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blah the Prussian

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Everything posted by blah the Prussian

  1. But Independance for independance's sake (self determination, yes) isn't enough. The SNP have yet to provide a good reason for secession. Ukraine, for example, deserves Independance from Russia because Russia committed genocide against them. Scotland and England were bound together by personal union and then by a resolution passed by a for the time democratically elected Parliament. Answer me this: should the Confederates have been indepenndant? Based on the right of self determination they should have been.
  2. Not really. I've never read 50 Shades of Grey. I can still surmise its shit based on the premise alone. I have never watched Batman and Robin. I can still surmise its shit based on trailers and the testimonies of countless reviews.
  3. Because if you establish a precedent where people can secede when they want, at that point the whole country could fall apart and it would all be perfectly legal. You say the people of Scotland want it, but the law cannot be compromised by the will of the people, and "you can't just leave because the goings tough" is one of the most important laws out there. Westminster has no obligation to grant a referendum.
  4. I thought of the Roman Emperor Domitian, but he got Trajan. Then I thought of Louis XVI and he got it right.
  5. As to who's next, I'd say Poland is a good bet, having an explicitly far right ruling party in power.
  6. I'm going to echo the sentiments of the honorable Mr. Jotari and say Path of Radiance. Its gameplay felt quite bland to me, and there wasn't really any chapter that I absolutely love, like, say, 10 for Conquest. Its story I feel is also overrated; Ike isn't all that interesting to me, and all the good things it does get retconned in RD anyway. It felt painfully average for me, especially with... THAT chapter.
  7. So. The topic of how unbelievable shitty Fate's story is is, understandably, a rather large dead horse here. That's why I'm not going to rant about how shitty Fate's story is. Instead, I'll share how I think the story could be improved, thematically especially. 1. The World So I think the biggest thing Fates did wrong was in having some absolutely shitty world building. As many have pointed out, this is the first FE continent without a name. That is inexcusable. So, I hereby christen the continent Valla. Why Valla? Because here, Valla as we know it doesn't exist. It was a shitty plot device, frankly. So: nations! Nohr Where the biggest changes should be. The Nohrian EMPIRE (because kingdoms suck) was once a great Empire, but it was devastated by a massive war as all of its subject peoples revolted. Although Emperor Garon was able to crush this rising, Nohr was hard pressed to recover. Particularly problematically, the war destroyed Nohr's farmland, leading to a massive famine that was only stopped with trade to Hoshido. That, though, is about to change. On the northern border with Nohr is the Great Forest of the Wolfkin. In the far north is the lands of the Ice Tribe. Both the Wolfkin and the Ice Tribe pay tribute to Nohr. Resentment, however, still lingers; both of their rulers tried to break free of Nohr's grasp, and Emperor Garon only brought them back into the fold as part of a bitter campaign after he crushed rebellions within his own territories. Nohr should be much more Roman inspired than before. Why? Because I like that aesthetic compared to the more generic Middle Ages stuff that was going on normally. That's all. Hoshido The Kingdom of Hoshido is also a different beast. Essentially, they were ruled by the Mokushu Dynasty for centuries, but when a King came to the throne who was a tyrant, the people of Hoshido, led by a noble named Sumeragi, rose up and liberated the country, although House Mokushu was permitted to keep their home province to become the Kingdom of Mokushu. Sumeragi then took the next step; he refused to pay Hoshido's food tribute to Garon. Sumeragi offered to sell food, but that was money Garon simply did not have. So it was a that Nohr and Hoshido went to war. Hoshido is bordered to the south by the great jungle, home of the Kitsune. The Kitsune and Hoshido have generally been amiable neighbors, although the Kitsune will occasionally defend themselves from Hoshidan poachers. Hoshido is bordered to the north by the Great Plain. home of the Wind Tribe. The Wind Tribe are nomads, and generally act as a buffer between Hoshido and Nohr. That all changed when Emperor Garon attacked Hoshido to secure more food. In the war that followed, Nohrian forces under Garon decisively defeated Sumeragi's army, and Sumeragi was killed. In the peace deal, Hoshido agreed to pay a small amount of food tribute, to be renegociated in 15 years. They also agreed to a hostage exchange: Prince Corrin of Hoshido to be exchanged for Princess Azura of Nohr. 15 years later, though, as Garon takes his children, including Corrin, to renegociate the treaty, Corrin is abducted by pirates, but rescued by the Hoshidans. Now, he must choose who to support, as negotiations break down and war seems more and more likely. So how is it? Is this a good setup? I wanted to make both sides morally right to focus more on the family struggle, as well as making a point about wars. Let me know what you think!
