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blah the Prussian

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Everything posted by blah the Prussian

  1. I had a dream about Sun and Moon too! I was fighting the champion and it had a weird Dragon type that shot me with a laser from the sun.
  2. Granted, but you're a royal person and have to actually run your country. I wish that Pokemon Sun and Moon came out right now AND we're good.
  3. So, this is absolute, undeniable fact: Gary Johnson's campaign slogan needs to be "Gary was here! Trump and Clinton are losers!"
  4. This more than anything else. You would never see someone like Marth, for example, charge headlong into a trap like Chrom did just because Gangrel had his sister. Hell, Garnef did have Marth's sister, and a major part of his character arc was learning that he had to put the needs of the many above the needs of the few. That is completely absent in Awakening and a Fates.
  5. Yeah, no. It wouldn't be like Suzaku. There wouldn't be any of the "change it from within" crap, the character simply sees collaboration as the best of bad options.
  6. IMO it was started by the Viet Minh when the deposed the legitimate Emperor Bao Dai, and in the South when Diem again deposed the legitimate Emperor Bao Dai. But holy shit are we getting off topic, so lets stop here.
  7. Again, if I wanted edgy Pokemon fan fiction I'd go to Deviantart. I'm actually referring to an absurdly edgy fanfic I read a while back because Imwas a dumbass kid. It had blood and gore and everything.
  8. A few nights back I had a dream where I was in school but midway through I realized it was a dream. Then I did everything I ever wanted to do without fear of repercussions. It was glorious, I tell you. I also dreamed last night that Pokemon Sun and Moon were out, and I was fighting the Champion, and they had this weird Pterodactyl dragon type Pokemon. That's all I remember.
  9. USA debatably did in Vietnam. Also the US was involved in the Persian Gulf War between Vietnam and Iraq, and that one was blatantly on Saddam. And no, niether Vietnam or Iraq were multi continent.
  10. Hello, and welcome back to Pokemon Firered! Last tie, we fought some bikers who were victims of oppression! This time, we foil the plan of Bill the Nazi and Celio the SJW! Appropriately enough, we begin this update on a bridge named after 007 himself. Following this bridge, of course, takes us to this forest that looks like a giant pissed on it. How wonderful. After walking through a bunch more piss trees, I see my target. A scary Pokemon? What could it be? Heracross? Gyrados? Dark... ...Hypno. Really? Hypno isn't scary, it's in PU! Vorbeck decides to demonstrate Hypno's unthreateningness with a good fist to the face. My personal favorite method, at any rate. Unfortunately, I must sacrifice this little girl in order to foil the aspirations of the evil Bill! So anyway, Lostelle's dad gives me what I was supposed to find... ...aaaaand into the sea with it. The sinister machinations of Bill and Celio have been foiled forever! Now all that remain are Woodrow, the Shorts Cultists, the Straw Feminists, and... Giovanni. Lets get started on that last one then, shall we? Next time on Pokemon Firered: we get started on that one, then.
  11. Wait, which ones? The last war with multiple theaters at the same time was WWII, and its EXTREMELY hard to argue the US started that one.
  12. The only one remotely similar to GOT is FE4, and that's just the first generation. The rest are hardly similar to either.
  13. So uh, where here does it say that a European superstate is being created? All it talks about it for all countries to take an equal amount of migrants, which Merkel has been pushing for for some time now. More fearmongering.
  14. So what, you see Black people forming their own indepenndant state? Chinese Americans? Mexican Americans? It's not going to happen.
  15. Shiharam IMO is actually the worst Famus because he owes no actual loyalty to Daein, so he really has no reason whatsoever to stay. Eldigan switching sides would have been interesting because it would mean Sigurd would have a power base in Augustria. I wrote a horrifically bad fanfic a few years ago where Sigurd stays in Augustria after Eldigan becomes King, and then Eldigan doesn't go in to Grandbell with him, so he and Trabant forge an enemy mine after Barhara to oppose Alvis. At leas that's where it was going, but then I stopped and the writing was shit anyway.
  16. Yeah, Balkanization in America would only occur due to economic factors, not cultural ones. It would be a mistake to completely rule it out, but it's far more unlikely than in any other country save for homogenous ones like France and Germany.
  17. Even Rome didn't unify Europe largely because there wasn't a concept of Europe back then. Napoleon tried but ironically it was in a form that was kind of similar to the modern EU, and not in a single superstate.
  18. So, with good reason, the Camus archetype is one of the most despised of the FE archetypes, with Xander in particular getting a lot of flack. Basically, they come off as hypocritical, unsympathetic, and outright stupid, especially in the case of Xander. This is why I propose a fresh take on the archetype. The scenario is this: like in most FE games, the stereotypical evil country has invaded the Lord's nation and taken it over. However, some influential figure in said nation, like a General, politician, or even member of the Royal Family, is installed by the empire as the leader of their country; basically, a Quisling. Unlike most Quislings, though, this one isn't motivated by lust for power, or even with agreement with the invader. No, instead he honestly views the war as over, and thinks that collaboration with the empire is the only way forwards. Further bloodshed, he argues, will only hurt the nation. I think this could lead to an interesting dynamic with the protagonist causing them to question if it actually helps their people, continuing to fight. The Camus character could also be made more interesting by not wanting to switch sides because they don't feel they deserve it, and maybe the people o fthe country doesn't want to forgive him. It would be similar to Xander's suicide by cop in Birthright, which I felt was the only good thing they did with his character in all of Fates. So what do you think? Does this idea for a character interest you at all?
  19. I mean, I think it would be because it would probably mean the monarchies of Europe would fall, which would make me a very sad blah. Also, Europe, IMO, is too diverse to combine into a Federation like this, especially when their economies differ so dramatically, and when there are still unresolved issues between so many different countries, particularly with regard to the Balkans.
  20. Oh bloody hell, someone put this on Alternate History.com too, and it was just as stupid. Right then. The article doesn't actually cite shit in terms of meaningful evidence. It claims to magically know that this is what France and Germany seek. Apparently, to summarize for those who don't want to get cancer by reading the Express, this plan was leaked to a Polish news agency. Okay, Tuvarkz, give me that original source. Where does this leak come from? Ironically, despite what you said, this is still very much just a conspiracy theory.
  21. You misunderstand; I'm talking about someone running on a platform of genocide getting elected, and becoming the government AFTER and BECAUSE OF advocating for genocide. This has happened before, in Wiemar Germany, in the US with the Indian Wars, and as happened in Rwanda.
  22. Well yes, but it doesn't have consequences that actually prevent genocide from being carried out. Scarily enough, Neo Nazis are an actual strong part of the Greek political scene, as are Communists. I don't claim that people like Trump advocate genocide, but the fact is that "well, they didn't live up to their responsibilities" is small comfort to people actually having genocide committed against them.
  23. FE 9: Liberate Crimea, then invade Daein. The reverse was dumb. Also, more focus on Ashnard and less on the Black Knight. FE10: As others have said, more supports. Also, don't try to make the BK sympathetic, especially after he said he was going to torture Mist in the original. Finally, more focus on Micaiah, Elincia, and Sanaki, and less on Ike. FE13: More focus on Plegia, cut out Valm, and you have yourself a potentially solid story. Focus on Gangrel more especially. Don't bring back Emmeryn and Gangrel.
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