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blah the Prussian

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Everything posted by blah the Prussian

  1. Chancellor, actually. But all of what Rommel says is good. Word of advice: they give you a freebie with Kagero, as the Kagero class was an actual class of destroyer in the IJN.
  2. I can see it now... an opening song featuring Sigurd singing about defeating Verdane, with Alec and Noish chiming in to mention how slow Ardan is... Julius's villain song where he sings maniacally about the Child Hunts... Alvis's song about how he has lost everything... and don't forget Barhara, which of course will be Alvis gloating as Sigurd desperately tries to save himself. It will be glorious, I tell you.
  3. Oh no, the infection is spreading! Sanaki defense force, to me!
  4. I really liked this chapter. It's refreshing to see a map where you're assaulting the enemy where the enemy are actually playing defensively; keeping their forces together, luring you into situations where they can crush you on their phase. I usually play by turtle get and luring their troops out one by one by skirting their ranges, so it was great to see a map that forced me to change that strategy.
  5. Adaptation of POR: give Elincia and Ashnard both more of a role; Ashnard at the expense of the Black Knight. Archanea: the major change I'd make here is making the Dragonstones locked, and have Garnef and Medeus be trying to unlock them as their plan. Then have Medeus succeed just before the final chapter.
  6. But didn't you just say you supported a more social democrat style economy?
  7. Bolding it doesn't make it more likely.
  8. Maybe so. Sorry if I went too far.
  9. I was providing a humorously shitposty answer for Soul's question. Is this not what FFTF is all about?
  10. Another self important animal thought it could fuck with humanity and we filled it with lead. That's fucking hilarious.
  11. I will say that the media now isn't nearly as bad as it was during the Spanish-American War; they PROBABLY couldn't cause a war now. But yeah, it's gotten to the point where some sites, like Breitbart, don't even bother to pretend that they're unbiased.
  12. FE1: Peak: Marth pushing away his tears to be strong for his people. A great moment of character growth that makes Marth one of the best Lords in the series. RB: The game doesn't really have a sense of geography. Case in point: the party goes to attack Macedon, fair enough. But then, despite Dohlr being right next to it, they don't reoccupying the country. The enemy in the game generally never DOES anything. It's the opposite problem that FE4 has: while in FE4 gen 1 the villains and only the villains drive the plot forwards, here the heroes just win and win and win without the villains ever changing their strategy. FE3: Peak: Garnef is a splendid manipulator here, unlike in the last game, and he manages to maintain a sense of threat even near the end, which is good. RB: How many maps were recycled. It's dissapointing. FE4: Peak: Trabant's motivations, and his namesake being a crappy East German car. RB: How badly Levin wants you to think Trabant is evil. Also, Eldigan, giving Xander a run for his money as worst Camus. FE6: Peak: Zephiel is the first FE villain who is actually working together with the evil God instead of just being manipulated. It's a welcome change. RB: Zephiel's Freudian Excuse. FE7: Peak: I quite like Pent and Louise. It's r fleshing to have actual adults in an FE game, and I like how Pent is basically a gentleman scientist. RB: No, game, I'm not going to feel sympathy for a bunch of professional killers. The Black Fang were assholes before Nergal by virtue of their job. FE8: Peak: As many have said, Lyon, but for different reasons. He's a scared teenager who was just handed a country to run, AND he finds out that half of it is about to sink into the sea. He has a very human motivation for using dark forces, and I can't say I would have done anything different had I been in his position. RB: Lyon in Eirika's route. Take everything subtle, interesting, and sympathetic about Lyon, and throw it away in favor of a cliche idiot. FE9: Peak: Ashnard isn't the bitch of any dark cults or evil dragons. He's on a mission to make the world bend the knee to his social Darwinian dream, and no one will get in his way. I like him as a good depiction of an ideologue. RB: Hey, why focus on your interesting villain when you can have a villain sue with no character called the Black Knight go around instead? The Black Knight does nothing that Ashnard couldn't do better, and he distracts from the main villain. Add the blatant amount of favoritism the writers gave him, and you have a recipe for a terrible antagonist. FE10: Peak: God I fucking love Sanaki. Although she's hit or miss in POR, here she's at the top of her game, bitchslapping traitorous Senators in the name of Monarchy like a boss. She's arguably the character who suffers the most in the game, from being dethroned and imprisoned, to having to fight for her country, to finding out that her father figure was manipulating her to destroy all life, and she takes it like a champ. Massive props. RB: Well, the Black Knight is back, and they tried to make him sympathetic after he threatened to torture a child in the first game. Christ. FE13: Peak: I like Robin. Strategic geniuses as characters have always appealed to me, and I like the game at least acknowledging my brilliance. RB: Whose bright idea was it to give Plegia 5 chapters? Also, Gangrel invades Ylisse, captures Emmeryn, and then leaves. He doesn't occupy the country, he doesn't destroy the Yllisean army, he just... leaves. And then he loses his army because Emmeryn killed herself. Lovely. Conquest: Peak: The atmosphere of Chapter 25. It really felt like the last stand of a nation like no chapter of its type before. RB: Azura deciding to show the crystal to Corrin only and not, you know, the Nohrian army. Birthright: Peak: Sans Xander, the Nohrian royals actually help you. It was nice to see SOMEONE acting like a real person. RB: Flora.