  8. I wouldn't say that armies play a huge role in terms of geopolitics anymore. Yeah, the army of China dwarfs that of France, but since they both have nukes they won't go to war. In the world of today if you have nukes or are guaranteed by someone with nukes, you're golden. The problem for Britain is that the US will be able to exert even more economic dominance over them. In Europe, they were one of the key economic players. Outside of Europe... well... the "Special Relationship" appears to be going strong.
  9. The U.K. shouldn't be even allowing a referendum. Seccesion is absolutely inexcusable.
  10. Ooh, that Serious Discussion thing hit way too close to home. There are only a few Trump supporters there!
  11. Okay, hold the phone. Let's do a thought experiment here.Imagine that, say, I'm an old Korean woman who's telling you about how Imperial Japan forced her into sexual slavery. Once there, she was forced to endure multiple rapes a day, for years. Then, a Japanese man comes up and says "you're lying, I'm offended." I'm asking because Japan apologism, as with Young Turk apologism, is a serious problem in the modern day. To be clear, the atrocities of Imperial Japan all unambiguously happened. And yet, even today, there is a vocal amount of Japanese society that seeks to deny these victims not only compensation, but even recognition, all because the truth "offends" them. How do you feel about that?
  12. Well that last bit is good news for me at least. :pMore seriously, yep, this sucks. Life is going to be significantly more difficult for all my British friends, as now they're going to have to get a different visa to live in the Czech Republic. Sigh. I must admit I don't understand enough of the economic effects, but I believe that the only way for Europe to remain relevant is through the EU. The Anglophile in me is pissed that the Brits just shot themselves in the foot; seriously Johnson, would you rather surrender a little of your sovereignty to the EU, or the massive amount of sovereignty Britain has surrendered to the US since WWII?
  13. So basically the whole IDF being every citizen (except the Orthodox Jews, but that's another thread) thing. So I'm assuming that the police/army stopped this guy fast here?
  14. From SB's lp? Stupid Earlygame, a horrifically self important story, and an awful level curve near the end. Well I suppose, but then there are plenty of fanga,es better than it that don't get mentioned as much, like, say, Zeta and Omnicron. And then you get the reviewers saying that the story is GOOD...
  15. Well, it's probably the result of a bunch of easy to please internet reviewers. You know, the same people who put Ruby Destiny on top 5 best Pokemon hacks lists.
  16. HOW DARE THEY STEAL THE GREATEST SONG IN POKEMON HISTORY FOR THEIR CRAPPY-ASS HACK? Seriously bough, good luck, and thanks for playing this so I don't have to.
  17. Oh, sorry. I was just looking at POR. As you said, RD has an unfair advantage due to the three tiers.
  18. That's pretty unseeded, though, given that the IDF is powered by mass conscription anyway. Giving civilians access to guns would be a good way to arm the PLO (oh, and by the way, if it's so easy for criminals to get guns, why have the vast majority of terror attacks in Israel been with knives?)
  19. Wait, seriously? I was mostly about hp, but why the fuck does the FINAL BOSS not have the highest stats?
  20. I'm talking about in terms of stats. He has the highest stats of any human character in the series.
  21. Well if you get the idea to have Ukraine summon the Crimean Liberation Army in to stop Putin, don't do it because I did that first. Otherwise... how about having a story about a genre savvy FE villain who's always winning because he doesn't make "rookie mistakes". For example, have him absolutely refuse to work with a shady sorcerer who wants to revive an evil dragon; he knows how that worked out for every other antagonist ever!
  22. Nah, it's still fine to talk about the Black Fang, as the opinion that they were still bastards prior to Sonia and a regal appears unpopular. Regardless, I'm not talking about assassinating this one noble. There are specific circumstances which can make murder justified, like the ones you listed. However, there is no way those circumstances apply in every Black Fang hit. Effectively, they are making judgements on what counts as a corrupt noble, and then killing him or her. It seems to me that that would lead to innocents dying, and this kind of terrorism isn't truly the way to bring about change. That comes from improving the law. To use the slavery example, the only slave rebellion in history that succeeded was Haiti, and it succeeded through outright genocide of all White people. Changing the law, meanwhile, did succeed with no genocide needed. The same applies to the Black Fang. Finally, the difference between them and FE protagonists is that the Lords are all also fighting for countries, if that makes sense, and thus are fighting within the framework of their country's laws. Admittedly I am a legalist, but it's my belief that breaking the law once, no matter how justified, legitimizes further illegal acts. It's better to change it than violate it.
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