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Posts posted by Foxxie

  1. Foxxie should like, have a dominatix personality.

    This has become a disturbingly common observation for me. Not that I really mind, but it's interesting. A dominatrix paladin seems all sorts of whack.

    And I'm getting a feel for writing Pokémon fic in general, but it's coming along.

  2. I keep thinking Xenosaga made me cry but it didn't. None of the Fire Emblem or Final Fantasy games have, but I still have felt emotions while playing them. Earthbound is another close one but I tend to be pretty steely while gaming or watching movies.

  3. i try to be nice too, but dishonestly is something i do not like to express.

    I'm terribly nice and terribly dishonest. Believe me, it's much better to be mean from time to time if it keeps you honest.

    And Boney, in my opinion, the Mother games play just like a traditional RPG. Nothing too majorly innovative except the story. Gameplay wise they're still good but the biggest thing that sets them apart is story.

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