  13. How do you think this game compares to other FE games? In gameplay? In story?
  14. Sanaki's awesome, don't know what planet you're on. I like to turn the issue on its head: Sanaki is a child genius, hugely mature for her age, benevolent, and takes the strain of ruling over a huge Empire that she's dragging out of its racist path like a champ. Fortunately, she has a character flaw: as is natural for a child raised to believe she's divine, she's spoiled. I actually think she's one of the most realistic characters in Tellius (besides Ashnard) for this reason. As for Ike, though, he's okay. He does have legitimate flaws but being rude to Sanaki, an extremely stupid move, is the only one that really gets acknowledged. Shinon and Gatrie are treated as wrong for wanting to leave despite their objections to Ike being tbh quite reasonable. Its also not clear in the narrative what MAKES him grow into a better leader. He doesn't have a moment like Elincia sacrificing Lucia, or Marth deciding to hold back his tears for his people, he just sort of wakes up one morning as a brilliant leader.
  15. I'm thinking of writing something centered around the Begnion Civil War that happened after Misaha's death, from the point of view of Sephiran leading the Monarchist forces against the Senate. I also have something going into the historiography of the Tellius games.
  16. Hello and welcome back to Pokemon Firered! Last time, we defeated Giovanni in a hilariously one sided battle, and caught Zapdos! This time, we head to the Pokemon League! ...or fight Woodrow. Whatever, I'm always down for kicking the shit out of the man who makes Trump seem like a good candidate! Why? There's only one path to the Pokemon League (though you don't need to take it, as later events will prove) Well, Wilson was a slavery apologist. But enough talk, lets begin. The fight starts with The State going against Woodrow's Pidgeot. The State can't quite take out Pidgeot with Thrash... However, poison damage takes out the last sliver of its health. Guderian makes quick work of Woodrow's Alakazam with Bite, which is still a special move. For once this is beneficial, as Guderian's strong Special Attack stat is in play. Richtofen, of course, makes quick work of Venusaur. I came, I surfed, I conquered. I came, I... shockwaved? I conquered? Doesn't have the same ring to it, admittedly. You know, Woodrow, this isn't one of those other Pokemon games, where there's a finite among of evolution stones. Celadon City is right over there. There is no reason to still have a Growlithe. Bye, Woodrow! Have fun in your secret tunnel which is the only explanation for how you were able to beat the Elite 4 ahead of me! It won't be long now. Next time on Pokemon Firered: Victory Road, and maybe Lorlei depending on how many screenshots I took of Victory Road!
  17. I wasn't saying that an Athiest President would do that, I was saying that that's what a good portion of the public would think n Athiest President would do.
  18. For a good portion of the population? Probably, yes.
  19. Right. Then let's get to work. World: The Continent of Evropa (working name) was once ruled over by two gods: the God of life and the god of death. They ruled equally over the four nations of Lotharingia, to the West, Scania, to the north, Corvina, to the south, and Albae, in the center. The world was in harmony between life and death. It was not to last, however. The Gods slowly but surely left the world, as humans got more and more control. Eventually the air of brotherhood between followers of life and followers of death was broken, and rivalry began to set in. War was inevitable, and it started when Constantius III, Emperor of Corvina, began launching a series of attacks on death worshippers settlements. The Wars of Religion had begun, and they would last 30 years, devastate the continent, and leave death worship all but wiped out. It has been 40 years since that. Most nations have been blessed with strong monarchs, who have led their nations to recover from the devastation of the war. The King of Lotharingia is not that monarch. He continues to live in luxury as his nation wallows in famine. Revolution soon broke out, led by the rebel leader Marius. Marius siezed control of the Capitol and executed the entire royal family, declaring himself Supreme Leader of the Republic. However his hatred of royalty was not sated. And so it was that 40 years after the Wars of Religion the continent goes to war once again, as Lotharingian armies pour into Albae to "liberate" it. So that's tha backstory, I'll put stuff up about the characters later. For now, what do you think about the setup?
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