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blah the Prussian

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Everything posted by blah the Prussian

  1. Having a moment like that would actually be good; a kind of hopeless battle. Narratively speaking I think the problem with most FE stories is that the characters keep winning and winning and winning and that leads to there being little tension; having a "darkest hour" point in the middle of the story would do a lot to fix that.
  2. 16. I think they're pretty good. I think that the elves being basically a race of Jesuses in power and goodness takes some of the tension away, though.17. Unfortunately, no. I have heard some of his sayings, though; my favorite one is "How much greater are the consequences of your anger than the causes?" 18. I think that he was basically the only one left who could claim the title at that point. Had he by some miracle liberated Greece from the Turks he would have been the legitimate Emperor. 19. Probably the Gods vs the Titans, from Greco-Roman mythology. It does have some dumb moments like Saturn mistaking a rock for Jupiter, but overall it's an epic story. 20. Hit and miss. On the one hand, I like that he got religious legitimacy for the Emperors as a way of deterring military coups. On the other hand, the Tetrarchy, while good in theory, needed Diocletian to survive. Mike Duncan, who did a podcast about the Roman Empire, suggests that the Tetrarchy would have survived had Diocletian not insisted on the two Augustuses to be equal, that is, have one senior Emperor with the others all answering to him, and I agree. It's a great game with great writing. I think that unfortunately it can be frustrating at the beginning, but once you complete it for the first time it's great. My personal favorite path is to have Elodie become a military genius and then crush Togami's fleet. But yeah, overall it's a great deconstruction of princesses in western media.
  3. Ah, sorry. I thought that it was fun, although some of the questions did get repetitive. I also really wanted someone to ask me who my least favorite fictional monarch was, so I'll put that here: Pruncess Elise, from Sonic 06. I've never seen such a cowardly and pathetic person presented as a good leader. Whatever. But yeah, I'm glad and flattered I was selected. Edit: Hattusili: 11. The fall of Constantinople to the Turks. 12. Harold was the legitimate King. 13. I've played FE7, FE8, FE9, and FE10. Not sure if any of those count as older. 14. Nicholas was incompetent, but less so than how everyone thinks. I don't have much of a problem with how he ran Russia prior to WWI, sans Pogroms. Everything about what he did in WWI, however, was the height of idiocy. He was an average at best peacetime leader and a terrible, terrible wartime leader. 15. This is quite a good thread you have here, and you seem to share my interest in history. Positive.
  4. 11. Via a message from Hattusili on my profile.Glad to hear it!
  5. Beruka and Selena are both pretty great. I used both in my playthrough. Selena especially is good.
  6. 11. Well, my favorite place in Prague is Wenceslaus Square, because it has a great view and plenty of places to sit and eat.12. Don't know if apple cider counts, but if it does, that. 13. Akbar the great, Emperor of the Mughal Empire. First of all his name is in english Great the Great, so that's always good. Secondly, though, he was a famously learned and enlightened man, bringing about de facto secularization of his Empire. He would definitely be interesting to talk to, and as I love Indian food, and as he was the Emperor of most of India, the food would be awesome too. 14. Yes, with friends. At one point the kart ran out of fuel midway through. 15. Corrin and Xander from Conquest.
  7. Unfortunately, I have a Mac. I'll play it if you make a port.
  8. Actually, being older is another thing I think would be cool. I think that the young hero thing is definitely overdone.
  9. 6. At one point I convinced my friend that there was a new Pokemon called Regidoom that was supposed to be the most powerful of all the Regis, and was the master of Regigigas, and really had him going for a while. Like as in I told him how to get it in the game (I forget how I told him) and he did it. It was pretty funny when he found out it was a lie....yeah, I'm hardly Loki. 7. A few weeks ago, actually, I made the mistake of eating cheese that was simultaneously moldy and rotten. It was not a choice I look back upon fondly. Also, Mexican food in Prague in general is shitty. I would not recommend it. 8. Like me with big eyes, I guess. 9. I have not played them. What are they available on? 10. I would absolutely travel to the future. I'd go to the moment just before humanity was whipped out, and I'd use my time machine to get the entire history of the human race, and maybe some aliens, so I don't die on a cliffhanger. I mean, imagine dying right now. How shitty would that be!? I wouldn't know who won the election, I wouldn't know if ISIS ever fell, I wouldn't know anything that happened after my death! I don't want to not know how humanity's story continues.
  10. I really don't think having them as a non noble is that good. Having them be a noble starts them out in a more interesting position, I think: having a lot of responsibility and not being able to handle it vs slowly working your way up. I think that the former is far more interesting.
