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blah the Prussian

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Everything posted by blah the Prussian

  1. The petition right now is being investigated for fraud. The whole affair is a complete farce.
  2. Pfft, Murkrow don't give a fuck about some lame ass witch. Murkrow's Tommy gun don't give a fuck either.
  3. ...or the law can actually be obeyed? The enforcers of the law do need massive reforms. Change must come from above, but it can come.
  4. Okay shit I didn't see this until now, sorry about that.Right, but here's the thing: Ashnard and Sephiran always had the same goal, just for different reasons. Ashnard always wanted the Dark Godess to be released, so, even though he was helping Sephiran achieve his goal, if he did know he would have had no problem with it, and it was his goal anyway. He wasn't being manipulated, and although Sephiran was using him it wasn't really in any way Ash and would object to.
  5. Even if I hate Conquest's story, I love the game. I agree with everything you've said, and I even like the Dragonveins. They add so many possibilities to each chapter, and probably the best one was in Chapter 10, where Takumi's DV turns what was a relatively easy defense map into one of the most deliciously frantic chapters in FE history. So yeah, Conquest is awesome, and I'd argue its the best FE game since 4 from a gameplay perspective alone. I do think that there is one major thing it does wrong, but I think that that's something that every FE game sans Shadow Dragon did wrong: checkpoints. Some chapters can take as much as an hour to complete, and starting over from the beginning, especially since in this game in particular the rng is a fuckWilson, sucks. But overall it's a minor complaint that's hardly unique to Conquest.
  6. What are you talking about, Murkrow is a pimping Mafia crow with a stylish feather cap. All Misdreavus can do is not be effected. Murkrow wins.
  7. What's so special about STEM? I think we need to get more minority groups, especially women, into history. No personal motivation here at all, no sir.More seriously, the Zimmerman case always seemed to me to be more of an indictment of vigilantism. It shows how human imperfections, like racism (and I do believe it was racism) make individual humans unworthy of taking the law into their own hands. Also, Duff, I have to ask, why was it wrong for Obama to voice his opinion on the matter? He's allowed to have his opinion.
  8. Then the problem is with how the law is enforced, not the law itself. It's a problem obviously, but the danger is hardly pressing.
  9. The only way I can see Iago working is as a one shot villain who tries to do something against the Hoshidans and the Nohrians, like maybe in a power play he kidnaps both Sakura and Elise, or something. Then, the Hoshidans and Nohrians have to work together, and it would be an interesting chance for mutual respect to develop between them to make the final showdown all the more tragic. Something like that.
  10. Well, are they legal? Are people under any obligation to listen to them? I mean sure you could get beaten up, but that's against the law. I see no problem with the law here. And there's no way that those "Sharia zones" are legally binding.
  11. Well yeah. They failed; there's no danger. In the US at least, as well as in many European countries, separation of church and state is in the Constitution, so the danger is positively minuscule.
  12. I think that Sharia refers to opposing Sharia law in countries where its present. Duff is almost certainly too smart to believe that the west is honestly in danger of adapting Sharia.
  13. SRBJA IS OF COURSE INTO THE STRONKEST FE CHARACTER! More seriously, probably Gawain. Langobart and Trabant are good candidates too.
  14. You are absolutely correct. Serenes Police, open up! You're under arrest on charges of liking Fate's story! You have the right to an attorney, the right to remain silent, and anything you say can and will be used against you!Oh wait. That's not what happens. Look, minority opinions, generally, are minority for a reason. In this case, the reason that the story of Fates, especially Conquest, is garbage.
  15. 1. Exchanging of hostages was actually quite common in the Ancient world, as well as in the Middle Ages, and for the Roman Empire and Sengoku Japan in particular. It would be perfectly natural for both sides to exchange hostages. Also Nohr had won a decisive victory but they were still starving and so needed to secure a peace as soon as possible.2. Pre Sumeragi, trading, post Sumeragi, tribute.
  16. Are you deliberately referencing the CSA here? Because, in my mind, political disagreements isn't cause to secede, and if disagreeing over slavery wasn't enough, I pretty much think nothing is.
  17. "The Acts of Union were two Acts of Parliament: the Union with Scotland Act 1706 passed by the Parliament of England, and the Union with England Act passed in 1707 by the Parliament of Scotland. They put into effect the terms of the Treaty of Union that had been agreed on 22 July 1706, following negotiation between commissioners representing the parliaments of the two countries. By the two Acts, the Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of Scotland—which at the time were separate states with separate legislatures, but with the same monarch—were, in the words of the Treaty, "United into One Kingdom by the Name of Great Britain"From Wikipedia. So yep, it was an act of Parliament. And yeah, laws can be changed, but that should be minimized, especially in cases where there isn't any good reason.
  18. Huh. That use of Azura is really freaking interesting. I never thought about it that way. As for Mikoto, though, the problem with that is its Black and Grey morality; Mikoto is just being a colonialist here. It would work, otoh, if Nohr was the explicitly good nation, but that's not the case. And, finally, my problem with Valla at all is that I hate it when FEs blame conflicts on supernatural shit. The ONLY FE villain who wasn't being manipulated by supernatural shit at all was Ashnard, and that's just on normal! Humans are fucking awful anyway, and I want to see FE explore a human conflict. I will give credit where credit is due, though; that's an awesome plot twist.
  19. Define non binding. Because an act of Parliament seems damn binding to me.
  20. I'm talking about Scottish Independance with relation to Brexit. As much as I disagree with the choice, the U.K. is legally allowed to leave the EU.
  21. I strongly disagree that the Nohrian path should be a revolution against Garon. If I chose to side with Nohr, I want to fight for Nohr. If Conquest was about a revolution from the get go, it would be no different from Birthright, and where's the fun in that? I instead propose to have Nohr be fighting for legitimate reasons; kind of like Trabant in Thracia (I say in Thracia because his more sympathetic personality was almost entirely there).
  22. I want this Garon to be a just ruler though; harsh, but just. I'd want this Garon to be hell if you disobeyed him, but benevolent if you obeyed; I think that could be an interesting character.
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