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blah the Prussian

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Everything posted by blah the Prussian

  1. Well, the Fire Emblem Wiki lied to me. Ah well.
  2. Don't use Mozu. She isn't that good compared to other Ests, and you can't afford to use that exp when you have a limited amount already. She isn't worth the effort. Also, "We can do it!" but with Effie as Rosie.
  3. I don't know, Zelda did an avatar protagonist excellently with several amazing stories; Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, and Skyward Sword in particular. Then again, Zelda is not Fire Emblem, so it might not be possible to do what Zelda did in an FE game.
  4. Make the Rainbow Sage Indonesia. Indonesia, after all, had a lot of oil, and that was the main reason the Japanese attacked the Western colonial Empires. Similarly, the Rainbow Sage is a huge strategic goal/source of power for Hoshido.
  5. I think a chapter should feel epic in some way for it to be truly great. Take Chapter 10 of Conquest, for example. In that, you're stopping a massive Hoshidan amphibious invasion of Nohr. A chapter could be really well designed, but chances are I'm going to like it more if you're doing something like that, rather than fighting some bandits. There's also the RD Part Three endgame; literally a massive battle with the entire Daein Army. Generally speaking, I also like chapters with something unique to them, something memorable. It could be a curveball thrown midway through, it could be a unique objective, or unique terrain, but it's things like these that really stick in my mind.
  6. No, I mean it isn't that important for my enjoyment of the game. Of course, a good story is necessary for a game to be one of my favorite games. And at least most Mary Sues have the decency to actually be competant. What happens with Emmeryn is the equivalent of some character who the story says is good at math saying 2+2=5, and the story saying that, as such, 2+2 is in fact five.
  7. There are no bandits, but trust me when I say this, there don't need to be. The longer the chapter lasts the less opportunity you have to get the loot. Not to spoil anything, but by turn 8 you will NEED each and every unit to be either fighting or healing; there won't be room for getting loot.
  8. It might be cliche, but Chapter Ten of Conquest is the most deliciously frantic thing I've ever played. I love how if you let your guard down the enemy crushes you. I love the curveball that gets thrown at you.
  9. I don't really think there's much to talk about anymore, is the thing.
  10. Conquest is the canonical version of Fates... sort of. However, the events as depicted in Conquest are revisionist history by Nohr apologists to try to justify Corrin's actions. In reality, Corrin went along with Garon's conquest and he helped his brother Xander stage a coup afterwords. Also, everything about Valla doesn't exist. It's all a conspiracy theory popular in the wierded corners of the FE internet. So is Garon being controlled by goo. Finally, Birthright is an Alternate History story.
  11. Well, the story is rarely important. I mean, Conquest is my favorite in the series and that had an awful story. I'm also pretty sure that very few people in the fandom consider Awakening the best in the series. It's mostly critics who don't strictly speaking know what they're talking about. Others have said it better than I could, but the fact is that Emmeryn is naive and this is treated as a good thing. Her incorruptible pure pureness always got to me. I mean, they say she refused to arrest someone who threw a rock at her as a ten year old, or something akin to that. Who does that? That is unrealistic and I can't stand it. There's also the fact that her suicide is of course contrived and serves to rush the Plegia arc. That's another thing: Plegia is over too fast. The ABANDON the Ylissean Capitol. No. That's just dumb. Plegia needed more chapters; they only get 5 chapters in the entire game where you fight them: 5, which is more of just a border skirmish, 7, which is rendered null because fuck Emmeryn, 9, which ends with everyone running away, 10, which, I'll admit, was good, and 11, where despite not actually doing anything Gangrel is on his last legs. I feel like a lot wrong with Awakening would be fixed if you cut out Walhart and really spent some time fighting Plegia.
  12. I do agree that jail time shouldn't be the result of possession alone. I think forced rehab is the answer.
  13. I literally just got through explaining how drugs wrecked all of China. Here, I'll even quote it for you: Also, I'm no one to stop them, but the ruler of a country who cares about their citizens is one to stop them. Like, are you going to legalize suicide? Keep in mind also that generally speaking people are sentenced to rehab for possession; similar to people who attempt suicide being given psychological help. Finally, speaking as someone who lost a grandfather to lung cancer due to cigarettes (yes I know they're legal, but the principle applies to any drug that can kill, which is the vast majority) it NEVER just hurts you. Everyone has people they care about, and drugs ruin them, too.
