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Everything posted by Ethlyn

  1. He is the Marth of Awakening. >"I am the descendant of Anri!" >Is actually related to Anri's younger brother Marcellus >"I am the descendant of Ike!" >Is actually probably related to Mist or Ike's never mentioned cousin who looks just like him
  2. Thinks Robin x Lucina/Tharja are laughable ships
  3. Budapest, Budapest...Te csodás!
  4. I have waaay too many to list, considering I nickname them all as a sign of affection and being close to them, but if I had to pick one to mention...It would be my Togekiss. I always have a male one called Felix.
  5. Tomodachi Life and Pokemon Alpha Sapphire.
  6. The Law route is just as fun. You saw that? Well, there is a possibility with the original game out on the iOS.
  7. People have recommended you plenty of good movies, so I am going to try and say something new here : Phenomena / Creepers. ~ It is Dario Argento's movie, starring with the lovely Jennifer Connelly as the protagonist ~ The movie has a great soundtrack (Iron Maiden and Motorhead songs are used for instance) ~ Do you know the SNES game Clock Tower? That game was inspired by this movie
  8. I beat Lunatic Classic a long time ago and I am proud of everybody's and my remarkable accomplishment of beating that thing.
  9. Shin Megami Tensei II is a work of art. You have got fine taste, my good friend.
  10. Angels are neat~

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Starman



      i wish i could draw that good, tragically no.

      But thanks for the compliment!

    3. Ethlyn


      Aw, you are most welcome! Wishing you a happy new year as well! :)

    4. Starman


      Same to you, Ethlyn

  11. ...I think Sara-sama and I will get along just fiiiiine...O3O ...Sara-sama is the taiyou to my ankoku...O3O (Thank you for the friending~ <3) That would be Boktai DS. It...Is an okay game at best. I prefer the GBA ones over it vastly in terms of everything pretty much. (What have you done with my Django and Sabata, K-Konami...TT~TT!)
  12. Hard Casual for me. I'd honestly like best something between Hard and Lunatic, though.
  13. My first one was from White. A little Sneasel from Giant Chasm. Her nature is Modest, but I honestly don't care. I just love that I have a shiny! :D Thanks to Kalos I got a bunch more though.
  14. I got Alpha Sapphire and I am using a little girl Treecko.
  15. Anyone ever heard of Boktai by any chance? If so, please, friend me! :D
  16. Uhhh this computer

  17. I am actually planning to tell everybody here. My horrible computer accident and life experience made me a different woman and I must express it that way.
  18. Yeah...He does not stand a chance against Bowser. Bowser is cool though.
  19. Blue. His character is the closest to my concept of a Pokemon rival. Silver gets bonus points for being interesting and cool, though.
  20. I had no idea...Thank you for informing us!
  21. I nominated Chrom and the Demi-Fiend and...Demi-Fiend already lost. Curse you green Barney! :(
  22. Hey there! Thanks again for inviting me! :) You are a very cautious man. That's a very good trait to have. Now give blood for the blood god o_o Oh my gosh...Is the kitty yours? What a cute and curious fellow! <3
  23. Hello there, good sir. That's a fine Troubadour-Radar you have there. Hi! ^_^
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