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Posts posted by Foxxie

  1. If you want a FE game, listen to Jingle Jangle and then ignore every game that isn't Sacred Stones.

    If you want to play a game with so much style that your pants fall off, play Persona 5.

    If you want to hear me cry about my true gaming love, play Valkyrie Profile.

    Otherwise, keep on doin' what you're doin'.

  2. Sacred Stones is definitely my favorite. Loved the story, the cast, and I found it super enjoyable overall. PoR and RD have a special place in my heart for being my first two and for giving me the improbable RNG goddess that is Nephenee (I don't think others have as much luck with her as I do). Awakening is probably the one I've played most (long plane rides with my 3DS, ahoy), and I still find bits of it that make me smile.

    But I find I prefer my FEs a little more old fashioned. It's why I like Echoes but couldn't get through Conquest.

  3. I spent a pretty long time trying to get into Fates and felt worried that maybe the FE series was going down a path I couldn't really enjoy. But then I picked up this game today on a whim and I'm thrilled. This is a Fire Emblem game!

    I've only played a few hours and I'm already enjoying it much more than Conquest. I'll report back when I reach the end, but for now, this is what I'd been hoping for. I did love Awakening, but I felt Fates pushed too far away from the FE charm I'd come to love. Sure, dungeons are new in Echoes, but they totally fit the precedent of other games with how they're structured.

    Long story short: I'm old and grumpy and Echoes reminded me of my love for the series.

  4. I was going to give it to Thracia, but after two pages worth of thought, I'm going to give it to Binding Blade.

    Thracia is no doubt hard, but it always felt more cheap than truly difficult. It needs a strategy guide because if you go it blind with all of those mechanics, you'll probably hit a wall pretty soon. In the same way I don't consider certain modes in otherwise easy games to qualify (because they're specifically made to be obtuse pains), I don't think a game literally designed to be unplayable without outside help counts, either. It's not hard with a guide, as intended, and it's certainly doable without one if you have patience.

    That left me with Genealogy and Binding Blade. For me, 4 was a culture shock. Gone were the succinct battles in favor of gruelling, huge maps where even the prologue took longer than three Sacred Stones missions. There was castle management and baby-making to think about (okay, that part I could handle thanks to Awakening). All in all, it felt like a FE game that was designed to rework the series and add a depth of strategy without putting it into insane territories. Hard? Yes, but maybe more because it's such different mechanics.

    The title goes to Binding Blade because it's exactly what you expect of a FE game (at least, GBA and GC/Wii offerings) but it's difficult. Bigger maps, RNG that hates you, and (for me) a cast and story that didn't hook me, so the entire reason to continue with the game was just overshadowed by its difficulty level.

    tl;dr everything can be hard if you make it hard but binding blade is pretty hard by itself thanks for your time

  5. I selected Path of Radiance as my first because it was the one I walked into Gamestop for and bought with my own money way back when, then proceeded to play and wholeheartedly enjoy. However, thinking back on it, I did play a bit of Blazing Sword because my cousin had it in his home and never played it, so I took a look at it. It completely failed to catch my interest, and I'm pretty sure I wasn't even thinking of that game when I purchased PoR.

    Regardless, from there I went on to buy Radiant Dawn and Awakening when they came out (don't know why I skipped Shadow Dragon, but I can live with that), and since senior year of high school and into college, I've been emulating the SNES and GBA games, where I fell in love with Sacred Stones and entered a long-term abusive relationship with Genealogy and Thracia.

  6. My friend and I are planning on doing simultaneous playthroughs of SS, and we both want some sort of theme to our runs. We did some research, but are really looking for some (perhaps) off the beaten path variants.

    Here's what we discovered so far:

    Girls Only

    Mounted Only

    (Certain Weapon) Only

    Royals (with or without royal by marriage clause)

    Chess (twins as king/queen, paladins/great knights for knights, magic users for bishops, fliers for rooks, trainees as pawns)

    (Region) Only

    I'm leaning towards a royals run, but I feel like there's gotta be something really creatibe out there. We had been joking about a headgear run or something equally silly, but hey, that's why I came here to ask.

  7. Hey everyone. I was here for a bit way back in 2013 (says my profile, though I can hardly believe it). Still madly in love with Fire Emblem, still care a lot about JRPGs in general, and I remember this site being an amazing community and I really wanted to come back to it.

    So, maybe this isn't the perfect place for a re-introduction thread, but that's alright. Just call me Foxxie, and I'm glad to be back.

  8. Strangely enough, I do actually have a top 5 for this. It's not really so much to do with hotness (since I really don't have a sense for a hotness scale in men) but it goes more in line with design and personality, I think:

    1. Inigo

    2. Frederick

    3. Stahl

    4. Morgan

    5. Brady

    Morgan obviously because adorkable trumps all. Owain and Lon'qu would be higher but for some reason I really don't care for the myrmidon attire too much and that hurts them a little.

  9. And now we're up to twelve people who don't read the story.

    I read the story. Cordy's survivor's guilt was a good hook but nothing ever came of it. In terms of what is actually discussed in supports Sumia edges Cordy out a bit. She's clumsy and she bakes and she doesn't feel that she's as good as Cordelia, or anybody else for that matter. Also, she gets confused and punches Chrom in the face instead of slapping him (not a support, but bear with me). For the most part, all Cordelia does is wish she could be with Chrom and she discusses why she hates being called a genius with the Avatar. Part of me is more intrigued with the backstory for Cordelia and that fuels a lot of headcanon that makes her a lot more likeable in my mind. I really like her, but not so much certain big aspects of her personality.

  10. I got more use out of Cordelia than Sumia, despite her later join time during my first playthrough and I understand that people sometimes don't level Sumia up enough by the time Chapter 7 comes along, so Cordelia would seem like a godsend to those players.

    Anyway, I put Sumia down for personality because even though I don't really like her personality, there's still a lot of it there. Her inferiority complex is much more believable than Cordelia's to me. I like Cordelia more in her supports (at times) than I do Sumia overall (barring her talks with Fred), but there's no doubt that Sumia has the better personality, if that makes sense.

    Cordelia took overall for me.

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