  11. I would prefer a noble lord, but I'm willing to have a non noble. I haven't understood what makes non noble's more relatable than noble's, though; what exactly makes Ike any more relatable than Marth, or Ephraim? I'd also love a tough female lord, and preferably a noble one, but whatever. That isn't essential to a good lord. Here, for me, are what is essential to a good lord: 1. Smart. FE is a strategy game, so to me the most important element of a believable protagonist for the series is to have them be at least good at strategy and tactics, or become good at them as part of their development (this happens with Ike and Elincia, for example). They don't have to be geniuses; Marth and Roy both were decent leaders, but it wasn't a big part of their personality. Just for the love of God, don't have the protagonist be an idiot like a certain recent FE avatar. This is also why I like Ephraim so much; it's good to have a hero who would actually believably do well in war. Micaiah is pretty good too. 2. Developed. You know what the worst part of Sacred Stones is? That Eirika starts out the game as naive, and she's still pretty damned naive at the end. Ephraim at least learns to not be so reckless and to be a good leader, but Eirika? She's giving the Mcguffin to the big bad in Chapter 18! I want the lord to start out with flaws, and then lose some of them by the end of the story. 3. Good. If we're going to use them for the whole game, they should be one of the best units in the game. Otherwise you have situations like Roy, and we don't want Roy, do we? I would also like to see a Mage lord, somewhat like Micaiah. In my FE game that I'm thinking up in my head one of the lords is a Mage Prince who's very book smart but not street smart, in both common sense and tactics. I think what you can do with a Mage lord hasn't really been explored enough.
  12. Oh yeah, and Soul, Marie Antoinette never was actually a ruler, she was the wife of one. You'd be the non gender bent version of Commodus. I'm still at a loss for what exactly you're doing here.
  13. Wait, why is Zola Patton? Patton wanted to declare war on the Soviets, sure, but he would follow the President's orders. I like Kotaro as Mao though. And I think that instead of war crimes trials a Buisness Plot style coup would work better.
  14. Or what, you'll drop a brick on my foot? Takumi is a passable anti villain, as long as you ignore a certain scene just before the endgame.
  15. CrobatStaraptor Praise Conquest's story, I mean come on. I don't hate it more than physical pain.
  16. I think that it would be best had Anankos offered Takumi some power and that power slowly corrupted him. It would then be left ambiguous how much of it was him and how much was the possession, sort of like Macbeth. But yeah, I do see what you mean.
  17. So after that Chapter 12 can be Japanese commandos holding a field hospital hostage, Chapter 13 can be neo Confederates, Chapter 14 can be an assassination attempt on the Oresident, help me out for Valla, Chapter 16 can be Midway, and I don't know what to do for the period between Chapter 16 and the invasion of Hoshido.
  18. 6. I speak Spanish poorly. I speak Czech much more poorly.7. Somewhat. Its probably what I'd do if I couldn't be a historian. 8. Legal positivism,code finitely. Nature is a cruel world that we should be escaping. Anyone that wants to be like nature is a masochist. 9. A mixture of the two. I don't think that retribution is constructed, but at the same time Zander's Breivik's cell shouldn't be as good as a hotel room. 10. I'd be a passive ruler or an active ruler as the situation demands. I've found that most of the greatest monarchs are like that. 1. Probably Self Defense Against Fruit. Nostalgia may be a factor here, as it was the first one I ever saw, when I was 7, but nothing's been able to top it for me.2. All of them. But Leo I think would make a good protagonist for Conquest. Assuming the story has been changed so that Nohr has some decent motivation, Leo would make a good Magnificent Bastard type hero, kind of like Miicaiah meets Ephraim. 3. Path of Radiance is basically FE's WWII. Daein/Germany, a militarist dictatorship ruled by a social Darwinian megolomaniaic named Ashnard/Hitler, that also has a hatred for a race called Laguz/Jews, invades Crimea/Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, France, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg, starting a war. Gallia/America, a country naturally opposed to Daein/Germany, sits on its ass and offers moral support before eventually joining the war. Meanwhile, Begnion/USSR, a huge empire with some moral faults, most of which stem from a fat asshole with a mustache, and which has a badass general whose last name begins with a Z, joins the war, and proceeds to kick the ass of Daein/Germany only to have a guy named Ike take all the credit. Years later, Daein/Germany is chafing under the oppressive occupation of Begnion/USSR, but with the help of Sanaki/Gorbachev, the leader of Begnion/USSR who is sympathetic to their plight, the rebels free their country. 4. Nope. I do intend to, though. 5. I think that although it does make some good points, Nohr has one key difference from Rome: cavalry. Roman cavalry was frankly shit, and yet the Cavalier is a key unit in the Nohrian army. I also find it ironic that Nohr borrows from Rome and the Celts, given the history between the two peoples. I would like to have been a Roman Senator during the Civil Wars. I would be a key ally of Julius Caesar, and maybe would convince him to avoid entering a certain Senate session.I dont want any part in this history. I think that the world is entering a dark period, definitely, and I think if I were to be anything significant it wouldn't end well for me.