  14. OH god no, do t make the Black Knight an edgelord. Having Ashnard kill Greil does everything the Black Knight did, but better. There is no point to him as a character when Ashnard exists. I also consider myself to be decent at setting up scenarios, so okay, pm me with questions if you want.
  15. Well, the good: -As others have said, the worldbuilding. The second best of any FE game, and this world is the most interesting. -Begnion is my favorite FE country, for several reasons. Firstly, it has a lot of nuance. Its never "The people of Begnion hate the Senate" or "The people of Begnion are racist", its always "Some people in Begnion think one thing, others think something else". Also, it has Sanaki, IMO the best FE character ever. -Ashnard is an awesome antagonist. He's badass, he's pure evil, but at the same time he's an ideologue; you know exactly what he wants; to establish a Social Darwinistic world order. POR's conflict is, for the most part, entirely human, with believable characters doing things for believable reasons, and Ashnard takes the cake. I've often called him FE's Hitler, and he is by far the best written antagonist in FE history. The bad: -Unfortunately, you don't get to see a lot of him. That's because a certain Darth Vader ripoff is stealing his spotlight. The Black Knight is the worst thing about Path of Radiance. He doesn't know what he wants to be; sometimes he's sympathetic, like with his branded sob story, sometimes he's pure evil, like when he implies he'll rape Mist (IIRC at least; its been a long time). He takes away attention from Ashnard and he quite simply isn't as good. He isn't as scary, he isn't as interesting, and, regardless of what the story would have you believe, he isn't as much of a threat. This would all be fixed by having Ashnard kill Greil instead of the Black Knight. Then, Ike has a clear, personal reason to fight the main villain. -Ike in RD. Micaiah, Elincia, and Sanaki should have been the main characters. Ike has no real character development in RD, and all three other characters arcs suffer as a result, Micaiah's especially. If you make Ike a supporting character you fix a lot of the issues I have with the story. Oh yeah, and don't bring back the BK. Then again, I wish the BK didn't exist to begin with.
  16. Well, basically the extent of its infestation was absurd. It was extremely widespread, and more and more people were getting into the Opium trade To add to that, the British demanded a huge payment from the Chinese. This, added to the corruption of the Imperial Court, made modernization impossible, leading to China being kicked around by the West and Japan for close to a century before Mao came and then China kicked itself around. But this is way beyond the scope of the thread; suffice it to say that Opium is bad, kids.
  17. Its another name for Heroin, yes. It has special significance to China because the UK illegally sold Opium to Chinese in the 1800s, which devastated the Chinese economy.
  18. But my point is that no one, Chinese or otherwise, should be doing Opium.
  19. Ooh, here's an idea: Gooron can be the Business Plot. (A Fascist conspiracy to take over the US)
  20. Its actually rather easy. All you need to do is select random battle, and then arrange a time with your opponent for when you'll both be online. Then just type in their name.
  21. Emmeryn, as others have said, is an idiotic ruler who pisses all over great characters like Elincia, Sanaki, and Marth. Gangrel, meanwhile, was potentially interesting before the writers decided that making him interesting was too hard, so they made him a generic insane King. The Valm Arc has no reason to exist. The entire Ferox arc was stupid. I don't have a problem with Lucina. What I do have a problem with is the downright DISHONEST advertising centered around the "Marth" vs Chrom fight. They made it seem like it was a huge part of the game. Finally, Validar's and Aversa's whole "fate lol" thing pissed me off. You literally defeat Validar in CHAPTER SIX. That is NOT how you build up a good antagonist. It's why you don't defeat Ganondorf after Jabu Jabu's belly, or Ashnard at that port level. It's not good writing and it negatively impacts the gameplay, too, as it makes the fight with Validar later less epic.
  22. Oh, I agree with you there. But that doesn't mean the villain should be redeemed. Maybe have Gangrel in this case accept his punishment for his actions after the war and then, crucially, have him actually be punished.
  23. Because it shows it's not just an American thing, and that in fact regardless of any racial element, Opium as well, for that matter, as Cocaine, or Meth, should be banned?
  24. Right then. Conquest's gameplay? Sublime. Especially Chapter Ten. I have a save just before Chapter Ten so I can replay it again and again. I love it. I'd say the gameplay is the best of any FE released in the West. The story? Well... picture the worst Japan/Stalin/Confederate/whatever apologist you can find, and then imagine what they pull out of their asses to justify the actions of evil. Conquest's story feels like revisionism from an apologist. It feels like an incoherent internet rant justifying Corrin's actions, which are despicable. That's all I have to say about it. Oh yeah, also it has one of the best soundtracks ever.
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