorrigable Romanophile, and I really want some FE to try something explicitly Roman based, especially after the dissapointment that was Nohr. So, I decided, why not make a class based on the soldiers that conquered Europe? Legionary: The Legionary is a frontline soldier of the Empire of Corvinia (I have this whole FE world, more on that later). They wield swords and lances. The Legionary, on his own, is a bad unit. They are below average in essentially everything; think the soldier class except with swords as well as lances. They do, however, have a unique asset: when two legionaries are adjacent, Dual Strikes do twice as much damage. When two legionaries are paired up, Dual Guard activates twice as often. Furthermore, all stat boosts from being ajacent or paired up are doubled. Finally, legionaries gain double the stats from rallying. So, SF, what do you think? Would you use this class and crush the Manaketes and Laguz for the glory of Rome?
  19. OH GOD NOSorry. It's just that that name gives me traumatic flashbacks to Batman v Superman.
  20. I actually do think that after playing the first case the Gillian of that case, with the exception of Kristoph Gavin and Dahlia Hawthorne, is the best first case villain in the series. He's funny, he's unique, and overall quite enjoyable. So far this game is superior to Dual Destinies, I'll say that much.
  21. If the turn based game has a unique mechanic, like Radiant Historia, then I like it. Otherwise, I prefer action.
  22. Eh, fair enough, I suppose half was a bit much. I don't have any respect for the intellectual Trump supporters; the people on the Alt-right, the neo Nazis, and the Ultranationalists. Admittedly they do probably make up less than half, though.
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