  19. So if Valm is Germany and Plegia is Italy, that would make Ylisse Britain, correct? And then Chon'sin is France, with Yen'fey as Petain. I'm putting way too much thought into the FE WWII...
  20. I thought Takumi in Conquest was good. He was the only one who made sense about Corrin, and at the same time you can see how his hatred would lead him to be possessed. That is, until *that* scene, but it's still better than the rest of Conquest.
  21. 1. I think that the monarch should have the power to dissolve Parliament, as well as royal assent, that can be overturned with a 2/3 majority. I also think that the monarch should be the commander in chief of the military. Finally, I think that in times of crisis the monarch should be given executive power, but only after a referendum (I don't trust politicians to do the right thing here). The referendum should also be relatively quick, happening no more than a week after its announcement.2. Marcus Aurelius. He led the Empire through its greatest crisis since Hannibal, successfully defending Rome from both the Parthians and the Marcomanni. I don't even have a problem with giving the throne to Commodus; if he didn't Commodus would have become a rallying point for dissent, leading to civil war. I do think he shouldn't have been so harsh on Commodus, because I think that never being allowed to just be a kid absolutely led the Emperor to be such a brat while Emperor. But overall, a lesser man would have been the last Emperor of Rome, while Marcus saved it. 3. I think it's stupid. I've rarely seen it brought up other than as a way to excuse cultures that treat women and minorities like shit. Note though that I don't think Islamic culture is inherently backwards, it's just going through a backwards spell everywhere sans Jordan; the Ottoman and Mughal Empires are proof of this. 4. I'm a fan of Rome, Mughal India, the Ottoman Empire, and, you'll be shocked to learn, Prussia. 5. I don't think we can possibly know enough about ancient monarchs to make judgements about them. If what we know is true, though, Hattusili was a good monarch.
  22. 6. Swords. I like having a normal attack that isn't garbage when I run out of mp.7. Don't talk about science, bro, it's summer, 8. Keeping in mind that I haven't played Revelation, I would make Garon how he was before the goo got him. 9. Prague to Minnesota. 10. I would want to travel to Estonia, because I heard from my cousin that firstly wifi is a human right there, and secondly they have bear steaks. I need a bear steak.
  23. Jotari: Ah crap, sorry for forgetting this. No, regrettably. Probably Elizabeth I. Her leadership was extremely important to defeating the Spanish Armada, and that defeat was key in breaking the power of the Spanish Empire. Honestly I was just trying to avoid saying Joan of Arc.I would argue the Glorious Revolution. Before the Glorious Revolution, real democracy didn't really exist yet. The defeat of James II and the creation of the Constitutional Monarchy led to the creation of the first modern democracy, essentially starting everything. I watch anime that I hear is good, and the same for light novels, but I wouldn't say I'm an anime fan. I dislike most of the tropes associated with anime, for example. However, there's some seriously good shit out there. Case in point: Monster. Monster is a serial killer story, but it heavily involves the history of East Germany and Communist Czechoslovakia, and most of what they have is accurate. One of the key locales is Orague, and let me be the first to tell you that they did their research. One of the streets in Prague that the characters go down a lot is an actual street. The story is pretty good too; the villain is a lot like the Joker and the hero is a mix between Batman and Atticus Finch. I have not.I like Gen 5 the best for the huge amount of Pokemon they introduced, the excellent story, and the good gameplay. My favorite Pokemon is Crobat. I like the design and he's surprisingly good in competitive play. Eh. It's cute. I've seen cuter.
  24. 1. Depends on the map design. But yeah, that sounds interesting, gen 1 could be overthrowing the old regime, gen 2 could be overthrowing the Stalin expy. Then again knowing IS they'd probably swamp it with fanservice to make me more angry than anything.2. The lack of save points in chapters, and obviously this doesn't apply to the NES remakes. There is no reason why I should have to replay the entire chapter and thereby lose a perfect level up, for example, because one enemy got in a lucky crit. I love hard games, but I hate doing shit I just finished again. 3. Not usually, so long as they're new. 4. I haven't seen it, but I approve of anyone who intends to brutally murder Nazis, unless, you know, they're Stalin. 5. Oh, absolutely. I love alternate history. I'm actually currently writing an alternate timeline on this very site, although the first few parts kind of suck.
  25. I have to say I disagree with this. While the main characters of both Awakening and Fates are absolutely atrocious, I don't think there's anything wrong with making the minor characters less developed. If you look at past FE games, their minor characters are tropes too (Gatrie is a womanizer, Kieran is belligerent, Sain is also a womanizer, Farina loves money, so does Rennac, L'Arachel is spoiled sweet, Valter and Narshen are arrogant rapists, etc.) It's fine giving the minor characters less development, and I will say that I haven't found the minor characters of Awakening or Fates with some exceptions to be bad.
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