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blah the Prussian

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Everything posted by blah the Prussian

  1. Oh god Gheb. In any case, you'll also get Tana, who is probably better than Vanessa. And yes, by the end of chapter 9 you will be asking yourself what makes Gheb so popular, besides having a name phonetically similar to a failed Presidential candidate.
  2. I would love to read this, but it realized I want to play the game for myself, so I won't spoil it.
  3. 1. I admit, theoretically, that a monarch could do this. I also admit that a monarchist can theoretically support torture and rape. They would not, however, support this because they are Monarchist's, as torture and rape are not part of the Monarchist ideology. Oh right, and also, the Bolsheviks were quite frankly not around when Alexander II was Tsar, only forming under Nicholas II. And a fat lot of good Alexander III's policies did if the Bolshies seized power anyway.2. Terribly sorry, but not every form of government shares antisemetism, genocide, and nationalism. That's just a blatant falsehood.
  4. Yes, well, the point still stands; it isn't just Islamic countries that are shit regarding LGBT.
  5. So, doing this based on personality. Lord: Marth Dancer: Tethys Cavalier: Seth Knight: Gatrie Archer: Innes Mage: Sanaki or Pent Dark Mage: Henry Cleric: Lana Myrmidon: Rutger Mercenary: Gregor Fighter: Arthur Pirate/Brigand: Gonzales Pegasus Knight: Elincia Wyvern Rider: Minerva Troubadour: L'Arachel Thief: Volke
  6. Not entirely true. Many African countries, such as Uganda, have laws whereby homosexuality is punishable by death, and they are Christian.
  7. Excuse you? I'm niether evil nor a clone. Do you guys always talk about me in this thread? ;)In any case: 1. Besides me being Rommel's evil clone, what are your honest impressions of me? 2. What do you think of history? 3. What is your favorite work of fiction? 4. Can you recommend me any RPGs for the DS/3ds that no one knows about? 5. Dogs or cats? Edit: And I hope I haven't been nominated before and I didn't know about it; that would just be embarrassing.
  8. 1. I can be whatever kind of monarchist I want, thank you very much. I am not ashamed of being a constitutionalist. Alexander III, by the way, was unsuccessful, laying the groundwork for the Bolshevik Revolution by making a system that needed a leader as strong as himself to function.2. Actually, Stalinism shared numerous traits with Naziism. Stalin engaged in many policies similar to the Nazis, such as antisemetism, genocide against minorities, and nationalism, especially later in his life. There were definitely more things similar than different about Naziism and Stalinism.
  9. Hey, don't throw us Monarchist's in with you.
  10. Well, yes, it totally would. Maybe if you attacked the airbases or something, but the fact is that the terrorists aren't attacking soldiers, they're attacking innocent civilians, and deliberately, unlike the Americans (in most cases). They are terrorists, plain and simple.
  11. Once again, I'll tentatively join. I should be able to make the time for it pretty easily.
  12. I'd like to add that in my view at least the story of Ephraim's route is much better because of a certain character. In any case, good luck and welcome to the forest!
  13. I can confirm that 4 is Orwell compared to Fates Conquest.
  14. Simple: have Ike be watching in a hiding spot, and only come out once Ashnard leaves.
  15. You're still ruining their lives, even if they do get out on appeal, which, by the way, is hardly guaranteed. I can also pretty easily see a biased jury in cases where the defendant(s) are minorities, particularly in the South. Look, for example, at the Scotsboro boys case: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scottsboro_BoysEven though it's safe to say racism in the US is no longer on that level, it is still definitely present, and I can easily see a jury convicting a black man on a white "victim's" word alone in several parts of the country.
  16. NO. That is contrary to our legal system and, much as I have a problem with America's form of government, probably our greatest contribution is due process. There will never be anything that justifies giving that up. The government has a duty to protect its people; if the government places one of its innocent subjects in prison it has failed. I would rather 10 rapists walk free than 1 innocent go to jail. Look, some rapists going free is the price we have to pay for a system where we are innocent until proven guilty, and it's more than worth it.
  17. For their time, yes. I think that if it was made now, more development could have been given to Medeus, and maybe Camus to explain why he's so loyal. But yeah, it's not a bad story, especially with its theme.
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